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1、2018年安徽省马鞍山市当涂县中考英语模拟试卷(5月份)一、听力(共五大题,满分30分)1AsmellBsmallCsmile2AglassBgrassCgrade3AguardBguideCgarden4AwarBwallCwarn5Aleave outBset outCsell out6How does Tina study for a test?7What was invented around 1876?8What will the girl buy for her mother?9Which sign is mentioned?10What will the weather be l

2、ike this weekend?11Why is the boy late again?ABecause the bus was brokenBHe overslept in the morningCHe had an accident12Who is the man worried about?AHis wifeBHis daughterCHis son13What kind of music does the man prefer?APop musicBLight musicCClassic music14Why does Jane buy the earrings?AShe wants

3、 to send them to her sisterBShe wants to get her ears piercedCThey are her friends present15What is Tom going to do after supper?ATo go to the cinema with the girlBTo make a plan for the homeless childrenCTo do his homework16(1)What did Mary get in her Chinese test?AA CBA BCAn A(2)What does Mike thi

4、nk can help Mary improve her Chinese?ATalking with Chinese peopleBWatching Chinese moviesCListening to Chinese songs17(1)How did they get there?ABy bikeBBy carCBy bus(2)How was the weather there?ASunny and warmBCold and snowyCHot and windy(3)What did Ann do there?AShe went shoppingBShe worked on the

5、 farmCShe went fishing18(1)Where did Miss Brown want to go?ATo her own houseBTo her friends houseCTo her office(2)What was the weather like that day?ASunnyBRainyCCloudy(3)Why didnt Miss Brown wear glasses?AThere was something wrong with her glassesBShe lost her glassesCShe thought she looked beautif

6、ul without glasses(4)How did Miss Brown travel that night?ABy carBBy busCOn foot(5)What was the third things that Miss Brown did that night?ARead the road signsBTurned on the radioCWent to a hotel and slept19Two dogs storyTimeOne(1) PlaceIn the middle of(2) The storyA dog was knocked down by a (3) a

7、nd died Another dog ran to wake his friend up, but he (4) LessonThis is what (5) is二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项20Every spring, _ tourists come to Dangtu to watch the peach blossoms(桃花)()Amany thousandBseveral thousandsCmany thousands ofDseveral thousand of21The young

8、man wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _()Anot toBnot doCdo notDnot to do22Ninetyhundred dollars for such a dress!You _ be joking!Im seriousIts made of silk from Hangzhou()AneedBmustCwillDcan23Its to stick your chopsticks into your food while having dinnerIm sorryI

9、wont do that again()AkindBpoliteCrudeDproud24Keep working hard,PaulYou will surely realize your dream of being a writer you give it up halfwayI will,thank you,Miss Rowling()AunlessBifCsinceDthough25Whats the news about?People near the lake didnt allow them to _ a factory so as not to pollute the wat

10、er()Alook upBput upCtake upDset up26_of the land in that area covered with golden yellow flowers at this time of year()AThree fifth; isBThree fifths isCThree fifth; areDThree fifths; are27Youve been accepted as a member of our swimming club _ Thats cool!()AGood ideaBHave I?CNo problem!DAll right28_

11、great fun they are having!()AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a29Excuse me May I use your CD player, please?Sure _()AWatch out!BWell done!CGo aheadDBetter not30Everyone makes mistakes in lifeThe key is not to repeat _ again()AitBthisCthatDthem31For our safety,we must _ the traffic rules on the way to school()Afo

12、llowBchangeCmakeDbreak32Miss Liu, would you please speak a little more _?Sorry! I thought you could follow me()AquicklyBpolitelyCquietlyDslowly33It was crazy_ him to let such a young child drive your carI agree with Its impossible _ so young a child to do it()Aabout; forBfor; ofCof; forDfor; about34

13、Do you know_?Im not sureMaybe an artist()Awhat the man with long hair isBwhat is the man with long hairCwho the man with long hair isDwho is the man with long hair三、完形填空(共2小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选35I grew up with my grandparents on a farm When they were (1) , they often took me o

14、n trips Once we went somewhere to travel by car My grandmother smoked throughout the trip, and I hated the (2) I loved my grandmother and wished her to live happily (3) cigarettes I remembered a magazine said every puff(吸) of a cigarette takes two minutes off ones life I decided to do the (4) for my gra



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