北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》word教案 (5)

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《北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》word教案 (5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》word教案 (5)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(北师大版)五年级英语上册Unit 5 Im taller than Mucky 第二课时教学目标:知识目标:1.语音:能够准确地读出字母Aa,Ee在重读闭音节中的发音。2.词汇:能够掌握并运用形容词short, long, small, big, tall, heavy, old, young, fat, thin的比较级和最高级以及单词height, weight, weigh, centimeter, kilogram3.运用句型How much do (I) weigh? (You) weigh (42) kilograms. How tall (am I)? You are 149

2、centimeters tall. (Ann) is taller than (Mocky). (Dad) is the tallest. 技能目标:1.能够在实际情境中询问和比较自己或他人的身高、体重。2.通过完成Listen to this的练习,锻炼学生的听力。情感态度目标:通过比较、看图等一系列的训练,让学生明白做事要细心。教学重点:掌握形容词比较级和最高级的用法,并能够在实际情境中加以运用。教学难点:1.让学生意识到形容词比较级和最高级的3种变化规则。2.从听力材料中摘取有用的信息,正确完成习题,培养听的技能技巧。教学准备:测身高、体重的尺子和称、调查表格、教学卡片、教学课件等教学过

3、程:一、Warming-up:1. Greetings.2.Listen and practice(1)过渡:Look at the screen. There are two words.教师点击课件,呈现单词:bed和cat,Can you read them?引导学生读出单词。(2)体会字母e和a在重读闭音节单词中的发音。 指单词bed,When you read this word, you make your mouth small. (领读两遍/e/, /e/, bed)指单词cat, When you read this word, you make your mouth big

4、. (3)Play a game.T:Now, I will play a game. Ill say some words. When you hear /e/, you can say ONE. When you here, you can say TWO. Clear?教师说单词:red, egg, fat, dad, cat, seven(4)引导学生读单词教师点击课件,Now, lets look at some words. 教师出示单词,引导学生朗读。(5)练习句子教师点击课件,呈现整句话,点击声音,让学生跟读。(6)依次完成其余句子。3.Review the dialog(1)

5、过渡:Now I tell you. Today Ken and Ann take Mocky to the town center. What are they doing? Look! (教师点击课课件,呈现Ann测量身高的图片)Oh, they are checking their height and weight.(2)教师出示课件,呈现Ann的图片,点击课件,问:How tall am I? 课件上呈现句子。 教师引导学生观察图片后回答。要回答完整句。 呈现单词卡片:centimeter 教师领读后,指生读。(3)呈现Ken的图片,点击课件,问:How much do I weig

6、h? (呈现单词卡片:weigh) 教师引导学生观察图片后回答。要回答完整句。 呈现单词卡片:kilogram 教师领读后,指生读。二、Talk together1.呈现Talk together:(1)过渡:(教师点击课件,呈现Mike量身高、称体重的图片)Look, this boy is Mike. He is checking his height and weight. What did he say? Listen.(2)听录音。(3)跟录音朗读。(Now lets repeat.)2.教师示范:(1)过渡:Ken, Mike, and Ann have known their h

7、eight and weight. I want to know, too. (教师走到尺子面前,边比划边说)Who wants to measure me? (2)请一名学生来量教师的身高,教师问:How to ask? (如果学生能够说出来,则教师直接问。否则,要教一教问句。)How tall am I?然后,让学生来回答。教师在实物投影上作记录。(3)教师量学生的身高:Now let me measure you.在学生的实际高度处画一条线,写出学生的身高数,问:How to answer her/him?3.组织学生量身高,测体重。(1)过渡:Do you know how much

8、you weigh and how tall you are? Now lets check.(教师出示单词卡片:check your height 和check your weight,把它们贴到相应的位置上去。)You only have two minutes. Hurry up!(2)学生分组量身高、测体重,教师巡视。4.汇报:(1)指量身高的小组,提问:How tall are you? (引导一名学生回答,提示其余学生在白纸上作记录You can write the number on the paper。教师在黑板上作记录。)再问另一名学生,并记录。指着两个人问:Who is t

9、aller? 出示单词卡片:taller,并板书。领读,并引导学生回答。教师板书: is taller than 指第三人,问:How tall are you? 并询问:Who is the tallest? 出示单词卡片:tallest,领读,并引导学生回答。教师板书: is the tallest.再指一组,这次问:Who is shorter? Who is the shortest?(2)用同样的方法提问测体重的小组,比较:Who is heavier? Who is the heaviest? (板书)三、Words to learn1.学习bigger、biggest(1)教师出

10、示一个套娃,介绍:Heres a beautiful girl. Her name is A. (2)比较:再出示一个稍大套娃,Look, heres another one. Her name is B. Which one is bigger, A or B? 在黑板上板书单词bigger,并用手势帮学生理解,领读。(3)最高级:出示第三个套娃,2.寻找规律:(1)教师呈现课件,出示形容词及它们的比较级和最高级。点击声音,引导学生跟读。(2)引导学生观察,找一找形容词变比较级和最高级的规律。(Now, look at these words. 仔细观察,看一看,后面的词是怎样变过来的?)(

11、3)汇报总结。第一部分是加上了er、est,第二部分是双写了最后一个字母后加上了er,est,第三部分是变y为i加er,est。2.试一试:(1)教师呈现其余形容词:fat, thin, old, young, small, long, happy(你能为这些单词也加上er,est吗?)(2)小组讨论完成。(3)汇报:(4)跟录音朗读单词。四、Listen to this1.过渡:You are great. So, Anns family wants to play a game with us. 教师课件呈现Ann一家的照片,2.引导学生观察图片:Look at the picture.

12、Tell me who are they?3.判断:Now Ill say something about the picture. You check the correct answer.(出示小手套,展示T和F)True or False. True means yes, false means no. Are you ready?Mom is taller than Dad. (教师戴手套,展示True or False? )Ann is shorter than Ken.Mocky is the oldest.Dad is the youngest.4.引导学生完成练习:Now, y

13、ou will judge some sentences in your book. Open your books turn to page 52. Look at the bottom of this page. Listen to this.5.听三遍录音,判断。The first two times, finish the exercise.Now, lets check.6.订正:The first one, true or false?7.评价:Who is all right? You can get three stars. If you are satisfied with

14、yourself, you can get two stars. 如果你觉得你有了进步,You can get one star.五、拓展延伸:1.过渡:You are clever. Now lets look at some picture.教师点击课件,呈现三幅图片,引导学生观察。2.教师示范:指其中一幅图:Look at this picture. Who are they? I know A Erfa is the youngest. You Hao ran is younger than Wang Sha sha.点击课件,呈现一些比较级或最高级的句型。3.引导学生小组讨论:Can you say more sentences? We can talk in your group.学生讨论,教师巡视。4.汇报:六、作业:教师点击课件,呈现表格。Todays homework is finish this form and complete these sentences.你可以量一量你父母或者好朋友的身高或体重,填好这个表格,然后,写出一些句子。板书:Unit 5 I am taller than Mockyshortshorterthe shortestbig bigger the biggestheavyheavierthe heaviest


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