译林版(三起)三年级上册英语Unit7 Would you like a pie Story time

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《译林版(三起)三年级上册英语Unit7 Would you like a pie Story time》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版(三起)三年级上册英语Unit7 Would you like a pie Story time(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品教案3AUnit7 Would you like a pie?Story time教学设计 一、教学内容本单元围绕“分享食物”这一话题展开,让学生学会分享食物的习惯用语,如:Would you like? What about?及其回答。本课重点是让学生掌握五个有关食物的单词a sweet, a hot dog, a pie, a cake,an egg,并且能用这些单词进行对话交流。二、教学目标1.知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读单词a sweet, a hot dog, a pie, a cake,an egg 能听懂、会说、会读句型“Would you like? What about?

2、以及应答语“Yes, please.”和“No, thank you.”。明白如何征询别人的意见。 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语“Nice to meet you.”并进行回答。2.能力目标:能够用英文征询别人的意见和自己的愿望。3.情感目标:培养学生养成分享美好事物的良好品质。三、教学重难点1.能听懂、会说、会读单词a sweet, a hot dog, a pie, a cake,an egg2.能听懂、会说、并且能正确运用句型“Would you like? What about?以及应答语“Yes, please.”和“No, thank you.”。四、教学方法根据对教材的分析和起

3、始年级学生的年龄特点,本节课我采用直观法、情景法、小组合作法的教学方法。坚持以“话题”为核心,以听、说、读相结合的方法安排教学。五、教学准备PPT、食物卡片六、教学过程Step1 Warm up 1、 Greetings Good morning.2、Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.Today we have some new teacher here. Lets say “Nice to meet you!” to them.S: Nice to meet you .(PPT呈现句子)T领读解释Step2 Presentation(1)1.处理生词a sw

4、eet, a hot dog, a pie, a cake,an eggT:Look,whats this ?(PPT出示一篮子)S:篮子。T:Yes,its a basket. And whats in it ?Do you want to know?S:Yes.T:Dang,Dang,DangIts here.Lets have a look together. OK ?T拿出一苹果T:Whats this ?Teach: an appleT:Hello,xxx. Would you like an apple ?(对一生说)S: Yes, please.T: Here you are.S

5、: Thank you.2.同理教学a sweet, a hot dog, a pie, a cake,an egg(边教学边播放过PPT至食物满为止)Step2 Presentation(2)Story time1.处理左半图T:Look , we have lots of food here. So we can have a picnic .Lets have a picnic.OK?S: OK.T: Oh, who are having a picnic ,too? Lets say their names together.S: WangBing, LiuTao, YangLing,

6、 SuHai.T:Oh,look. Whos coming?S:Mike and Helen.(PPT)T: Helen is new here. So can you guess how Mike introduce her to his friend? S: (猜)This is my sister Helen.T: Is she/he right? Lets listen to the tape.(听录音检查)T:Yes,youre right.For this is the first time to see Helen. What can they say to her?S:(猜)N

7、ice to meet you.(听录音检查)T:Great!So Helen say “Hi” to them,Yes?S: Yes.The way: (1)Read after the tape (2)work in pairs2.处理右半图T: Oh, they come to join them to enjoy the nice food.(一) Watch and choose1. What food do they offer Helen?2. What would Helen like?(二) Read and find1. How do they offer Helen a

8、pie and a cake?(处理What about? 句型。生回答后,师板书,带读,连读。然后PPT上出现含义和提示,让学生读What about a cake?这个句子,然后再跟录音读这个句子,再请学生模仿读。) Helen的回答在此过程中简单带掉。2. What is Helens response? (主要处理“No, thank you.”听录音跟读句子。)Step3:Consolidation1.Lets readRead after the cartoon2.Read by themselvesa. read togetherb. read in roles3. Lets a

9、ct(1)4. Lets act(2)故事续编:野餐结束后,你邀请Helen去你家做客,你和家人怎么招待她呢?请你想想编一编。5.T: Now we know we can use these sentences to have a picnic or to treat someone in your house. Do you know any other occasions we can use these sentences? You can say it in Chinese.(生答,当学生最后说到生日聚会时,)T: Today is a girls birthday. Guess.

10、Who is she?(生猜不出,就缩小范围,在哪一组,或者直接告诉他们)T:Yes, its Li Yaoyaos birthday today. Come here, please.(请这个孩子站到中间)T: I have a present for you. Would you like a cake?(Yes, please.) Now , wear the crown cap, please. Happy birthday, Li Yaoyao.(Thank you.) Lets say Happy birthday to her.(生齐说Happy birthday, Li Yao

11、yao.)T: Would you like to share your food with her?(Yes.) (生单个上台分享食物)T: Oh, Li Yaoyao, youve got so much nice food, are you happy? (Yes.)师问众生 Are you happy today?(Yes.)T: Im very happy , too. Lets sing Happy birthday song to her.T: Boys and girls .Look, We are friends.We share our food together.We a

12、re so happy! Happiness is to be with friends.Happiness is to share with friends.Step4: Homework1.Read the dialogue after the tape2.Try to act the dialogue out教学反思 本单元围绕“分享食物”这一话题展开,让学生学会分享食物的习惯用语,如:Would you like? What about?及其回答。本课重点是让学生掌握五个有关食物的单词a sweet, a hot dog, a pie, a cake,an egg,并且能用这些单词进行

13、对话交流。 在经过试听课后,通过姜老师的指点,我重新对教学环节进行了取舍,遵循把交际语言贯穿整个教学的原则,让学生一直在情境中感受语言的实际运用能力。 由于“Would you like?”“ Yes, please.”这两句交际语已经在上个单元接触到,所以由此作为切入口学生很容易接受,当我提着篮子拿出各种食物并且询问学生是否要时,既吸引了学生的眼球,又引发了学生内心的表达。这样就轻松的在旧知中学完了单词部分的新知。在评课中,有些老师提出这块内容是不是速度过于快,或者可以拼读一下新单词等意见,我一定会虚心接受,加以改进。 接着由图片及主人公等人引出story time 的学习,这部分我也分成两

14、部分教学。一是左半部分,通过引导学生回顾如何介绍人,如何介绍人等旧知,引出新知交际语,让学生处于情景中感受。二是右半部分,通过一些细节问题处理交际语,并对新句“what about”进行操练。 在接下来的巩固与操练中,可能模仿读这块还需要花比较多的时间,以便在表演时学生的语音语调能更接近于录音。在知识的拓展与延伸方面,我设计了三个活动,一个是“朋友到家做客”,一个是“朋友过生日”,另一个是开放性活动“互赠食物”。这三个活动都跟分享或者赠予有关,都可以运用当天所学来进行交际,并在情感上得以提升,我们拥有,我们分享,我们之所以快乐!最后一个活动也达到了活动的高潮,教学在快乐的气氛中完成,知识在悄然中挂在口边,师生融为一体!在本次教学中,收获满满,对于细节的处理,对于文本的把控与着重,对于课堂的组织与调控,对于师生关系的融合等等都是一次历练。在思考中成长,感谢给予意见的老师及姜老师的指点,非常感谢!8


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