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1、 Unit 1 How tall are you? Period 1 Section A Lets learn Do a survey and report P5教师寄语:(I study English , Im happy.)Learning aims(学习目标)1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。2.能认读句型:How tall are you ? Im 1.61meters.Youre older than me.Important &difficult points(重难点)重点:掌握形容词比较级的构成。难点是;How t

2、all are you ? Im 1.61meters.Youre shorter than me.的理解和运用。导学探究Step1 : 预习温故(用时5分钟)请正确读出下列单词,并说出它们的汉语意思(展开小组比赛,看谁记的短语多)1.young_2.old_3. tall_4.short_ 5. long_6. thin_ 7. how many_8. how old_Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)1. 请两个孩子到讲台上T:How old are you?S1: Im 11years old. T: You are young. (板书young)S2: Im 12 year

3、s old. T: You are young, too.T: Who is younger? S1: Im younger(板书younger)T: Who is older? S2: Im older.(板书old_older) T: Yes, S1 is younger than S2. S2 is older than S1.T: Say Im tall.(做手势) S1: Im tall. S2: Im tall,too (板书tall)T: Who is taller? Who is shorter? Ss:S1 is taller , S2 is shorter.老师再拿两把长短

4、不一的直尺教会longer, shorter,than.2. 使用准备好的单词卡片巩固新单词和学习meter。Eg: one meter, two meters, 1.61 meters, 4.76meters3. T:How tall are you? S:Im T: Help the students to answer :Im meters. T:Say A is taller than B. B is shorter than A.4. 小组反复操练以上句型。5. Lets learn page 5. 听录音,仿读单词和对话Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1. 领读L

5、ets learn 中的句子。并纠正读音。2. T:How tall is Zhang Peng? S:He is 1.61 meters.T:Who is older Zhang Peng or John? S: Zhang Peng.T: Zhang Peng is taller and older than John. 3灵活运用所学单词句子。4.Complete :Do a survey and report.(学生反复操练) 老师们:在今后的每一节课都要灵活运用所学句型,请学生造句,要具有培养学生的创新意识。Step 4. 达标检测(用时5分钟)一、.读单词,选图片。(多 选)A.

6、younger B. taller C. shorter D. older E. longer 1._ 2. _ 3. _二.按要求写单词。1.写出下列词的比较级。young _short _ tall _old _long_ nice_fine_2.meter(复数)_foot (复数)_mouse (复数)_ 三、情景会话:根据情景选择句子。( ) 1. 我有1.61米高可以说: A.I am 1.61 meters. B.I am 1.61 meter.( ) 2. 你比我大,可以说:A.You are old than me. B.You are older than me.( ) 3

7、. 你比我矮,可以说: A.You are shorter than me. B.You are short than me.四、 找出栏中与栏中相对应的答语,把标号填入提前括号。( ) 1. How are you? A.I have fifteen.( ) 2. How tall are you ? B. Im 15 years old.( ) 3. How old are you ? C. Im fine.( ) 4. How many books do you have? D. Im 1.49 meters.学后反思:叫学生总结(用时分钟)Step 5.安排当堂作业1. 课后默写younger, older, taller, shorter, longer, thinner than ,meter2. 课后背诵p5 Lets learn板书标题 Unit 1How tall are you?Lets learn Do a survey and report p5板书内容设计:younger older taller shorter longer How tall are you ? Im 1.61meters.Youre older than me.教学反思: 3



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