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1、新疆昌吉玛纳斯县第一中学2018-2019学年高二英语上学期期中试题满分:100分 时间:100分钟第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节, 满分30分)第一节 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)AA rabbit and two ducks were good friends. They used to meet on the bank of a river and play together. One day the ducks told the rabbit that they had found a carrot farm on the other bank of the river.

2、The rabbit was excited and quickly asked for the help of his friends to cross the river, reach the farm and enjoy the carrots. The ducks agreed to carry him across the river.They made a wonderful plan to cross the river. The two ducks entered the river and stayed close to each other. The rabbit care

3、fully got on their backs and stayed still. Then the ducks slowly swam across the river, staying close to each other. The rabbit cautiously stayed on top of the moving birds.Right before they reached the center of the river, the ducks suddenly saw a large number of fishes swimming together. In the ex

4、citement of finding a delicious meal in the water, the ducks quickly swam to either side to catch the fishes. They forgot about the poor rabbit on their backs, who fell down into the deep river as the ducks moved away. The ducks remembered their job only after they finished their meal. However, by t

5、hat time the poor rabbit had already drowned (淹死). The foolish ducks were sorry to miss their good friend. From this short story, we know love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which is shown it in action. 1. The rabbit was excited because . A. the ducks would bring him some g

6、ood foodB. the ducks would prepare a good meal for him C. there was good food on the other bank of the riverD. he would be able to play on the other side of the river 2. The underlined word “cautiously” in Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”.A. bravelyB. carefullyC. exactlyD. fluently 3. Which of the fol

7、lowing is TRUE according to the passage?A. The ducks played a trick on the rabbit. B. The ducks were too tired to carry the rabbit. C. The rabbit was drowned because of his carelessness. D. The ducks forgot their job when they saw the fish.DA few years after my grandmother passed away, my grandfathe

8、r let me dig through their old photos. I found a picture that interested me. My beautiful grandmother was dressed nicely, smiling with joy against the ocean. I showed the photo to my grandfather, and a smile appeared on his face. He told me how my grandmothers life was when my former grandfather had

9、 left her. Her children, including my mother, were very young. My grandmother was forced to move back with her parents and support her family with hardly any income (收入). But through all the suffering, she never got sad. When things would go from bad to worse, she would call her girlfriends, get dre

10、ssed up, and go to the ocean for the day. Things finally turned around, and she remarried. My grandfather helped raise her children.That night in bed at my grandfathers house, I looked at this photo for hours. I considered what it must have been like for her when her husband went to the grocery stor

11、e one day and never returned. I thought about how lonely and scared she must have been. But in that photo, I saw none of those feelings. I only saw a beautiful woman entirely enjoying herself and the wonderful beauty around her.I brought the photo home with me, and I keep it at my desk while I follo

12、w my dreams. When things start to get difficult, I see my grandmother saying to me, “Go call your girls, get dressed up and enjoy life!” It reminds me of my gifts and why I am here. When I return to my desk, I am happy, ready to deal with my destiny (命运) once again.4.Why did Grandmother invite her g

13、irlfriends to the ocean?A. To catch fish to support the family.B. To have a swim with her friends.C. To forget her worries in life.D. To take a photo of her playing. 5.Which of the following words can best describe Grandmother?A. Lonely.B. Scared.C. Upset.D. Positive. 6.What did the writer learn fro

14、m her grandmother? A. Family comes first all the time.B. Enjoy life whatever happens.C. Support each other in the world.D. Depend on yourself when in trouble.CThe man, George Ballas, who found an easier way for people to cut grass and weeds, died in Houston on June 25th. He was 85 years old.George B

15、allas was born in Louisiana. He joined the army at 17. He served in the Second World War and the Korean War. Then he became a dance teacher in a dance school. In the 1950s, he built a dance studio of his own in Houston, and it was the biggest in the world at that time. But he sold the studio in 1964

16、.By the early seventies, he was on to the next big thing. An idea occurred to him when he washed his car. He watched the needle-like bristles (刷子毛) of the brushes as they went round and round against his car. Could a similar tool be used to cut grass instead of pushing a lawn mower (割草机)? To find out, he placed lengths of fishing line through holes in a tin can. He


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