最新2019-202年人教(PEP)四年级下册英语期末测试题 (2)

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1、学 校 班 级姓 名考 号 ( 新PEP 版) 四年级下册(英语)期末试卷订线装 听力部分(40分) 一、 听录音,找出你听到的图片,并将其编号用圆圈圈起来。(12分) 1 2 A B A B 3 4 A B A B 5 6 A B A B 二、听录音,给图片编号。(16分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据你在录音中听到内容,在下表中打“”。(12分)sunnysnowyrainycloudywindyAksuBeijingLhasaHarbin Shanghai Kunming 笔试部分(60分)四、 看图片,选单词(8分) ( ) ( ) ( )

2、( ) A. Carrot B. socks C. scarf D . sheep E. umbrellas F. glasses G. hen I. skirt( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、读一读下列单词,选出每组中不同类的单词。(7分)( )1、A.sheep B.cheap C.cow D.hen ( ) 2、A.eleven B.thirteen C.fifty D.fish( )3、 A.cloudy B.socks C.sunny D.warm( )4、 A.lunch B.dinner C.breakfast D.carrot( )5、A. art room B. comp

3、uter room C. music room D. floor( ) 6、A.shoes B.pants C.socks D.jacket( ) 7 、A. blue B. shirt C. dress D. jacket六 、读一读,将下列单词归类,将单词写在四线三格上15分 rainy carrot third horse cow first onion secondsnowy sweater hen cloudy jacket potato socks Animals(动物): Number(数学): Vegetable(蔬菜) : Clothes(衣服):Weather(天气):七、

4、填空:10分( ) 1.-_? -Yes, I want pretty skirt.A. Can I help you? B. Can you help me C. How much is it? ( ) 2.-_? -Its ten yuan.A. How old is it ? B. How many ? C. How much is it ?( ) 3.-Mom, I want this dress. -Oh, sorry. Its too_ A. expensive B. cheap C. colour( )4.-What colour is it? -Its _ A. blue B.

5、 cheap C .shirt( )5.- _ - Its cold.A. Whats this? B whats the weather like today ? C. Whats the time? 四、补全对话,。(10分)1.将序号写在横线上A. Yes,they are.B. What colour are the sheep?C. No,they arent.D. Thank you.E. How many cows are there at the farm?A:Look, this farm is so big. Are they goats?B:_ They are shee

6、p.A:_ B:The sheep are white.A. Are they cows ?B. _ They are black and white.A: _B:Twelve.A:Your farm is beautifulB: _八、阅读理解,读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示(10分)Asistant: Can I help you?Chen Jie: Yes, I want a pair of boots.Asistant: What colour do you like?Chen Jie: I like blue.Asistant: What size?Chen Jie: Siz

7、e five.Asistant: How about this pair?Chen Jie: They are very nice. How much are they?Asistant: Theyre fifty yuan.Chen Jie: OK, Ill take them. Here is the money.Asistant: Thank you. Bye.Chen Jie: Bye-bye. ( ) 1.Chen Jie wants a pair of boots.( ) 2.Chen Jie likes blue.( ) 3.The boots are 15 yuan. ( ) 4.Chen Jie likes the boots very much.( ) 5.Chen Jie is on the farm.


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