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1、辽宁省凤城市第一中学2020届高三英语上学期第一次月考试题命题人:高三外语组 校对人:高三外语组第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThis 11-day travel will bring you a lot of fun.Day 1:Arrive Ushuaia. Get ready to board the expedition ship on the afternoon. After you have settled into your cabins, we sai

2、l along the famous Beagle Channel.Day 2-3:As we sail across the Drake Passage, the ships lecturers will be out with you on deck to help you distinguish an amazing variety of seabirds in the sea. The boats open bridge policy allows you to join our officers on the bridge to learn about navigation, wat

3、ch whales, and enjoy the view along the journey. Our lecturers will accompany you ashore as you experience your first meeting with the penguins and seals on Day 3.Day 4-8:Sailing through the narrow passage into Deception Island, youll have the chance to swim in the hot spring of Pendulum Cove. King

4、George Island, the largest of the South Shetland Island, features colonies of nesting penguins, gulls, and other seabirds. If ice conditions allow, we will navigate some of the worlds most beautiful waterways, the Lemaire Channel-a narrow passage between towering rock faces and spectacular glaciers.

5、Day 9-11:We leave Antarctica and head north across the Drake Passage. You are welcome to join our lecturers and naturalists on deck as we search for seabirds and whales and you can enjoy some final lectures. Take the chance to relax and reflect on the fascinating adventures of the past days on the w

6、ay back to Ushuaia.Price: Adult: $4600 and student(10 to 16 years old): half price, including: 10 nights aboard ship, all breakfasts and lunches, lectures, and several landings on the Antarctic Peninsula.More information: you can call 01273823700 or click .21. What will the ships lecturers probably

7、tell you?A. knowledge of navigation B. characteristics of penguinsC. the various types of whales D. the differences between seabirds22. What is the destination of the travel?A. Ushuaia B. Antarctica C. The Drake Passage D. Deception Island23. How much will be charged if a couple with their seventeen

8、-year-old son wants to take the travel?A. $11500 B. $4600 C. $9200 D. $13800BIts thought that 5 trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in our oceans.Both mammals and fish benefit from clean oceans. It is reported that more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in our ocean every year, and

9、 nearly half of the plastic we produce is single-use only.This shoe brand, however, is riding the wave of change and is on a mission to help clean up our waters and rid the sea of plastic bottles that can take up to 400 years to break down. Vivobarefoots newest footwear uses recycled plastic materia

10、ls and has created an education program that spreads awareness about how harmful plastic is for sea life.Every pair of shoes is made up of 17 plastic water bottles taken from the ocean and turned into a sustainable, comfortable pair of shoes, which are also healthy for your feet. And while not every

11、one can take part in ocean cleanups, choosing little ways we can to give back to our planet goes a long way.Vivobarefoots new products include a variety of high-performance styles such as casual sneakers, running shoes, and hiking boots. The brand hopes that its latest initiative (首创精神) will help le

12、ssen the indifference to pollution and how harmful it is for all living beings.In the future, Vivobarefoot hopes to increase their production of shoes created from sustainable materials, and thankfully, they are now one of many brands that aim to increase environmentalism and educate communities on

13、how global warming affects everyone.This year, theyll add more recyclable and traceable materials into more than half of their production line, and they have plenty of creative developments in the works as well.The shoes also have a health benefit. Based on the concept that wider, minimally designed

14、 shoes enable our foot to function at maximum potential, wearers also experience better balance and sensory input. 24.How does the author make his point convincing?A. By making comparisons. B. By telling a story.C. By giving examples. D. By listing figures. 25.What is Vivobarefoot doing to help with

15、 the marine creatures?A. Donating money to buy food for them. B. Producing more shoes from sustainable materials.C. Keeping the oceans free from plastic bottles.D. Raising public awareness of recycling and reuse.26.What is probably Vivobarefoots operation philosophy?A. Environmentally-friendly B. Service-centreredC. Money-saving D. Customer-focused27.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Vivobarefoots new products havent been released.B. Vivobarefoot is the most popular shoe brand in the world.C. Vivobarefoot is the first company to find the new function of


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