外研社(三起)五年级上册英语Module 4 unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming

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《外研社(三起)五年级上册英语Module 4 unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社(三起)五年级上册英语Module 4 unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、五年级英语上册教学设计模板学科英语课题Module4 Unit 2 Whats the matter with Daming?初备人姓名教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观)1.通过图片、任务认领等环节,全部学生能初步学会运用Whats the matter with you?及其答句I lost my2.通过知识拓展、交流,90%以上的学生能熟练运用Whats the matter with提问并根据具体情况用适用的第三人称单数来回答。3.通过听、跟读、自读等多种形式,98%学生能正确理解课文内容4.通过较大容量的语言输入,初步培养学生用英语思考和交流的习惯及在情境中灵活运用所学

2、句型的能力和知识迁移能力。5.学生通过合作学习能够形成一定的团队精神,同时通过课文的学习能够获得关心他人、帮助他人以及拾金不昧的教育。教学重点与难点重点理解课文内容,能在适当的语境中用Whats the matter with句型及其答句。难点:能结合所学的语言知识,通过联系生活实际,灵活运用Whats the matter with及其 答句,特别是第三人称形式。教学准备 单词卡片、点读笔、教学课件、光碟教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动个人备课一、Greetings and warm-up;二、Lead in1.Greetings and free talk:Hello, everyone!

3、How are you?Did you go to school by school bus?What did you take? A bag or a kite?Did you take your yellow cap?Did you buy shoes yesterday?【设计意图】热身的打招呼和Free talk环节,运用的句型是本册书的重点句型,而单词则是本节课将会出现的学生已经学过的单词。这样既复习了句型和单词,又为本节课的学习打下初步的基础。2、 Lets play a game : I say and you do.Point to your head; Point to my

4、 desk. Point to his hand. Point to her nose. Point to his book. Point to her bag.【设计意图】通过这个小游戏,让学生在熟悉的句型和有趣的动作中,复习人称代词和物主代词,特别是his和 her,为本节课的学习继续扫清障碍。You did a good job. Now please take out your English book. (拿出你的英语书,放到桌面。同学在转来转去找书) XXX, Whats the matter? S: My English book is lost. (书不见了)You can s

5、ay: I lost my English book. (板书 lost lose 简单介绍含义,与四年级学过的lost迷路的意思相区分)【设计意图】很真实的情境,利用学生找不到课本,引导学生说出My English book is lost。这个句型学生在四年级学过,但是意思不同,老师接着引导学生说出I lost my English book,然后通过板书lost lose,给学生讲解过去式和原形以及它的不同含义。同时板书的lost,也是本单元很重要的一个词语,构成了重点句型的答句1.Greetings and free talkLets play a game三Text learning

6、.三、Text learning.(一)Part 11、Whats the matter with Ben? Lets watch the video and find out the answer(放第一部分课件,进入到第一部分的文本,听一遍,跟读一遍,然后回答问题)Whats the matter with you, Ben? A. I lost my book. B. I lost my cap.Did Ben find (找到)his cap?Did Lili help Ben? Yes, we should help the others.【设计意图】由于第一部分内容简单,孩子们没有

7、生单词,所以直接听一遍,再跟读一遍,学生已经能掌握这一部分内容的含义,通过不同形式的两个问题,帮助学生巩固了这一部分内容,同时也进行了一定的拓展:由Whats the matter拓展到了Whats the matter with you?,方便下一部分过渡到Whats the matter with Daming?第二个问题中的find更是为第二部分的学习奠定了坚实的基础。在学生回答完问题后,很自然地引出了“当朋友遇到困难时,我们应该帮助他们”这一话题,对学生进行了德育教育。2、检测评价: 课件呈现不同孩子及物品,集体操练句型。(可运用原来课件的部分内容)3、小组合作,藏起同桌的某一物品,询

8、问:What s the matter with you, XXX? 回答:I lost my 4、抽生展示(评价活动)【设计意图】这一部分的评价是为了检测目标一是否达成。通过集体回答巩固句型并进行拓展,再通过小组合作进行句型的进一步拓展,通过学生的展示评价来检测目标是否达成。(二)Part 2We know Ben lost his cap and he found it , But Daming isnt happy. Whats the matter with Daming?(板书课题)Please watch the video and answer these questions:1

9、. Whats the matter with Daming? A He lost her bag. B. He lost his bag.2. What was in his bag? A. 图片呈现皮鞋 B.图片呈现运动鞋。3. Where were his sports shoes? A. In the bag. B. On the school bus4. Where was his bag? A. 图片呈现校车 B. 图片呈现公交车 Lets watch the video and choose the correct answer.【设计意图】问题以选择题的形式出现,答案可以是单词

10、,也可以是图片,形式多样,改变了都用问答题的形式出现给学生造成的困难。First lets look at picture 1 . Read after the tape and try to answer Question 1. Whats the matter with Daming? A He lost her bag. B. He lost his bag.Yes, he lost his bag. Because Daming is a boy ,so we cant say “he lost her bag.”Look, Can you ask and answer?(课件呈现两幅

11、图片,男孩和短裤 女孩和帽子,让学生区分he she his her并操练句型)Well done. Lets go on. 2、Please read Picture 2 and choose the correct picture. What was in his bag? A. 图片呈现皮鞋 B.图片呈现运动鞋。 Guess: What are sports shoes?(学生自己读第二幅图,选择第二题的正确答案,然后自己猜出sports shoes 的含义) I think you did a good job. 3. Did Daming find his bag and his s

12、ports shoes? Lets watch the video and try to find the answer. Where were his sports shoes? A. In the bag. B. On the school busWhere was his bag? A. 图片呈现校车 B. 图片呈现公交车Did Daming find his bag and his sports shoes?【设计意图】课文的学习是带着问题进行的,不同类型的问题抓住了每一幅图的重点内容,通过选择、问答等形式,引导学生一步步发现问题,解决问题,提高了学生的自主学习能力。1.watch t

13、he video and find out the answer2.Answer the questions !藏起同桌的某一物品,询问:What s the matter with you, XXX? 回答:I lost my watch the video and an answer these questions:1. Whats the matter with Daming? A He lost her bag. B. He lost his bag.2. What was in his bag? Read after the tape四、Drill1.Read after the t

14、ape. 2.Read by yourself. 3.Please act out the dialog【设计意图】课文分段学完后,通过跟读课文、自读课文,帮助学生整体理解课文含义。再通过小组合作分角色朗读课文,能更进一步加深学生对于课文的理解和课文内容的整体把握,为后面的意义操练奠定基础。1.Read after the tape. 2.Read by yourself. 3.Please act out the dialog五、PracticeLets play a game小游戏:抽单词卡片,然后表演完整对话,操练句型。T:Whats the matter with you,?S1: I lost my.T:Whats the matter with ?S2:He/She lost his/her.【设计意图】一个小游戏,让学生根据抽到的单词,找同学配合表演对话,要求运用到课文中出现的句型,表演好的获得奖励。这个环节的设计,可以让学生在创设的情境中,完整设计对话,灵活运用所学句型,检


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