北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》PPT课件 (9)

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《北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》PPT课件 (9)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》PPT课件 (9)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 I am taller than Mocky. 北师大版五年级英语上册课件 教 学 目 标 1.掌握本课表示高矮胖 瘦等新词,如tall, short等 2.掌握形容词比较级的 用法 3.会使用表示身高的句 子,如:I amcentimeters high 4.会唱 lets sing部分的 tall and short 这首歌 课 前 提 问 1 How many golden medals(金牌) did China get in the 29th Olympics Games? 2 Who is your favorite sports man?Why? 查一查他的身高、体

2、重、 年龄、获奖数量 课 前 提 问 回忆 1 自己或他人职业的 表达法(四上), 说出be随不同人称 的变化情况。 2 100以内数字表达 法及一般构成方式和规律 3 形容物品特征的词 汇 三 Check your height (身高)和weight(体 重)。 Age (Years old) Height (Centimeter) Weight (Kilogram) Liuxiang Yaoming Phelps 25 189 74 28 226 134 23 193 91 I am the tallest. I am taller than Liuxiang. scale scales

3、calescale Read quietly and complete 2 And then what else happened ? 1 Fill in the blanks Height (cm) Weight (kg) Ann Ken Mocky Activity in pairs 1 Read Where were they? What did they do? How did they check their height and weight? (Firstthen) Who was the tallest/shortest? Who was funny? Why ? 2 Conn

4、ect these sentences with the pictures. Open your books and turn to P 50-51 Listen and read in low voice. 书 1 Act the story. 2 Read the text. 3 Retell the story. One day, Ann ,Ken and Mocky. I was , one day we. Recall Activity Introduce your favorite sports man for us. Compare(比一比) their height ,weight and Are you health? Would you like to tell us your height and weight? Homework Tell the story of today to your parents. Check your family members ages, birthdays, height, weight and the sizes of the clothes, caps, shoes Design a form and fill in it. 归纳总结200以内数字以及形容词比较级和最高级的 一般构成方式及规律。 The End



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