八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第5页
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《八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四课时 SectionB 1a 2e Unit9 Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum 课文呈现 知识讲解 第四课时 SectionB 1a 2e 词汇听写 课堂导入 1a 1b 课堂小结 课后作业 课堂练习 同学们 上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗 现在大家来检验一下 点击下面的音频开始听写吧 Haveyoueverbeentothefollowingplaces theBird sNest theGreatWall thePalaceMuseum theTerracottaArmy Matchthepictureswiththenames 1a theTerracottaArm

2、y theGreatWall theBird sNest thePalaceMuseum c a d b Listentoastudentinterviewingaforeignstudent Check thequestionsyouhear 1b HaveyouvisitedthePalaceMuseum HaveyoubeentotheGreatWall HaveyoubeentotheBird sNest HaveyouseentheTerracottaArmy HaveyoutriedChinesefood Boy1 So Peter howlonghaveyoubeeninChin

3、a Boy2 I vebeenherefortwoweeks butI mgoingbacktoAustraliatomorrow Boy1 Haveyoutraveledmuch Boy2 Yes Ihave I veseenmanyinterestingthings Boy1 HaveyouvisitedthePalaceMuseum Boy2 Yes Ihave Iwenttherelastweek Itwaswonderful Thereweresomanybeautifultreasures Boy1 AndhaveyoubeentotheGreatWall Boy2 Oh yes

4、Ilovedit butthereweretoomanypeople I vealsobeentotheBird sNest 1b Boy1 Wow great DidyougoanywhereoutsideBeijing Boy2 Yes IwenttoseetheTerracottaArmyinXi an Itwasfantastic Boy1 OK HaveyoutriedChinesefood Boy2 Oh yes IloveChinesefood Boy1 Doyouhaveafavoritedish Boy2 IloveBeijingDuck It ssodelicious Bo

5、y1 Thankyouforyourtimeandhaveasafetriphome Boy2 Thankyou 1c Listenagainandtakenotes Name Country HowlonginChina Placesvisited Food Peter Australia twoweeks thePalaceMuseum theGreatWalltheBird sNest inBeijing theTerracottaArmy inXi an BeijingDuck Boy1 So Peter howlonghaveyoubeeninChina Boy2 I vebeenh

6、erefortwoweeks butI mgoingbacktoAustraliatomorrow Boy1 Haveyoutraveledmuch Boy2 Yes Ihave I veseenmanyinterestingthings Boy1 HaveyouvisitedthePalaceMuseum Boy2 Yes Ihave Iwenttherelastweek Itwaswonderful Thereweresomanybeautifultreasures Boy1 AndhaveyoubeentotheGreatWall Boy2 Oh yes Ilovedit butther

7、eweretoomanypeople I vealsobeentotheBird sNest 1c Boy1 Wow great DidyougoanywhereoutsideBeijing Boy2 Yes IwenttoseetheTerracottaArmyinXi an Itwasfantastic Boy1 OK HaveyoutriedChinesefood Boy2 Oh yes IloveChinesefood Boy1 Doyouhaveafavoritedish Boy2 IloveBeijingDuck It ssodelicious Boy1 Thankyouforyo

8、urtimeandhaveasafetriphome Boy2 Thankyou 1d Whatplaceshaveyoubeento Askyourpartner Haveyouvisited Haveyoubeento Haveyouseen Haveyoutried A HaveyouvisitedtheWestLake B Yes Ihave No Ihaven t A HaveyoubeentoShanxi B Yes Ihave No Ihaven t A HaveyouseenDisneycharacters B Yes Ihave No Ihaven t A Haveyoutr

9、iedIndianfood B Yes Ihave It sgood No Ihaven t 2a WhatdoyouknoworwanttoknowaboutSingapore Discussitwithyourgroup Iwanttoknowaboutitslocation population transportandspecialthings 2b Readthearticle HowmanyreasonscanyoufindforvisitingSingapore Ithink Inmyopiniontherearefourreasons First peopletherespea

10、kEnglishandPutonghua SoIcantalktothemwithoutanyproblems Second Ilikedeliciousfood Therearedifferentkindsoffoodthere Third IwanttogototheNightSafari Fourth thetemperatureisalmostthesameallyearround IcanchoosetogotherewheneverIlike MakingnotesAfterreading writedownthreeormorethingsyouhavelearned Wealw

11、aysrememberthingsbetterifwetaketimetoreflect Singapore APlaceYouWillNeverForget HaveyoueverbeentoSingapore Forthousands oftouristsfromChina thissmallislandinSoutheastAsiaisawonderfulandsafe placetotakeaholiday Ontheonehand morethanthreequarters ofthepopulationareChinese soyoucansimplyspeakPutonghuaa

12、lotofthetime Ontheotherhand SingaporeisanEnglish speakingcountry so it salsoagoodplacetopracticeyourEnglish HaveyouevertriedChinesefoodoutsideofChina Maybeyoufearthatyouwon tbeabletofindanythinggoodtoeatwhenyoutravel InSingapore however you llfindalotoffoodfromChina youwon thaveanyproblemgetting ric

13、e noodlesordumplings Singaporeisalsoanexcellentplacetotrynewfood Whether youlikeIndianfood WesternfoodorJapanesefood you llfinditallinSingapore Mostlargecitieshavezoos buthaveyoueverbeentoazooatnight SingaporehasaNightSafari Itmightseemstrangetogotoazoowhenit sdark However ifyougotoseelions tigersor

14、foxesduringthedaytime they llprobablybeasleep Alotofanimalsonlywakeupatnight sothisisthebesttimetowatchthem AttheNightSafari youcanwatchtheseanimalsinamorenaturalenvironmentthaninanormalzoo OnegreatthingaboutSingaporeisthatthetemperatureisalmostthesameallyearround Thisisbecause theislandissoclosetot

15、heequator Soyoucanchoosetogo wheneveryoulike spring summer autumnorwinter And ofcourse it snottoofarfromChina thousand a znd num 一千 知识点 1 eg Thiscostthemfivethousanddollars 这花了他们5 000美元 表示具体 准确的数目时 hundred 百 thousand 千 million 百万 等数词后不加 s 也不与of连用 易错点 考向一 典例 Lastyear Ivisitedachemical 化学的 factoryinBa

16、ise andtherewereabout workersinit A sixthousandsB sixthousandC sixthousandsofD sixthousandof 点拨 本题考查数词的用法 六千名工人 的表达为sixthousandworkers thousand后不加 s 也没有of B 考向二 当hundred thousand million等数词与of连用 表示非具体的数目时 词尾必须加 s 构成固定词组hundredsof 数以百计的 thousandsof 数以千计的 millionsof 数以百万计的 易错点 典例 Unluckily peoplewerekilledintheearthquake 安顺 A twothousandsB thousandofC twothousandsofD thousandsof 点拨 本题考查数词的用法 thousand前有具体数字时其后不加 s thousand后跟of表示非具体的数目时 其后要加 s D 巧记hundred thousand million用法 模糊数字两有 有s 有of 具体数字两无 无s 无



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