新译林 7AUnit8 Reading 1优秀课件(共36张PPT)

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1、Reading,7A Unit8,Pre-reading,Review some words about clothing,tie boots scarf jeans trainers,purple grey green red brown,Who gives the fashion show?,What do they show?,A special fashion show,While-reading,Who gives the fashion show?,What do they show?,Task1 Answer some questions after skimming the t

2、ext,Read,Simon,Clothes:,a pair of grey trousers,Looks smart,a red and grey tie,a purple shirt,Amy,A yellow cotton blouse,looks cool,Clothes,A pair of blue jeans,a blue scarf,Daniel,Clothes:,a blue T-shirt,looks cool,a pair of blue jeans,Sandy,Clothes:,A black wool skirt,Looks modern and beautiful,A

3、pair of red boots,a red silk blouse,g. Welcome to our fashion show.,b. Simon wears clothes from the 1980s.,a. Amy looks cool.,d. Sandy wears clothes from the 1990s.,e. Daniel looks smart and modern.,f. Can you give us your ideas?,c. We hope you enjoy it.,Task2 Put the sentences into the right order,

4、g,b,a,d,e,f,c,(Line 10) clothes are from? I am wearing popular clothes from the 1990s. We hope you enjoy the show.,(Line 15) and red. He looks very colourful.,(Line 16) She looks cool. She is wearing a yellow cotton blouse and a pair of blue jeans,(Line 20) the 1990s. She is wearing a black wool ski

5、rt, long red leather boots and a red silk blouse,Task3 Guess the meanings of the words after scanning the text,(Line 28)of colourful trainers. I think trainers are very comfortable,be liked by many people,wish,with a lot of colours,a kind of shoes that you wear for running,having good bodily relaxat

6、ion(放松),wish,with a lot of colours,a kind of shoes that you wear for running,be liked by many people,having good bodily relaxation(放松),cotton wool leather silk,sheep animal skins plants silkworms,hope,希望,wool,羊毛,leather,皮,皮革,silk,丝,丝绸,trainer,(软底)运动鞋,comfortable,舒服的,舒适的,hup,wul,le,silk,trein,kmftbl,

7、Vocabulary,colourful,色彩艳丽的,klfl,cotton,棉,棉布;棉花,ktn,popular,受欢迎的;流行的,ppjl,Task4 Finish Part B2,Read,Task5 Complete the table,cotton,1980s,looks,Colourful,boots,popular,Cool,Modern,comfortable,raise,Paragraph 2,Simon is wearing a pair of _ trousers, a _ shirt, a _ and _ tie.,white,purple,yellow,red,Si

8、mon,Paragraph 3,Does Amy look colourful? Is she wearing a T-shirt? Do young people like to wear jeans?,Amy,No,No,Yes,Yes/No,Paragraph 4,What is Sandy wearing? When was her hair style popular?,A black wool skirt, long red leather boots and a red silk blouse.,In the 1990s.,Sandy,Paragraph 5,Daniels cl

9、othes are black and white.,Daniel,Daniels shoes are called trainers.,Young people like to wear trainers.,T / F,F,T,T,Read with the recording,Read,Post-reading,Task6 Describe the pictures,clothes from the 1980s tie: yellow and red shirt: purple trousers: white shoes: black colourful,Simon,He wears Hi

10、sis/are He looks,scarf: blue blouse: yellow cotton jeans: blue shoes: blue cool,Amy,She wears Heris/are She looks,clothes from the 1990s skirt: black wool boots: long red leather blouse: red silk hair style: the 1990s beautiful,Sandy,sports clothes: blue and yellow trainers: colourful smart modern,D

11、aniel,different fashions in different times,Task7 Talk about QQ show,Present,pair work,tie scarf coat trainers,purple grey brown,cotton wool leather silk,colourful cool smart ,What about our classmates?,Task8 Design and describe,New Years Day is coming. I want to take part in a party to see my friends on that day. It is a party for young people. But I dont know what to wear.,Group work,You can wear,Different occasions Sum-up,write,Group work,Goodbye,Task,1. 朗读课文完成书后B1,B3,C 2. 找出段落间的过渡句next 3. 课后划出文中词组和句型及疑难之处,


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