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1、领导的离别赠言范文领导的离别赠言诗词在我渐渐心灰意冷的时候And when I got downhearted when你说要分手You say you want to break up分手就分手吧Break up break up我也倦了I am too tired分手后你说像少了手指After breaking up with you like a little finger像身体少了什么Like the body less of what心很痛My heart is hurt你声音的哽咽让我的眼泪又霎时Your voice choked let my tears and moment充斥

2、了眼眶Full of orbital或许那些一起走过的甜蜜和痛苦Perhaps those who walk with sweet and bitter还是有一些真挚的感情在内吧There are still some sincere feelings inside.这不同于打着爱情幌子的人This is different from under the guise of love在家庭之外寻找*的发泄Besides the family looking for * * * *.我们是彼此的唯一We are one也止步于世俗后的观望Also stop at the secular after

3、 watching爱得冷静而头脑清醒Love was calm and clear-headed酷暑有你阴凉Have you a cool summer寒冬有你温暖You are there to warm winter寂寞时你在心中Lonely when you are in my heart再疲劳想起你不累也不孤单了Then think of you not fatigue tired also dont lonely你呢What about you是否会是和我一样?It will be just like me?其实何必在乎分手还是不分手呢In fact, why care about

4、breaking up or do not break up.我们共有的岁月We have time谁也无法分享Who also couldnt share偶尔相聚或是天各一方Occasionally together or apart你总在我的心上You are always in my heart你的离去没有预料中的难受You go not anticipated in the uncomfortable只是借故哭了一场Just an excuse to cry我知道I know故做的潇洒会把我们一起刺痛To do so would put us in a clear那些永不可磨灭的伤Th

5、ose who can never erase the trauma像首老情歌Like the old love song在心中来回的唱响In my heart and sings没有我Without me请你一定要快乐You must be happy一定要坚强Must be strongLeadership of the parting Poems这一刻,再向你们告一次别At this moment, to you to a stop我们至爱的家园Our beloved homeland请接纳我们的离去Please accept our departure新年伊始At the beginn

6、ing of the new year我们在另一端为你们祈祷We at the other end to pray for you回忆:Memory.绿色的丝带,The green ribbon,像希望的萌芽在校园的每一个角落Like hope budding in every corner of the campus红色的章印,Red stamp printing,像血液一样流进写好日期的贺卡Like blood on this date card我们手中的笔杆,In the hands of the penholder,把另一种生命延续Another life让它成为一段更加完美的章程Le

7、t it become a more perfect constitution倾诉:Talk to:我们是一群天真的孩子We are a group of innocent children为了同一个爱好走到了一起For the same hobbies together但我们又因为同一个目标而分离But it is also because the same goal and separation离别后,我们拥有无暇的回忆After parting, we have perfect recollection.和对家园最深沉的情感And the home most deep emotion还记

8、得:Still remember:那间印着我们十七次脚印的教室The printed with our seventeen footprints of the classroom日光灯下,我们筹划家园的未来The sunlight in the light, we plan the future home把所有人笔杆下的希望汇聚成一点All the people the hope under the converging to a point把我们的家园点缀成繁星中最耀眼的一颗To our homes interspersed into the stars beaming in the藏头词:

9、Hide the head word:1. 蝶恋花1 flowers昔时年少恐别早,望穿秋水,留恋离人俏。明月寄我思忆到,每盼音讯记同笑。When young for fear of not early, looking forward to, from spruce. I remember to mail moon, every hope news credited with smile.天若有情天亦老,快意青春,乐尽知音少。幸君伴我度清宵,福安永随惦难了。Heaven can be overturned, his youth, music as music less. Fortunatel

10、y, you accompany me of2. 长相思(这首有点差)2 Sauvignon Blanc ( this is the first study . )竹青郁,芦青郁,贞观盛歌掩离情,莹莹玉壶心。Green bamboo Yu, Lu Qing Yu, Hong Kong Sheng song out of my heart a mask, jade.菀牵系,诗牵系,如梦年华似水去,意深情依依。Aster Ruch, poetry set, a terrace, meaning affectionate parting.3. 武陵春The 3 Wuling spring朱楼独倚望江

11、愁,路上行者忧。珍珑局破离难休,萦柳月梢头。My worry Zhulou Wangjiang Road, Walker. Jane long break away from difficult to sue his bureau, Salix trees.万里归期能定否?事事堪白头。如梦年华逝水流,意醉思心不收。Miles can not return? All the Scandinavian bald. As time passing flow, meaning heart dont accept.(2、3是写给同一个人的,因为2写出来不喜欢,又写了3)( 2, 3 to one and

12、 the same individual, because 2 is written didnt like, and wrote 3 )4. 鹧鸪天4 Partridge Sky园深草盛欲化仙,箫鼓追随度旧年。常忆年少尘刹遍,能叫日月换新天。Park Sheng to deep grass of immortal, follow the degree of old flute and drum. Often a young dust brake times, can make and use the new.勾情思,笑忘言,扣住心扉泪满面。尝尽别离惆怅苦,开颜因君故影现!Hook wall, laughter, tears all over the face on your heart. Taste bitter parting sadness, smile Yinjun therefore show!5. 减字木兰花5 minus the character Magnolia望洋兴叹,张灯虽盛孤影单,红藕香残,月下怀人心欲半。Slide, house is served here, red lotus incense remnant, with heart for half month.来日苦短,越山踏水寻故难。漂泊谁堪,凉风悲泣徒悯



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