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1、海口之心,海运之城海口之心,海运之城 Sun Moon Plaza The Heart of Haikou The City Ocean Wave 集合文化,休闲,旅游,商业的多功能之都集合文化,休闲,旅游,商业的多功能之都 Feb 2010 Sun Moon Plaza Concept Design Final Review 2010年2月 日月广场概念设计总结汇报2010年2月 日月广场概念设计总结汇报 Environmental Planning half of these were in 20世纪见证了全球都会城市的数量前所未有的增长。在 1900年,只有40个国家地区拥有都会城市,其

2、中半数位 于拉丁美洲因19世纪后期西班牙和葡萄牙帝国分裂而about forty nation states with capital cities; half of these were in Latin America, created as a result of the breakup of the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the late nineteenth century. But things were set to change. World War I and the period following World War II s

3、aw the gradual disintegration of the French and British empires; and the 1980s and 1990s witnessed the demise f h SiU id fif h fYli 于拉丁美洲,因19世纪后期西班牙和葡萄牙帝国分裂而 产生。随社会发展,情况有所改变。随着两次世界大战 ,英法帝国逐步瓦解,1980到1990十年间见证了苏联的 瓦解和前南斯拉夫分裂。因此,截至2000年,都会城市 的数量已经超过200个。 of the Soviet Union and fragmentation of the for

4、mer Yugoslavia. Thus, by 2000 there were more than two hundred capital cities. According to Peter Hall, there are seven types of capital city MultiFunction Capitals; Global Capitals; Political Capitals; Former Capitals; ExImperial Capitals; Provincial Capitals; Super Capitals. Haiku New CBD would fa

5、ll in the multifunction capital 根据英国著名城市学家皮特霍尔的研究,都会城市分为 七类:多功能之都,全球化之都,政要制度,前国家首 都,前帝国之都,省会之都,超级都会。海口大英山城 市中心区应属于多功能之都,包括了行政,商业,文化 和休闲功能。 pp category including cultural, commercial, political and leisure functions. Today China facing the shift away from manufacturing towards a service based economy

6、. This also coincides with two fast paced trends: globalization and urbanization. Our intelligent urban planning proposal respond to these trends and position Haikou 今日中国发展正面临从第三产业转向以第二产业的经济 转型时期,同时受全球化和城市化两大趋势的影响。我 们的规划设计方案因应此种种现状,重点配合政府关于 海南国际旅游岛建设发展的决策,将海口市明确,清晰 ,有效的定位为21世纪中国的多功能旅游之都以回应当 代城市发的种种问

7、 planning proposal respond to these trends and position Haikou clearly, decisively, and effectively in the 21stCentury as multi functional capital for South China region which can respond to the challenges cities are facing today. These synergistic requirements create a platform for Haiku New CBD as

8、 a multifunctional 21 century capital which should cover 代城市发展所面对的种种问题。 所有的现状条件和机遇为海口大英山新城市中心的发展 创造了一个平台:将建设成为集文化,娱乐和商业功能 的新型城市中央商务区。 Culture, Entertainment and Tourism functions. Setting Planning Priorities: The Heart of Haiku Culture Aspect: provide an open learning environment Opera House, Cultur

9、e Center, ECO Arts, Wall of Knowledge, Ocean Wave 为海口大英山新城市中心设立规划设计要点:海 口之心 为海口大英山新城市中心设立规划设计要点:海 口之心 文化方面文化方面:提供一个面对市民开放的公共学习环境,歌 剧院文化中心多媒体艺术品知识之墙海波大道Boulevard, Youth Culture Center Entertainment Aspect: create a recreational center for resident of Haiku HNA Museum, Ocean Wave Plaza/Civic Center, S

10、pace Center, Butterfly Conservatory, Tourism Aspect: position Haiku New CBD as a new tourist destination The Heart of Haikou lifestyle center 剧院,文化中心,多媒体艺术品,知识之墙,海波大道 ,青少年活动中心 娱乐方面娱乐方面:为海口市民创造一个商业休闲娱乐中心,海 南航空博物馆,海洋广场,市民中心,航空馆,生态馆 等设施 旅游方面旅游方面:将海口新中心区建设成为新型游客目的地: Environmental Planning fashion (mall,

11、 typically enclosed) 40-100 2个或以上 2 or more 品种齐全的百货商店, 小百货商店;大批商 品;折价百货商品;时 尚服装Full-line department store; jr. department store; mass merchant; discount department store; fashion apparel 50-70% 5-15 英 5-15 miles 40,000-80,000 区域超级中心 Superregional Center 与区域中心类似, 但品种多样 Similar to regional center but

12、has more variety and assortment 60-120 3个或以上 3 or more 品种齐全的百货商店, 小百货商店;大批商 品;时尚服装 Full-line department store; jr. department store; mass merchant; fashion apparel 50-70% 5-25 英 5-25 miles 街区中心 1个或以上 80,000+ 天商业中心天商业中心 OPEN-AIR CENTERS 街区中心 Neighborhood Center店 Convenience3-15 1个或以上 1 or more 超市 Sup

13、ermarket 30-50% 3英 3 miles 社区中心 Community Center 普通商品,店 General 10-40 2个或以上 2 or more 折价百货商店;超市; 药店;家庭装修;大型 特殊/打折服装 Discount department store; supermarket; drug; home improvement; large 40-60% 3-6英 3-6 miles 3,000-15,000 10,000-35,000 merchandise; convenience specialty/discount apparel 生活时尚中心 Lifest

14、yle Center 高级全国联锁特别 商店;室外餐饮和 娱乐设施 10-400-2 一般以传统方式布置 ,但可能包括书店,其 它大型专门商业;多个 放映间的电影院;小百 货商店 Not usually anchored in the traditional sense but 0-50% 8-12 英 8-12 miles 一般为15,000-50,000, 但 可缩小或扩大 Typically 15 000-50 000 butLifestyle Center娱乐设施 Upscale national chain specialty stores; dining and entertain

15、ment in outdoor setting traditional sense but may include book store; other large-format specialty retailers; multi- plex cinema; small department store 8-12 miles 专卖店中心 专卖店为主,较少 3个或以上 家庭装修;折扣百货商 店;仓储式俱乐部;连 续打折店 5-10英 Typically 15,000-50,000, but can be smaller or larger 25 000 60 000 专卖店中心 Power Ce

16、nter 的小租户 Category-dominant anchors; few small tenants 25-80 3个或以上 3 or more Home improvement; discount department store; warehouse club; off-price 75-90% 5 10 英 5-10 miles 主题/节日礼品中心 Theme / Festival Center 休闲;面向游 者;商业和服务 Leisure; tourist- oriented; retail and service 5-20 适用 N/A 餐厅,娱乐 Restaurants; entertainment 适用 N/A 适用 N/A 25,000-60,000 8,000-25,000 Environmental Planning & Design 日月广场概念设计总结汇报日月广场概念设计总结汇报 Sun Moo



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