译林版(三起)六年级上册英语unit7 story time课件(共53张PPT)

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1、,Story time,Unit 7 Protect the Earth,Unit 7 Protect the Earth,Story time,Unit 7 Protect the Earth,Unit 7 Protect the Earth,Guess a riddle,We live on it.,There are many rivers on it.,There are also many trees on it.,There is some air(空气).,There is some rubbish on it.,What is it?,early,on Earth,Earth,

2、Lets learn!,fifth,地球,Is the Earth beautiful now?,Is the Earth beautiful now?,预习检测,Whats wrong with the Earth?,There is,There are,not too much water,a. also,b. a lot of,not too many trees,too many cars,too much plastic,A,B,Tps: too much和too many都表示“太多”的意思。 too much修饰不可数名词, too many修饰可数名词.,Compare: to

3、o much and too many,|,the Earth,Protect,protect,保护,Listen and repeat,Save(节约 )water,Save energy,Save trees,Dont use too much plastic.,_ comes from trees.,听录音,说出四段文本标题各是什么?,能源,Energy comes from _ and _.,Protect the earth,Wood,coal,oil,coal 煤,oil 油,watch and find,Save water,Save trees,Dont use too muc

4、h plastic,能源,Find the four titles(标题).,not use too much,wind,water,Save energy,coat boat,coal,oil,toilet,节约,3,1,2,4,Save energy,Save trees,We should save and water. We should not water. We should save . We should not so much. We should save . We should not cut down too many . We should not use too m

5、any bags or bottles. We should use bags and bottles.,Scan and write,To protect the Earth,what should we do? 为保护地球,我们该做或不该做什么呢?,waste,energy,drive,trees,trees,plastic,paper,glass,water,reuse,Save water,Dont use too much plastic,use again,use too much, do not save,taste,Learning steps:,1.读题中的句子。 2.根据题

6、目在文中找出关键词并填空。 3.小组内试着读一读,组员互相学习。,A.,B.,Save water Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it.,Q: Why do we save water?,Read the first part and underline the answer:,Read and

7、answer,use,careful,useful 有用的,We use water to drink and clean things. We use water to ,Think and say,Try to say,turn off the tap,use too much to,reuse,We should .,We should not .,Save water Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places,there is not much wate

8、r. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it.,Listen and repeat,Tips:听读时注意文中的停顿、重读标记。,Water,Read and judge,Water is useful,so we should not waste it. ( ) We use water to clean the things every day. ( ) There is much water in many places. ( ) We should not reuse the water. ( ),F,F,T,T,有用

9、的,浪费,使用,意同many。many 用于可数名词,much 用于不可数名词,地方,再利用,Save water,Save energy,Save trees,Dont use too much plastic,Read and answer,Q: Where does the energy come from?,Read the second part quickly and underline the answers. 快速阅读第二部分,并用横线画出答案。,来自,Q: Why should we save energy?,Save energy Most of our energy co

10、mes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy.We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.,Energy,Read and choose,Most of the energy comes from_. A. water and soil. B. coal and oil.,2. We should _ and we should not_. save energy; drive so much

11、drive so much; save energy,( B ),( A ),70% coal,18% oil,Energy used in China,?,Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.,Save energy,Solar energy 太阳能,Wind energy 风能,Hydro energy 水能,Nuclear energy 核能,Read and answer,Q: Where does the energy come from?,Read the second part quickly and underline the

12、answers. 快速阅读第二部分,并用横线画出答案。,来自,Q: Why should we save energy?,Save energy Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy.We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.,Cars use a lot of energy.,There is not much coal or oil on

13、Earth.,We should save energy.,We should not drive so much.,Save energy,What else should we do to save energy?,Look and think,go to school by,Save energy Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because cars

14、 use a lot of energy.,Try to read,Tips:小组内自读,注意停顿和重读。,energy,comes from not much We should We should notbecause,Try to say,Tips:小组内自读,然后试着组内提出问题,并回答。,Learn the last parts by yourselves,Tips:小组内自读,然后试着组内提出问题,并回答。,Learn the last parts by yourselves,We shouldnt ,_ comes from trees.,We use wood to make,

15、book look,We shouldnt cut down too many trees.,Wood,Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.,Self-learning,Self-learning,We should not cut down too many trees.,Why?,砍下,Self-learning,We should not cut down too many trees.,Why?,Because trees help keep the air clean (净化空气),Trees,Fill in the blanks,_comes from trees. We use _ to make tables, chairs and many other things. We _cut down _trees because trees help _.,Wood,wood,should


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