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1、西方经济学ECONOMICS,ECONOMICS,参考书: Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus Economics, 18 Edition The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2005 中国人民邮电出版社,ECONOMICS,Unit 1: Nature and scope of economics Unit 2: Theory of demand Unit 3: Theory of supply Unit 4: Price determination Unit 5: Elasticity of demand Unit 6:

2、 Price elasticity of supply Unit 7: Economies of large scale production and existence of small firms Unit 8: Production cost Unit 9: Perfect Competition Unit 10: Monopoly Unit 11: Monopolistic competition,ECONOMICS,Unit 12: Oligopoly Unit 13: Consumer price index-CPI Unit 14: Central bank-monetary p

3、olicy Unit 15: Inflation Unit 16: Unemployment Unit 17: Role of government _ fiscal policy Unit 18: National income accounting Unit 19: National income application- standard of living Unit 20: Keynes theory of income and employment Unit 21: International trade Unit 22: Free trade and protection,Natu

4、re and scope of economics,1.1 What is Economics? 1.2 Various Definitions of Economics 1.3 Branches of Economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics 1.4 The Basic Economic Problems 1.5 Concept of Opportunity Cost 1.6 Production Possibility Curve (PPC) 1.7 Review Questions,1.1 What is Economics?,Everywhere

5、human beings are found to make efforts and earn money and then spend this money to satisfy their wants. Therefore, the activities concerning the earning and spending of wealth are studied under Economics. (Eco.),1.2 Various Definitions of Economics,Adam Smith Economics is a study of “an enquiry into

6、 the nature and causes of wealth of nations.“ J.S. Mills Economics is a study of “the practical science of the production and distribution of wealth.“ L. Robbins Economics is a “science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between end and scarce means which have alternative uses.“,1.2 Var

7、ious Definitions of Economics,Richard Lipsey : Modern eco. concerns: - a) The allocation of a societys resources among alternative uses and the distribution of the societys output among individuals and group. b) The ways in which production and distribution changes over time. c) The efficient and in

8、efficiencies of economic systems.,1.2 Various Definitions of Economics,General Definition Economics is a study of how people allocate their limited resources such as land, labour and capital to provide for their unlimited wants.,Microeconomics,Microeconomics studies the economic decision making of f

9、irms and individuals in a market setting.,Microeconomics,The issues that are studied under Microeconomic analysis are: a) How consumers behave. b) How business firms make choices. c) How prices are determined in the markets. d) How taxes and price controls affect consumers and producers. e) How the

10、structure of markets affect economic performance. f) How wages, interest rates, rent and profits are determined. g) How income is distributed among families.,Macroeconomics,Macroeconomics is a study of economy as a whole and it concerns the relationship among aggregate (total) measures.,Macroeconomi

11、cs,The issues that are studied under macroeconomic analysis are: a) National Income. b) Nations money supply and money demand. c) The value of money. d) Inflation and its determinants. e) Macroeconomic objectives such as price stability, full employment, Balance of Payments and Economic growth. f) G

12、overnment policies (e.g. Monetary and Fiscal Policies). g) Public Finance (e.g. Government revenue and expenditure).,1.4 The Basic Economic Problems,In an economy, people have unlimited desire for goods and services (g & s), i.e. unlimited wants, but the resources in the world are limited and so we

13、cannot satisfy all our wants and are forced to choose as to which goods to produce. Therefore, scarcity and choice or “limited resources and unlimited wants“ sum up the basic economic problem. Choice is determined by: i. Scale of preference ii. Opportunity cost,1.4 The Basic Economic Problems,We can

14、 summarise this idea into the following figure:,1.4 The Basic Economic Problems,As we are faced with the problem of scarcity, there are 3 important economic decisions to be considered. i) What goods & services to be produced and in what quantity i.e. how much to be produced? This concerns with the a

15、llocation of scarce resources among alternative uses. ii) How or by what method goods & services should be produced? This concerns with choosing the most efficient method of production. iii) For whom are goods & services to be produced, i.e. who are to enjoy the goods & services produced? This conce

16、rns with the distribution of such goods & services.,1.5 Concept of Opportunity Cost,Opportunity cost of satisfying a want is the next best alternative that has to be forgone, (i.e. the cost of giving up something in order to obtain something else.),1.5 Concept of Opportunity Cost,1.5 Concept of Opportunity Cost,1.5 Concept of Opportunity Cost,E.g. A person has $5 and he can spend on chocolate or chewing gum or a combination of both. Price of a bar of chocolate = $0.50 Price of a bar of


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