北师大【一起】小学英语四(上册)《unit 5 our town》PPT课件 (4)

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北师大【一起】小学英语四(上册)《unit 5 our town》PPT课件 (4)_第1页
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1、Unit5 Our town,Teaching aims:,1.理解句型Where is the movie theater,please?Its near/next to/behind/in front of the train station等的意思和用法。 2.看懂简单的地图,会运用句型Wheres the Its 进行简单的英语问路和指路。,Guide1: Look at the following map carefully,work out dialogues using “Wheres the”and “ Its” 认真看下面的地图,用句型“Wheres the”和 “ Its”

2、编对话。(对话不少于三组,同桌互相练习),Example1: Where is the supermarket? Its near/next to the train station. Example2: Where is the school? Its in front of the movie theater. Example3: Where is the swimming pool? Its between the park and the train station.,Guide2: To know the meaning and usage of “excuse me” “go st

3、raight” “turn left” and “turn right”. 了解词组“excuse me” “go straight” “turn left” 和 “turn right”的意思和用法。,excuse me 打扰一下,Go straight 直走,Turn left 向左转,Turn right 向右转,Guide3: Learn to ask the way and direct the way. 学习问路和指路。,Talk Together Jack: Excuse me. Wheres the movie theater, please? Policeman :Go st

4、raight and then turn left. Its behind the school. Jack :Thanks a lot. Policeman :Youre welcome.,练习: 1.写出下列单词的汉语意思. movie theater_ town_ train station _ park_ swimming pool_ zoo _ supermarket _ map_ 2.看图补全对话. a.-_? -Its next to the train station. b.-Where is the supermarket? -_? c.-Where is the swimming pool? -_?,


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