四年级上册英语Lesson 22 At the Supermarket教案

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《四年级上册英语Lesson 22 At the Supermarket教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语Lesson 22 At the Supermarket教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson22At the Supermarket 教学目标:知识目标:1、让学生听懂,会说,认读并书写词汇tomato,potato,candy,bag 2、让学生听懂,会说,理解并运用句型Lets buy_.How about_?What do you want to buy?能力目标:学生能使用Lets buy_.How about_?这样的句型进行简单交流,通过这样的句型加强同学对食物类的词汇记忆。情感目标:让学生练习口语,可以和同学之间进行简单英语交流,培养学生的说口语的意识。重点:1、让学生听懂,会说,认读并书写词汇tomato,potato,candy,bag 2、让学生认读,

2、理解并运用句型Lets buy_.How about_?What do you want to buy?难点:让学生认读,理解并运用句型Lets buy_.How about_?What do you want to buy?教具:cards,pictures,实物教学过程:1、 GreetingT:Hello,boys and girls.Ss:_.T:How are you?Ss:_.二、Lead inT:This class Im your new teacher,you can call me Miss Li.Nice to meet you.(互动)听说我们班小朋友You are v

3、ery clever.show a picture (展示一张超市宣传单,引出supermarket),我们到supermarket去做什么呢?Yes,we are shopping.你平时和妈妈或爸爸去购什么呢?给我们说一说,展示食物图片(面条,牛奶,鸡蛋,面包,果汁,饺子等等),说出这些食物的英语,复习食物。展示到vegetables引出番茄,土豆等新词。3、 New concepts创设情境at the supermarket1、 What do you want to buy?Lets buy some vegetables,ok?Ss:_.通过句型Lets buy_.引出词汇toma

4、to,potato,candy,bag ,学生通过图片或实物认读词汇。2、 打开课本我们来看看我们的朋友Jenny,Danny and Mrs. Smith是在supermarket都采购了些什么?他们之间又发生了些什么有意思的事呢?Learn the text Q1; What they want to buy? Q2;What does Jenny like? Q3;What does Danny like?Kid孩子kids孩子(复数),tomato,potato以o结尾的可数名词复数要加esI like_. 我喜欢_。isnt good for 对_不好How about_? _怎么样

5、?dont use _ 不要使用_Read the text,then answer my questions.3、 Roles play,group work三人一组,分角色阅读,看谁完成的最棒,看谁最聪明。4、 Show展示成果四、Lets do it!Pair work,talk and write.1、同桌为一组,使用句型I want to buy some_.What do you want to buy?把你想要shopping的物品写在书中My Shopping List中。2、 展示5、 SummaryWords:tomato,potato,candy,bag Sentences:What do you want to buy?Lets buy_.How about_?6、 Homework1、 完成阅读,下课后把新学得词汇和书中Part2阅读3遍。2、 新词汇每个书写5遍,part2句子书写1遍,切记是在阅读完成后。Lesson22At the Supermarkettomato potato candy bag What do you want to buy? I want to buy some_. Lets buy_. How about_?


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