Section 2 The Cranial Nerves(脑神经)-医学资料

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1、SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 1 Section2TheCranialNerves 脑神经 I Olfactoryn 嗅神经 II Opticn 视神经 III Oculomotorn 动眼神经 IV Trochlearn 滑车神经 V Trigeminaln 三叉神经 VI Abducentn 展神经 VII Facialn 面神经 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 2 TheCranialNerv

2、es 一嗅二视三动眼 四滑五叉六外展 七面八听九舌咽 十是迷走十一副 再加舌下十二全 VIII Vestibulocochlearn 前庭蜗神经 位听神经 IX Glossopharyngealn 舌咽神经 X Vagusn 迷走神经 XI Accessoryn 副神经 XII Hypoglossaln 舌下神经 Oh oh oh totouchandfeelverygreenvegetables AH SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 3 Introduction A Classification

3、oftheCranialNerves1 Sensorynerves 感觉神经 I II VIII 2 Motornerves 运动神经 III IV VI XI XII 3 Mixednerves 混合神经 V VII IX X SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 4 Introduction B ComponentsoftheCranialNerves1 Sensory afferent fibers 感觉 传入 纤维 1 generalsomaticsensoryfiber GSA 一般躯体感觉纤

4、维 skinnerveendings 皮肤神经末稍 musclespindles 肌梭 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 5 Introduction 2 specialsomaticsensoryfiber SSA 特殊躯体感觉纤维 visual 视 hearing 听 balanceorgans 平衡 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 6 Introduction 3 generalviscerals

5、ensoryfiber GVA 一般内脏感觉纤维 allviscera 全部内脏 4 specialvisceralsensoryfiber SVA 特殊内脏感觉纤维 olfactory 嗅器 andtaste 味器 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 7 Introduction 2 Motor efferent fibers 运动 传出 纤维 1 generalsomaticmotorfiber GSE 一般躯体运动纤维 musclesoftheeyeandtongue 眼外肌和舌肌 System

6、aticAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 8 Introduction 2 generalvisceralmotorfiber GVE 一般内脏运动纤维 smoothmm 平滑肌 cardiacmm 心肌 glands 腺体 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 9 Introduction 3 specialvisceralmotorfiber SVE 特殊内脏运动 skeletalmusclesderivefrombranc

7、hialarch 源与鳃弓的骨骼肌 I鳃弓 咀嚼肌II鳃弓 面肌III VII鳃弓 咽喉肌 胸锁乳突肌 斜方肌 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 10 I TheOlfactoryNerve 嗅神经 SVA olfactorybulb 嗅球 olfactoryfilaments I 嗅丝 cribriformforamina olfactorycells 嗅细胞 withintheolfactoryepitheliumofnasalcavity 在鼻腔内嗅区上皮 anosmia嗅觉丧失 hyposm

8、ia嗅觉减退 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 11 II TheOpticNerve 视神经 SSA rodcells 视杆细胞 conecells 视锥细胞 ganglioniccells 节细胞 II opticchiasma 视交叉 opticcanal 视神经管 photoreceptorcells 感光细胞 totalblindness全盲 bipolarcells 双极细胞 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUn

9、iversity 12 TheOculomotorNerve 动眼神经 GSE GVE midbrain 中脑 脚间窝 IIIsuperiorbranch 上支 superiorrectuslevatorpalpebraesuperioris 上直肌 上睑提肌 inferiorrectusmedialrectusinferioroblique 下直肌 内直肌 下斜肌 superiororbitalfissure 眶上裂 IIIinferiorbranch 下支 strabismus斜视 损伤 眼睑下垂 瞳孔扩大 眼球转向外下 复视 sphincterpupil ciliarym 瞳孔括约肌 睫

10、状肌 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 13 TheOculomotorNerve 动眼神经 GSE GVE SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 14 TheTrochlearNerve 滑车神经 GSE midbrain 中脑 背侧 IV superioroblique 上斜肌 sup orbitalfissure 眶上裂 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCo

11、llege QingdaoUniversity 15 TheTrigeminalNerve 三叉神经 GSA SVE V maxillaryn 上颌神经 ophthalmicn 眼神经 mandibularnerve 下颌n pons 脑桥 lacrim n 泪腺 frontal 额 n nasociliary 鼻睫 n 眶上神经 lacrimalgland 泪腺 鼻背 腔 筛窦 眼球 Vganglion 三叉神经节 额皮 infraorbital 眶下 n sup alveolar 上牙槽 n auriculotemporaln buccal 颊 n lingual 舌 n inf alve

12、olarn 眼口间皮肤 上牙 牙龈 颞部皮肤 颊部皮肤 粘膜 舌前2 3一般感觉 Taste 舌前2 3味觉 mental颏n 下唇皮肤 lowerteeth下牙 牙龈 masticat brs 咀嚼肌支 mastic mm 咀嚼肌 trigeminalneuralgia三叉神经痛 trigeminalnerveblock三叉神经封闭 鼓索 下颌舌骨肌N Zygomaticn 颧神经 颧部皮肤 滑车上神经 VII SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 16 TheTrigeminalNerve 三叉神经

13、 GSA SVE SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 17 TheTrigeminalNerve 三叉神经 GSA SVE SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 18 TheTrigeminalNerve 三叉神经 GSA SVE V1 V2 V3 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 19 TheAbducentNer

14、ve 展神经 GSE pons 脑桥 VI lateralrectus 外直肌 strabismus斜视 diplopia doublevision 复视 sup orbitalfissure 眶上裂 SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 20 CNI TheOlfactoryNerve SVA olfactorybulb I olfactoryfilaments I olfactorycellsCNII TheOpticNerve SSA opticchiasma II ganglioniccells

15、 bipolarcells rod conecellsCNIII TheOculomotorNerve GSE GVE superiorbr superiorrectus levatorpalpebraesuperioris inferiorbr inf rectus medialrectus inferiorobliqueCNIV TheTrochlearNerve GSE midbrain IV superiorobliqueCNV TheTrigeminalNerve GSA GVA SVE ganglion1 ophthalmicn V1 lacrimaln lacrimalgland

16、 frontaln supraorbitaln frontalskin supratrochlearn frontalskin nasociliaryn nose eyeball ethmoidalsinus SummaryofCNI VI SystematicAnatomy DeptofAnatomy MedicalCollege QingdaoUniversity 21 2 maxillaryn V2 infraorbitaln skinbetweeneyeandmouth zygomaticn zygomaticskin pterygopalatinen nasalcavity palatine tonsil superioralveolarn superiorteeth3 mandibularn V3 auriculotemporaln temporalskin buccaln buccalskinandmucosa lingualn anterior2 3partoftongue inferioralveolarn mentaln mentalskin inferiortee



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