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1、2018-2019学年广东省广州市越秀区八年级(上)期末英语试卷一、听力理解(每小题2分)1(2分)(1)Whats wrong with the boy?A He doesnt feel wellB He missed a lot of lessonsC His mother doesnt let him go to school(2)What do they decide to do at last?A Stay at homeB Go to schoolC Go to the hospital first2(2分)(1)Whats the problem?A The food is no

2、t deliciousBThere is no soup in the orderCThe man took the wrong order(2)Where are the two speakers?AA At homeB In a restaurantC At a supermarket3(3分)(1)Where did Alan Walker stay in China last month?A SanyaB HainanC Guangzhou(2)When will be the International Music Festival?ANext monthBThis monthCLa

3、st month(3)According to their talk, which of the following is NOT TRUE?ATommy is a big fan of Alan WalkerBThe girl hopes that her dream will come trueCTommy has to ask his parents before he buys the plane ticket4(3分)(1)The two speakers are A at schoolBat homeC at the restaurant(2) is the boys favori

4、te foodABeefB ChickenC Fish(3)What may happen after the talk?A The boy gets his food before the girlB The boy shares some fish with the girlC The girls lunch box is full of chicken and pork二、听取信息(共1小题,每小题5分;满分5分)听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,并把答案填入答题卷标号为(A)(E)的空格中,每横线不限填写一个单词录音读两遍5(5分)The Exciting

5、 Singapore Study TripAbout SingaporeA special Asian country eastern culture meets the westernLive a (A) lifestyle to the Chinese, but also differentLearn English when people are (B) When starting your trip,you willHave (C) to know more about SingaporeSee the highest manmade waterfall and beautiful b

6、irdsVisit some schools and set how the students have (D) Learn (E) everyday English and practise it三、单项选择【共10小题,每小题0.5分;满分5.0分)请在下到各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案6(.5分)Oh, My God! Mesut Qzilmy favourite football star This is_time I see him in personWhat a handsome man he is!Wake up,girlDont just stand there Lets g

7、o and say hello to him()AoneBtheCfirstDthe first7(.5分)_ you done your homework yet?YesI_it a moment ago()ADid,finishedBHave, finishedCwill, finishDHave ,have finished8(.5分)Would you like _vegetables?No,thank youI didnt want _()Asome; someBany; anyCsome; anyDany,some9(.5分)Do you know the boy over the

8、re?SureI _ him for years()AknewBwill knowChave knownDknown10(.5分)Youd better _ when your mouth is full of food()Adont speakBnot to speakCnot speakDnot speaking11(.5分)Ben_me if he_my message()Awill call, getsBwill call, will getCcalls, will getDcalls, gets12(.5分)You will achieve nothing _ you work ha

9、rd()AifBunlessCwhenDthat13(.5分)What do you think of his concert?Oh,no one does_()AgoodBwellCbetterDbest14(.5分)Jerry,do you mind my pointing out your mistakes?_Your advice is very necessary()AIts my pleasureBYoud better notCOf courseDNot at all15(.5分)Whatever you do, is difficult if you put your hear

10、t into it()AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything四、语法选择(共10个空格,每个空格1分;满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最俳选项.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑16(10分)Smith was a landlord (地主) He loved money very much and never(1) anything to anybodySoon he became rich One day the weather was fineThere wasnt a cloud in the

11、sky and the sun was very warm The landlord was walking(2) a river with three of his friends, when, all of a sudden, he slipped and fell into it He cried, Help! Help! One of his(3) held out his hand and said,Give me (4) hand and I will pull you out The landlords head went under the water and then cam

12、e up again, but he did not give his hand to his friends Then(5) of his friends tried but the same thing happened Just then a farmer came over and saw all this He knew the landlord very(6) He said to the others, Let me try He held out his hand and said to the landlord, (7) my hand and I will pull you

13、 out Hearing this, the landlord took the farmers hand, and in(8) minute the farmer pulled the landlord out of the water All the others got very (9) at this and asked the farmer, Why did he give his hand to you(10) not to us?The farmer said, You dont know your friend very well When you say give to hi

14、m, he does nothing, but when you say take, he takes(1)AgiveBgaveCgivingD given(2)AalongBonC inDat(3)A friendBfriendlyCfriendsDfriendship(4)A youB youselfCyoursDyour(5)AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers(6)AgoodBbadCwellD better(7)A TakeB To takeC TakingD Taken(8)A/BaCanDthe(9)AsurpriseBsurprisingC surprisinglyDsurprised(10)AandBorCbutDso五、完形填空(共10个空格,每个空格1分;满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项


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