X档案第四季The XFiles中英剧本

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1、X档案第四季The XFiles中英剧本第一集该死的 Ow ! Damn !我被蜂叮了 A bee just stung me, eh ?你们都没拿了蛋糕吗? Well, now, dont you all take the cake ?妈妈没分给你们吗? Does your mom ever mix you up ?我冒险而来 我的意思你不会伤害我 Ive come to you at great risk. I mean you no harm.他知道你的事情 He knows about your sister.我如何相信你 How do I know youre for real ?我

2、可以解释一切 I can explain everything.首先我要带你去个地方 First I want you to come somewhere with me.我去见我妈妈 I want you to come with me to see my mother.离他远点 他不会伤害你 Stay out of his way. He doesnt want to hurt you.你开枪没用的 You cant use your gun !别动 先生 Stop right there, sir !快点 Come on.穆德 史卡利 去开车 Mulder ! Scully, get t

3、he car !这边 This way.该死的 Damn.这边 This way.嗨 杰里迈亚 Hey ! Jeremiah !杰里迈亚 停下来 Jeremiah, stop !你干什么 What are you doing ?他有很多同伴 Therell be more right behind him.你不能离开 他们会杀我 You cant leave here ! Theyll kill me !我要你帮忙 I need your help !我妈妈快死了 My mother is dying !穆德 Mulder!他们去哪 Where are they going ?我不知道 I d

4、ont know.我要知道 I need to know.拜托 我真的不知道 Please. I dont know.他们知道在哪里找到我们 正等着我们去呢 Theyll know where to find us. Theyll be waiting for us.谁 Who ?政府的人 他们正在你妈妈的医院等我们 Your government men.Theyll be waiting at the hospital with your mother.他们能怎么做 我们光明正大的 What can they do ? Were working in the light.他们不可能不考虑被

5、曝光和后果 来阻止我们 They cant stop us without exposure, without consequence.你得明白些事情 无论哪种后果 You have to understand something. I must perish.我都会死 Whatever the consequences to that end,他们不计一切来保护他们的大计划 they are incalculable to the preservation of the larger plan.大计划 The larger plan ?外星殖民吗 You mean colonization

6、?霸权 穆德先生 一种新物种 Hegemony, Mr. Mulder. A new origin of species.我不明白 我带你去看 I dont understand. I can show you.我母亲快死了 我需要你去看看她 My mother is dying. I need to take you to see her right now.如果他们在等我们 如果他们要杀我 And if they are waiting for us, if theyre willing to kill me.那就产生一切后果 and face the consequences of th

7、eir actions,在你们这不公正法制下 我会死的 to stand before your ineffectual justice system, I will be dead.我就救不了你母亲 I wont be able to save your mother.那计划就会继续实施 The work will go on. The plan will continue to be executed.你可以阻止 如何阻止 Or you can stop it. How can I stop it ?我带你去个地方 给你看正在进行的计划 I can take you to a place,

8、show you the work in progress where you can see不 没时间了 No ! Theres no time.你可以见到你 Where you can see your sister.罗德岛 普罗维登斯 凌晨4:56他没来 He isnt coming.我告诉过你了 I told you.他在哪 Then where is he ?不知道 I dont know.显然他知道我们在等他 Certainly he anticipated wed be here waiting.除非我们的安全出现漏洞 Unless we had a security leak.

9、谁 Who ?我收到一些照片 Ive come in receipt of some pictures.你在穆德太太的避暑别墅的照片 of your visit to Mrs. Mulders summerhouse.你知道你被拍了吗 Were you aware you were being photographed?谁拍的 By whom ?我相信这些信息告诉我们 I believe that can be determined by a simple planting of information.怎么走漏了消息 to see where that information flows.什

10、么消息 What information ?穆德太太有危险 That Mrs. Mulders life is in danger.没有保护 她就会非正常死亡 That, left unprotected, she may come to an unnatural end.7点05分史卡利 Scully.史卡利 是我 你在哪里 Scully, its me. Where are you ?我在你离开我的地方 呆在车里 Im right where you left me.Im sitting here in my car.为什么 Why ?因为你没有回我电话 我不知道要做什么 Because

11、you wouldnt answer your phone,and I didnt know what else to do.你好吗 我很好 Are you okay ? Yes, Im fine.听着 有人会找我 Listen. Theres going to be people looking for me.他们会通过你打听我的行踪 Theyre going to think they can get tome through you.穆德 听我说 Mulder Hold on. Just listen for a second.我需要你帮个忙 I need you to do somet

12、hing for me.我在阿尔伯塔偷了辆车 I had to steal a car from an airport in Alberta.就会有我入境加拿大的记录 Theres going to be a record of me going through Canadian customs.我需要你掩盖我的行踪 I need you to cover my tracks.我也让你知道我一切都好 I also need you to know Im okay.我没事 Im fine, okay ?穆德 他要去找你的 谁 Mulder, hes coming after you. Who ?

13、你杀死那个人又活过来了 The man you left for dead. Hes alive.要加油了 Thats it for the gas.还有多远 How much further from here ?20英里 About 20 miles.如果爬山的话 路程减少一半 Maybe half that on foot over those hills.走吧 Lets go.长官 Sir ?史卡利探员 Agent Scully.你找我吗 I heard you were looking for me.担心你和穆德探员 Theres been some concern about yo

14、u and Agent Mulder.我们没事 长官 Were fine, sir.我们在找杰里迈亚史密斯 Weve been searching for this man, Jeremiah Smith.找到了吗 没有 Did you find him ? No.我收到你的便条 说这人疑点很多 I received a memo from you that theres more confusion about this man.在社会保障部的全国分部有五个 That the Social Security Administration has five men with this name

15、.同名同姓的人 working in branch offices around the country.用的同样的身份 with identical photo I.D.s.我们查了这些人 We ran a check on these men.这五个人这三天都没上班 All five have not reported to work in three days.你和穆德探员需要我帮你们查出谁是嫌疑犯吗 Would you or Agent Mulder like to let me in on what it is your suspicions are ?我们还没有确定谁是嫌疑犯 长官 Im afraid we havent exactly formulated any clear suspicions, sir.呃 我们可以确定 史卡利探员 什么 Well, we have, Agent Scully. Sir ?我们下载了硬盘数据 We were able to download the hard drive data.都是关于那五个人的 from each of


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