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1、Chapter 10 The Modernist Movement and literary Achievement,An account of background,1. economical factor Industrial revolution: steam-power industrialization urbanization,An account of background,2. social factor The decline of living condition The birth of the Soviet Union,An account of background,

2、3. the influence social ideology Darwinism Marxism,Definition of Modernism,Two extremes and one middle line The common feature,The Core of Modernist Thought,“Age of anxiety” 1) Anxiety of meaninglessness 2) Loss of spiritual centre 3) A dread freedom 4) The death of idols,Modernist Trend of Literatu

3、re,Modernist literature is sub-genre of Modernism, a predominantly European movement beginning in the early 20th century that was characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional aesthetic forms. Representing the radical shift in cultural sensibilities surrounding World War I, modernist lite

4、rature struggled with the new realm of subject matter brought about by an increasingly industrialized and globalized world.,现代派文学的基本特征,思想内容:主观性、扭曲性、模糊性 艺术方法:重主观表现、重艺术想象、重形式创新 , 经常采用象征、荒诞、意识流等手法.,Modernist Trend of Literature,1. Symbolism 象征主义 Symbolism was a late nineteenth-century art movement of F

5、rench, Russian and Belgian origin in poetry and other arts. In literature, the style had its beginnings with the publication of The Flowers of Evil, (1857) by Charles Baudelaire.,Modernist Trend of Literature,Symbolists believed that art should represent absolute truths that could only be described

6、indirectly. Thus, they wrote in a very metaphorical and suggestive manner, endowing particular images or objects with symbolic meaning.,Modernist Trend of Literature,Baudelaire 波德莱尔 Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1821 1867) was a French poet who produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pion

7、eering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. His most famous work, Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil), expresses the changing nature of beauty in modern, industrializing Paris during the 19th century.,Baudelaire,那时,我的美人,请告诉它们,/那些吻吃你的蛆虫,/旧爱虽已分解,可是,我已保存/爱的形姿和爱的神髓! 腐尸 送葬的长列 ,没有鼓点也没有乐曲/在我的灵魂 深处鱼贯而行;希望归于失败

8、,痛哭流涕,而 暴虐的焦虑在我低垂的头颅把黑旗插上。 忧郁之四,恶之花(1857)是波德莱尔的代表作,也体现了他的创新精神。创新之一在于他描写了大城市的丑恶现象。在他笔下,巴黎风光是阴暗而神秘的,吸引诗人注目的是被社会抛弃的穷人、盲人、妓女,甚至不堪入目的横陈街头的女尸。波德莱尔描写丑和丑恶事物,具有重要的美学意义。他认为丑中有美。与浪漫派认为大自然和人性中充满和谐、优美的观点相反,他主张“自然是丑恶的”,自然事物是“可厌恶的”,罪恶“天生是自然的”,美德是人为的,善也是人为的;恶存在于人的心中,就像丑存在于世界的中心一样。他认为应该写丑,从中“发掘恶中之美”,表现“恶中的精神骚动”。波德莱尔

9、在描绘人的精神状态时往往运用丑恶的意象。,Modernist Trend of Literature,2. Futurism 未来主义 was an artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It emphasized and glorified themes associated with contemporary concepts of the future, including speed, technology, youth and violence, and obj

10、ects such as the car, the airplane and the industrial city.,Modernist Trend of Literature,Representative figures,Modernist Trend of Literature,3. Imagism 意象主义 was a movement in early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language and was described as t

11、he most influential movement in English poetry,Modernist Trend of Literature,Ezra Pound 庞德,Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (1885 1972) was an American expatriate poet, critic and a major figure of the early modernist movement. His contribution to poetry began with his promotion of Imagism, a movement that

12、derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry, stressing clarity, precision and economy of language.,Modernist Trend of Literature,The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. In a Station of the Metro 人群中那些面孔幽灵一般显现,湿漉漉的枝上的许多花瓣。 在地铁车站,Modernist Trend o

13、f Literature,4. Expressionism表现主义 was a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for emotional effect in order to evoke mo

14、ods or ideas. Expressionist artists sought to express meaning or emotional experience rather than physical reality.,Modernist Trend of Literature,Franz Kafka (July 3, 1883 June 3, 1924) was one of the major German language novelists and short story writers of the twentieth century, whose unique body

15、 of writing has become iconic in Western literature,Franz Kafka,Kafkas work represents an extreme example of the modern concern with the individuals place in society. As modernity displaced people from traditional societys fixed meanings and family networks, Kafka exposes the emptiness and even pern

16、iciousness of a world in which meaning is not only absent, but malevolent toward the individual. Lacking a transcendent source of value, society is not a hospitable place and meaning is menacing.,变形记(The Metamorphosis ) 在流放地(In the Penal Colony ) 乡村医生(A Country Doctor ) 饥饿艺术家(A Hunger Artist )审判(或译诉讼)(The Judgment;) 城堡(The Castle ),Modernist Techniques of Expression,i. preference for the symbolism ii. Fascination with the absurd iii. Disillusionme


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