译林版(三起)六年级下册英语Unit8 Our dreams(Story time)

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《译林版(三起)六年级下册英语Unit8 Our dreams(Story time)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版(三起)六年级下册英语Unit8 Our dreams(Story time)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、六下 Unit 8 Our dreams (Story time)一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会读、会说care about,astronaut,spaceship,football player,World Cup,dancer,pianist,come true2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写dream,future3. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a/an 4. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下进行复述,并能使用本课句型练习做一张卡片。二、教学重难点:(一)教学重点1. 能听懂、会

2、读、会说、会写dream, future2.能听懂、会读、会说、会写What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a/an (二)教学难点能正确理解、朗读和复述对话内容,并能使用本课句型练习做一张卡片。三、教学准备1. 板书课题:Unit 8 Our dreams2. 本课板书的卡片等。3. PPT课件。四、教学过程Step1 Enjoy an English song1.T:Just now, we enjoyed a song. Can you tell me what do they do?2.Do you know other j

3、obs?Step2 Pre-reading1.Greetings2.Free talk:There are many jobs in the world.T:When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher.Now my dream comes ture.What do you want to be in the future, *?PPT图示Teach: dream Teach: come true3.T:Do you have a dream?Can you tell me your dreams?So,this class lets learn Uni

4、t8 Our dreams,OK?揭题T:Whats your dream? What do you want to be in the future?S1: I want to be a/an 师问2-3人4.T:Oh,I know some dreams of yours.Look at the picture, Miss Li is asking the students about their dreams. What do you know from the picture?生看图,自由说。5.Who are they? (师板书名字)Step3 Whi-reading1.Teach

5、: astronaut,dancer,writer,pianist,football player,dentistFrom you preview, how many dream jobs do you know? Which are the new jobs?Can you choose one to read?1)What does “dancer”mean?2)Teach: football player in the same way2.图片T:How to ask the students dream?3.T:What are their dreams?Do you want to

6、know?First ,watch the cartoon and number the words.Check the answer.拓展 T:Can you say more about astronaut?4.Read and underline1)T:OK,what do they want to be? Please read the story and find the key words.2)Boys dreamsWhy do they have these dreams? Read the text and underline the reasons.Teach: care a

7、bout, fly a spaceship to the Moon, play in the World Cup 看表格指名说一说Im .I want to be a , I want to 3)How about the boysdreams?4)GirlsdreamsFrom the passage, we knew the boys, we can call them “Who”.We knew the boys dreams, we can call them “What dream”.We knew the dreams reasons,we can call them “Why”.

8、This time, you can learn the girls dreams buy yourselves.You can learn with the three aspects.重点理解三句话,看表格指名说一说Im . I want to be a , because My friend want to be a, because 5.T:We know about the childrens dreams.What about Miss Lis dream? So,What do you think of Miss Li?6.Lets read1)跟录音读 2)选择喜欢的方式读3)

9、指名读7.Think and write做书上80页Step3 Post-reading1.Lets talkMiss Li wants to see your dreams come true. To make their dreams come true, what should the children do? Can you give some advice to them?2.Lets make :make a dream card3.Lets show: Show the cardStep4 Homework:Talk about your dreams with your fri

10、ends and parents.板书:Unit 8 Our dreamswho what dream why howMike dentist help children with their teethWangBing astronaut fly a spaceship to the moonLiuTao football player play in the World CupSuHai dancer Dancing makes people healthy .Nancy writer write stories for childrenYangLing pianist Music mak

11、es people happy.Miss Li see the studentsdreams come true 教后反思:本节课的教学内容是译林版英语六年级下册Unit8 Our dreams的Story time。在导入环节,先让学生听唱一首歌What are their jobs?,从职业的导入,由自己的梦想want to be a teacher过渡到本课的教学。句型的操练形式多样,比较到位。在学习新单词的教学中,我让学生先预习,再出现图片让他们自主选择读,发音比较到位,由此可以看出学生的预习工作比较到位。同时运用英语进行名词的解释,如:A dancer means who can d

12、ance well. A dancer means who is good at dancing.学生的兴趣比较浓,也愿意说。在读宇航员这一单词时,进行拓展,说说你知道的宇航员。在处理Story time文本的教学中,通过三个环节:Watch and number, Read and underline, Think and write.进行课文内容的理解。在Watch and number环节中,我采取了让学生通过观看对话理解课文的大意,学生们在说的时候运用句型:*wants to be在第二个环节Read and underline的学习中,此环节通过让学生读,划出理由的方式来对文本进行深

13、入细致的理解,考虑到文本较长,在检查的时候我把它分成了Boys dreams和Girlsdreams两部分,Boys dreams理解时是通过老师的“扶”,用师问生答的方式进行学习,学习时对其中的三个短语care about, fly a spaceship to the Moon, play in the World Cup 进行了一些拓展。Girlsdreams理解时则是通过“放”,学生通过我的教学方法自主学习。在最后一环节think and write 中,学生边读边做,效果不错。 在对语言进行输出时,我设计了Lets talk,Lets make和 Lets show三个环节,在Let

14、s talk环节,主要是让学生帮助李老师给她的学生提些建议,在说的过程中,学生不会,因为我没有给他们充足的时间,没有及时关注学生的思维。以后在教学中,要留给学生思考的空间,同时可以让学生进行讨论,进而进行表达,相信他们会说得更好。坚持让学生有机会表达。做梦想卡片环节,他们都写完了,让他们贴到了dream wall上,但是读的比较少,下一节课可以继续把小练笔充实,同时可以配以图画。总之,这节课的设计还是比较清晰的,但在具体的细节方面还有待加强。自己的英语口语不行,往往在学生说了一句话后,我不知道怎么往下接,平时自己也要多学习。同时放慢自己的语速,要做到轻重缓急,抑扬顿挫,让学生理解语言。多给学生思考的时间,关注他们的思维,使他们的听说读写都得到发展。


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