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1、新标准英语四年级上册重点短语和句型(必背)Module 1短语1. read a letter读信2. live in London 住在伦敦 3. on Saturday 在星期天4. a photo of me 一张我的照片5. on my birthday 在我生日那天6. a picture of Zara and me一张我和Zara的照片7. at Buckingham Palace 在白金汉宫8. write to me soon 尽快给我写信(见信速回)9. tell me about China 给我讲讲有关中国的事10. thank you for your letter

2、谢谢你的来信11. happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐12. in April在四月份13. the weather in Beijing 北京的天气14. a photo of and me 一张我和Lingling的照片主要句型1. Where does she live? 她住在哪儿?2. She lives in London. 她住在伦敦。3. It was my birthday on Saturday. 星期天是我的生日。(生日已过)4. We were at Buckingham Palace. 我们在白金汉宫。5. Children from China

3、are Chinese. 来自中国的孩子是中国人。(歌曲中的歌词)6. Children from England are English. 来自英国的孩子是英国人。(歌曲中的歌词)Module 2短语1. clean my room打扫房间 clean- cleaned2. finish my homework完成作业 finish-finished3. wash my trousers洗裤子 wash-washed 4. help my mum帮妈妈干活 help-helped5. cook noodles下面条 cook-cooked6. help him帮他忙 help-helped7

4、. phone Grandma给奶奶打电话 phone-phoned8. watch TV看电视9. paint a picture画画10. play the flute吹笛子11. play with me跟我玩12. listen to music听音乐主要句型1. Yesterday, I cleaned my room. 昨天,打扫了(我的)房间。2. I washed my trousers. 我洗了裤子。3. Then I helped my mum. 然后,我帮妈妈干活了。4. Yesterday, Mr. Smart cooked noodles. 昨天,Smart先生下了面

5、条。5. Tom helped him. Tom帮他忙。6. Ms. Smart phoned Grandma. Smart老师给奶奶打电话。7. Sam watched TV. Sam看电视。8. Amy painted a picture. Amy画了一幅画。Module 3短语1. at half past six 在六点半2. on Mondays 在每个星期一3. walk to school 步行上学4. learn English and Maths.学习英语和数学5. learn these things学习这些东西6. National Day 国庆节7. play with

6、 her toys玩她的玩具8. on Sundays在每个星期天9. play football in the park在公园里踢足球10. ride my bike骑自行车11. stay at home呆在家里主要句型1. Lingling didnt get up at half past six. 玲玲没有在六点半起床。(昨天)2. And she didnt walk to school. 她也没步行上学。(昨天)3. She didnt learn English and Maths.她没有学习英语和数学。(昨天)4. On Sundays, I usually play foo

7、tball in the park.星期天,我通常在公园踢足球。5. But I didnt play football yesterday. 但我昨天没有踢足球。6. I usually ride my bike. 我通常骑自行车。(在每个周日)7. I stayed at home.呆在家里。Module 4短语1. Chinese people 中国人2. invent important things发明重要的东西3. invent paper发明纸4. invent printing发明印刷术5. print books and newspapers印刷书和报纸6. print th

8、is newspaper印刷这张报纸7. look at this picture看这张图片8. look at the man on the bicycle看骑自行车的这个男人9. invent this bicycle发明自行车10. in 1839在1839年主要句型1. Chinese people invented paper.中国人发明了纸。2. Chinese people invented printing.中国人发明了印刷术。3. I printed this newspaper.我印了这张报纸。4. He invented this bicycle in 1839.他于18

9、39年发明了这辆自行车。Module5短语1. a school trip 一次(学校组织的)校外活动2. go to the Great Wall 去长城3. climb to the top爬到顶上4. see lots of mountains看到很多山5. eat biscuits and apples吃饼干和苹果6. had a good time度过了美好的时光(玩得开心、过得愉快)7. buy you a present/ buy a present for you 给你买了一个礼物8. a picture of the Great Wall一张长城的图片9. go on a s

10、chool trip进行一次校外活动10. go ice-skating 去滑冰11. wear warm clothes穿着暖和的衣服12. wear trousers and a sweater穿着裤子和毛衣13. fall over摔跟头14. learn to skate学习滑冰主要句型1. We went to the Great Wall.我们去了长城。2. We saw lots of mountains.我们看到了很多山。3. We ate apples.我们吃了苹果。4. We had a good time.我们度过了美好的时光。5. We bought you a pre

11、sent.我们给你买了一个礼物。6. Yesterday, we went on a school trip.昨天,我们举行了一次校外活动。7. We went ice-skating. 我们去滑冰。(昨天)8. I wore warm clothes-trousers and a sweater. 我们穿着暖和的衣服裤子和毛衣。9. First, I fell over. 起初,我摔了跟头。10. Then, I learnt to skate. 然后,我学会了滑冰。11. I didnt fall over again! 我不再摔跟头了。Module 6短语1. have a paintb

12、rush 有一支画笔2. paint food 画食物3. help people 帮助别人4. take Ma Liangs magic paintbrush抢走了马良的神笔5. paint gold with the magic paintbrush用这支神笔画金子6. take Ma Liang away 把马良带走了7. go to sea 出海8. come back回来主要句型1. This old woman didnt have food.这个老婆婆没有食物。2. The bad man didnt help people.这个坏蛋从不帮助人。3. The magic pain

13、tbrush didnt make gold. It made a snake.神笔没造出金子来,而造了一条蛇。4. The magic paintbrush didnt help him.这支神笔没有帮他。5. He took Ma Liang away. 他带走了马良。6. But he didnt come back. 但是他再也没有回来。Module 7短语1. break your toy 弄坏你的玩具2. see a scary thing 看见了可怕的东西3. see a monster on the TV在电视上看到一个怪物4. want to eat the children

14、想要吃小孩5. run away逃跑了主要句型1. Did you fall? No, I didnt. 你摔了吗? 不,没有。2. Did you see a scary thing? Yes, I did. 你看到可怕的东西了吗? 是的。3. The monster wanted to eat the children.怪物想要吃小孩。4. The children ran away.孩子们逃脱了。5. The monster didnt eat the children.怪物没吃到小孩。Module 8短语1. come to China来到中国2. come for the music competition为这次音乐大赛而来3. last Wednesday上星期三4. win a gold cup赢得金杯5. practice a lot 多多练习6. win a competition 赢得比赛7. go to the zoo去动物园8. see lions and tigers看到狮子和老虎9. go out外出10. stay at home呆在家里主要句型1. When did they come?他们何时来的?+2. They came last Wednesday.他们上周三来的。3. What did


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