三年级英语(下册) Unit 4 Food and Restaurants教案 冀教版(三起)

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《三年级英语(下册) Unit 4 Food and Restaurants教案 冀教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语(下册) Unit 4 Food and Restaurants教案 冀教版(三起)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 19 : I like Fruit!一、教学目标(1)听懂会说单词apple , pear, orange , watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,(2)听懂会用句子:How many _ ? There are_(数字)What do you like? I like _.二、教学重点、难点 1、教学重点:(1)听懂会说apple , pear, orange , watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four

2、teen, fifteen,(2)听懂会说How many _ ? There are_(数字)What do you like? I like _.2、教学难点听懂会说apple , pear, orange , watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,How many _ ? There are_(数字)What do you like? I like _.及相关句型。三、教具有关本课水果的图片及幻灯片、音机。四、教学过程1、复习以前学过的有关食物的单词。Bread chicken cookies dumplings

3、eggs fruit juice meat noodles rice soup drink eat (采用拼读方法)教师出示图片让同学进行拼读练习。2、新授(1)出示挂图或幻灯片,apple , pear, orange , watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,(2)教师指着图上的水果或实物与同学对话。 (3)同学二人之间对话练习 (4)教师边读单词边在黑板上进行板书:apple , pear, orange , watermelon, (5)介绍句型How many _ ? There are_(数字)(6)播放课文

4、录音,让学生看书跟读。(7)Class closing Lets sing a song: Delicious FoodLesson20:Hamburgers and Hot Dogs一、教学目标(1)听懂会说单词 hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream, may, welcome(2)听懂会用句子What would you like?Id like _.May I have one? Sure. Thanks。 Youre welcome.二、教学重点难点(1)听懂会说hamburger, hot dog, donut, ice cream ,may, w

5、elcome(2)听懂会说有关What would you like? Id like _. May I have one? Sure. Thanks。 Youre welcome.三、教具(1)有关本课的教学挂图或幻灯片。(2)hot dog, donut, ice cream, hamburger图片。(3)录音机。四、教学过程1、复习bread chicken cookies fruit juice meat milk sandwich soup教师出示图片与学生问答练习。2、新授(1)出示实物或挂图学习新单词。(2)围绕四个单词(hamburger, hot dog, donut, i

6、ce cream)师生进行对话练习。教师扮演售货员,学生扮演顾客。然后师生互换角色。S1: What would you like donut?T: donut, please. Id like donut.(3)游戏:猜单词,看一看哪个同学反应最快,回答最准确。 Lesson21: In the Restaurant一、教学目标(1)听懂会说单词 数字1620。(2)听懂会用句子:What would you like ? Would you like some tea?I would like some _.二、教学重点难点(1)听懂会说单词16-20(2)听懂会用句子:What woul

7、d you like ?Would you like some tea?I would like some _.有关的句型。三、教具有关本课餐具的挂图或实物,录音机。四、教学过程1、复习数字120让全班每个学生数120,然后让他们一个接一个站起来,按正确顺序每人说出一个数字。2、新授(1)出示实物或挂图学习新单词。 (2)同学二人之间对话练习。 (3)教师边读单词边在黑板上进行板书 (4)教师扮演饭店服务员与学生对话: (5)听录音学生看书跟读。Lesson 22 : How much is it?一、教学目标听懂会说并会灵活运用 How much is it?How much for one

8、 _? _ yuan.Ill take _, please. Thank you.二、教学重点、难点听懂会说How much is it? How much for one _? _yuan. Ill take _, please. Thank you.及正确使用。三、教具(1)有关课文里出现的hot dog donut 图片。 (2)有关课文的课件。 (3)录音机。四、教学过程1、复习以前学过的句型及单词。2、新授(1)让学生扮演售货员帽子与教师展开对话:教师走到同学面前问:T: How much for one donut?Ss: One yuan.T: Oh, one yuan.(琢磨一

9、下) Ill take twelve, please.教师板书:How much for one _?Ill take _, please.教师领读几遍。(2)同学二人用How much for one _?Ill take _, please.展开对话。(3)听录音,同学看书跟读。(4) Lets sing . Do you know the donut man?(5) Class ClosingLesson 23: How Much Are They?一、教学目标:1 认识词汇any 2学习新句型How much is/are the _?能运用新句型。二、教学重点、难点:学生能了解字母c

10、,y 在单词中的发音极其规则。句型How much is/are the _?三、教具准备:一些食物,录音机。四、教学过程:1、Class opening and review 边唱边复习食物词汇2、Practice in pairs How much for one _? _ yuan. Ill take _, please.3、New conceptsHow much is the _? How much are the _?Demonstrate 教师示范拿起一件东西,先用How much for one _? 来提问价格,然后再用新句型How much is the _? 来提问价格。

11、使同学们明白这两句话的意思相同。Drill板书新句型并操练。Demonstrate 继续演示买东西,教师指着一对东西说:How much are the _?使同学们理解要问多的东西的价格应使用这一句型,板书新句型并领读.Compare让同学们比较这四个句型,然后再说一说。How much are the _? How much for one _? How much is the _? How much is it?2. letters and sounds.3、Class closingLesson 24: A little monkey教材分析 :本课属于阅读课,学生可以通过本课的练习培

12、养自己的综合能力。使学生更深的感受英语氛围。设计理念: 在本课讲授过程中,主要通过看光盘来实现,大大加强视频效果。以至于降低难度从而提高学生学习英语的兴趣。一、教学目标1、 认读单词:pick fruit peach hurt watermelon2、 掌握句型:Me too. Would you like some fruit? I hurt my leg. Time for supper.二、教学用具 教学卡片 光盘 三、教学过程(一)、师生互相问候。(二)、新授单词pick fruit peach hurt watermelon1、教师做出“摘”的动作,说出“pick”学生和老师一起做。

13、2、同样的方法讲授“hurt”3、教师出示“peach”“watermelon”的图片,然后读出单词。4、教师总结:“They are fruit.”由此引出“fruit”领读这四个单词。(三)、播放本课光盘。1、播放第一遍光盘,学生大概了解本故事的内容。 (英语故事对于三年级的学生有一定难度,所以先让学生看一遍光盘,让学生感觉像是在观看动画片而不是在学英语。)2、播放第二遍光盘,在播放的同时,让学生跟读简单的句子:I am hungry. Would you like some fruit? Yes ,please! Thank you ! lets play! Where is fruit?3、播放第三遍光盘,教师对复杂的句子: Ill get some fruit for you. Ill pick some. I hurt my leg. Time for supper.进行讲解并领读。4、播放第四遍光盘,对本课内容进行整体熟悉。(再放第四遍光盘时,学生对本课内容已经比较熟悉,也就可以跟着光盘朗读了。)(四)拓展练习



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