五年级英语(下册) Unit 2 Lesson10 A walking in Beijing教案 冀教版(三起)

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1、Lesson 10 A Walk in Beijing一、教学目标: 1、知识技能: (1)掌握四会单词slow, slowly, quick, quickly. (2) 能正确使用slow, slowly; quick, quickly并且造句。 (3)能把所学内容提升到实际生活的对话当中去应用。 2、能力目标:Tell a funny story of your trip to the class. 3、情感目标:根据课文内容“在北京街道散步”,Danny在过马路时的对话。培养学生对过繁华街道时应注意和了解的内容,培养学生良好的行为习惯。因此,在教学中加强助人为乐,尊老爱幼的道德情操,增强

2、了他们的爱国情操。二、教学重、难点:1. 形容词变副词的方法及用法。2. 能力的提升,对话表演三、教具准备:单词卡片 录音机 磁带 图片 幻灯片四、教学过程:一 Greetings: Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? How do you feel? Students: I feel happy! T: There are many teachers. Do you feel scared? (摘苹果,然后领读scared) Now, look, therere many apples. If you answer a que

3、stion, you can choose one apple. 二 复习新授 (一)引入 T: OK. Now I know everyone likes to sing a song first. Lets sing a song, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Stand up and follow me. (sing the song of stop, look, listen, think) T: What do you listen? What can you see? S: There are many cars, buses, a policeman, children, a

4、road T: Yes. There is a street. Now, look at blackboard. Here is a street in Beijing. Can you guess : what does the street has? S: Yes. It has a restaurant, many cars and buses. S: It has many trucks, bicycles, children and people on the street. S: (教师把学生想象出的人物以及交通工具,建筑物等粘贴在街道上或者街道旁,看图复习一遍图片上的单词,教师带

5、学生读一遍) (二)看图(黑板上学生们想想出来的图画)师生对话练习,新授 T: Now, look at the picture. Can you make a sentence with quick or slow? S: The cars and bicycles are quick. S:The people are quick. S:The children are slow. S:The buses and trucks are slow. T:Good. The cars are quick.(板书) The children are slow.(板书) (复习slow, quic

6、k) T: What are the children doing? S: They are walking (down the street). T: Yes. Theyre walking. The children walk slowly. (板书) The cars are slow. The cars go quickly. (板书) (领读slowly, quickly, 学生一个个的读,并且背着拼读,并且造句,可以是黑板上的例句) T: Now, look me! I am jumping. Am I jumping slowly or quickly? Ss: Youre ju

7、mping slowly. T: Can you jump? Ss: Yes, I can. T: Please jump quicklyrun slowlyfly quickly(带学生做动作,边说边坐) Very good! Boys and girls, What do you find? When do we say quickly or slowly? (由学生找规律,自己说出方法,然后教师在通过课件总结出规律) (三) 练习: T: Now, lets play a game and practice!(出示幻灯图片,学生连词成句,看图造句,对学生进行奖励,发苹果) T: Grea

8、t! Everyone does a good job. Who has an apple, come here please. (连词组句,将苹果背面单词的排列好成为一句话,在带大家重温一遍今天的重点句型;然后按照他们站的位置,把苹果正面翻过来,师问:Does everyone have a happy apple? Does everyone have a sad apple? Does everyone have a scared apple? (复习everyone, 为下节课打好基础。) 三 阅读课文,对话表演 (一)听音回答问题: T: Now, I feel happy. Are

9、 you happy? Ss: Yes, I feel happy, too. T: Do you know,how does Danny and Jenny feel? Lets listen and answer! (先让学生读一下一会将要回答的问题,让学生有目的的去听课文,然后回答问题。) (二)跟读课文:(一遍) (三)设置情景,布置编对话任务,小组合作 Make up a dialogue :(you can choose one ) 要求: use “slowly”and “quickly” in it (一)人物:family members and salesclerk 地点:

10、 at the zoo 内容: watch animals:panda, tiger, rabbit, lion, fish, bird, monkey and so on. (二)人物:an old woman and young children 地点: near our school 内容: go to school and cross a street 五、 布置作业: Homework: 1. Write down what do you know, when you cross the street. 2. Write down your funny story with pictures. 六、板书slow slowly scaredquick quickly七、课后反思: 3



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