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1、英文写作 enjoy your writing 高分作文的五大特性 v1. 条理性.段落完整.层次分明 v2. 准确性.语法准确.用词精当 v3. 流畅性.层次清晰.行文连贯 v4. 简洁.多样性. 语言简洁.不重复 v5. 思想性.文章立意高.表达个人观点内容积极向 上 英语写作方法六大原则 v1. 高级词汇原则 v2. 状语提前原则 v3. 短语优先原则 v4. 并列句.复合句和特殊句式 原则 v5. 长短句交替原则 v6. 短文分段分层原则 其他注意事项: v(1) 字迹清楚,书写流利。 v(2)审题 认真,符合要求,文章观点明确。 v(3)句子既要生动,又要简明扼要。 v(4)尽量避免

2、重复使用相同句型,词汇和短语 使用分词 Once it is held, it will bring a lot of chances to Beijing and make it more prosperous and modern. Once held, it will bring a lot of chances to Beijing, making it more prosperous and modern. 学会使用丰富的句式 使用定语从句 Many pollution problems can be more serious, and it can eventually do da

3、mage to our surroundings. Many pollution problems can be more serious, which can eventually do damage to our surroundings. More visitors from all over the world will flood into China, which financially benefit Beijing. Whats more, more people will be attracted to Beijing, which will contribute to th

4、e development of tourism to a great extent. 使用 with 结构 When the number of tourists is increasing, traffic will become more crowded. With the number of tourists increasing, traffic will become more crowded. With more and more visitors going to Beijing, tourism will be flourishing . With everyone doin

5、g his bit, the game will be a great success. 使用被动句 Measures should be taken to avoid the bad effect mentioned above. Only in this way can we hold a successful Olympic Games. 使用倒装结构 二、学会使用较高级词汇 用词准确、得体是写作的前提,在此基 础上使用高级词汇和短语,既可以体现 出作者的语言驾驭能力,又有助于获得 高分。 How to use advanced expressions In my opinion, it

6、 is difficult to hold the Olympics. In my opinion, it is challenging to hold the Olympics. It will have a great effect on the development of Beijing. far-reaching profound significant Tourism is becoming a booming industry with the development of the city. China will enjoy a boom in economy. 促进 繁荣经济

7、旅游发展 Some students see it as a good opportunity to boost economy and accelerate the pace of the construction of our modern society. Holding the Olympic Games will promote the development of economy, making the city more booming and modern. “中国位于太平洋西岸,地大物博,历 史悠久,面积960万平方公里”。 China lies on the west ba

8、nk of the Pacific Ocean. It is very big and has a lot of things. Its history is very long, and its area is 9.6 million square kilometers. Practice to challenge yourself China, which lies on the west of the Pacific Ocean, is rich in natural resources. It is a great country with a long history, coveri

9、ng an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. China, a large country with a long history, lies on the west of the Pacific Ocean. It is abundant in natural resources, covering an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. Replace the underlined expressions 1.Among all the people going to work, car drivers

10、 make up 18%. 1.2.The Internet can help us finish many tasks. 2.3.The library is important to us. 3.4. One can only become a skilled one after many failures. 4.5. Last year saw a more and more fierce competition in the job market. 5.6. He tried to pass the exam, but failed. complete accomplish fulfi

11、ll vital essential endless countless numerous witnessed attempted to amount to account for get through 7. Some students dont value their money at all. 8. It is also essential that you get some skills for taking exams. treasure cherish acquireobtaingain 9. It would take me a great deal of time, which

12、 would surely invite numerous inconveniences to me. undoubtedlyunquestionably 10. More and more people come to big cities, which causes serious housing problems.flood intocrowd into pour into definitely practicepractice v随着家庭收入的增加,越来越多的人们能买 起个人电脑,空调,手提电脑和数码相机等 等。(新旧变化) vWith the family income raised

13、,more and more people can afford to buy personal computers, air-conditioners, portable computers, digital cameras and so on. v.为了使得生态平衡,我们要保护野生动物. (新 旧变化) v In order to keep balance of nature, we should protect wild animals/wildlife. v多达百分之四十的男孩喜欢在网上打游戏。 ( 观点讨论) vAs many as 40 percent of the boys li

14、ke playing games on line. v我写这封信,申请你们在报纸广告中招聘的职 位。我认为我适合这工作。(求职) vI write this letter, applying for the post you offered ( offered ) on the ads in the newspaper. vI think I am fit/suitable for this position. v.为了丰富学生的课外生活,学生会将组织一次 邮票展览. (格式套用语) v In order to enrich the students out-of-class life, th

15、e students union will held this stamp show. vTo enrich the students s out-of-class life, the students union will held the stamp show. v如果我被接受,我一定会尽力干好工作.(人物 介绍) vIf I am accepted, Ill surely try my every effort to do the job well. v 过去,人们过着贫困而简单的生活。 (新 旧变化) v4.In the past, people led/lived a poor an

16、d simple life. v(They lived poorly and simply.) v绝大部分的学生上网只是聊天,打游戏或者看 电影。只有少数学生是我为了搜索信息或者 国内外新闻. (观点讨论) vMost of the students who are on net are just to have a chat, play games or see films. vOnly a few students on net are just to seek information or learn about news both at home and abroad. v最近,我在200个学生中作了一个关于他们未 来工作的调查。其中一半是男生,一半是女 生。 (观点讨论) vRecently, I have made a



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