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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 晚清留学生地理分布研究 姓名:冯吉红 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:专门史 指导教师:王继平 20070501 I 摘 要 1840 年的鸦片战争,打开了中国紧锁的大门,中国遭遇了“数千年未有之 变局” 。太平天国运动和第二次鸦片战争,使清朝统治者感到了空前的危机。内 忧外患之际,一批先进的中国人开始认识到中国必须向西方学习。此时,留学运 动应运而生。 晚清留学自 1872 年幼童留美开始,至 1912 年中华民国成立结束,其间几经 变迁。根据留学国别的不同,笔者将晚清留学分为四个时期,即幼童留美、海军 留欧、甲午战后留日和庚款赴美。本文首先对晚清留学运动的展开做了一个大致

2、 的叙述,然后以晚清留学生的地理分布为切入点,对晚清留日学生、留美学生、 留欧学生的籍贯分布分别做了统计和分析。 从统计结果可以看出,晚清留学人数众多,学生来源几乎遍及全国各省,地 区分布极不平衡,并且差距悬殊。有的省留学生人数成百上千,有的省却只有寥 寥几人,有的省甚至一个也没有。晚清留日、留美、留欧,其地域分布呈现明显 的相似之处。学生主要来自近代化起步较早、经济发达、教育先进、社会风气开 放的东南沿海各省及长江流域地区。其地域分布明显呈沿海、沿江、内地、边陲 几个不同的地理分布层次。留学生的地域分布不仅与西学东渐的区域进程相吻 合,还与区域近代化的进程相一致。东南沿海各省地理位置优越,最

3、先接受欧风 美雨的洗礼,港口贸易勃兴,是近代化起步最早的地方,晚清留学运动从这里兴 起并逐步发展开来。甲午战争以前,晚清留学生的分布绝大部分集中在此。甲午 战争以后,随着一系列不平等条约的缔结,西方列强的势力由东南沿海各省逐步 向长江流域延伸。留学国家也从欧美开始重点转向日本。长江沿岸的湖北,在张 之洞洋务新政的影响下,迅速崛起,成为留日学生分布最多的省。其影响波及彼 邻四川,四川的留日学生人数在全国位列第四。因此,长江流域成为继东南沿海 之后留学生分布的又一个重要区域。 目前学术界对晚清留学的研究很多,成果也不少。但对于晚清学生的籍贯区 域分布却缺乏系统的研究。因此,笔者拟从晚清留学生的籍贯

4、区域分布这一切入 点出发,对其进行统计和分析,力求对晚清留学生在全国范围内的地理分布作一 个系统的探讨,从而进一步了解探讨区域近代化与晚清留学生地理分布的关系, 以便更好的了解晚清人才的地理分布规律。 关键词:晚清;留学生;地理分布 II Abstract After the defeat of the First Opium War in 1840, China was forced to open to the world. It was in the most dangerous period that internal and external suffers intertwinded

5、 that it had never been before over thousands of years, especially after the Farmers Movement in 1851 and the Second Opium War in 1856. The governers of Late Qing felt it and some realized that China must learn from the western countries. So the movement of studying abroad came into being. The movem

6、ent of studying abroad in Late Qing began in 1872 when the young men were sended to America and ended in 1912 when the Democratic China was founded. During the period, it had undergone a series of changes. According to the countries where the students studied, I divided Late Qing into four periods:

7、the young men studying in America, the navy army students studying in Europe, the students studying in Japan after the defeat of war in 1894, and the students studying in America again because of the returned money of American government. The thesis includes a rough description on the development of

8、 the students studying abroad movement in Late Qing, and then gets the separated statistics and analysis of the students studying abroad basing on the regional distribution, such as the students studying in Japan, in America and in Europe. According to the analysis, it is clear that there were a lot

9、 of students studying abroad in Late Qing. The students almost came from the whole country, but the quantity of every province was distributed differently. In some provinces there were hundreds of students studying abroad, but in some other provinces there were only a few even in some province there

10、 wasnt one. The distribution of students studying in Japan, in America or in Europe was obviously similar. In Late Qing the students gathered in the two developed and open areasthe Southeast China and the Yangtze River Valley. As a whole, it could be divided into four parts: the Southeast China, the

11、 Yangtze River Valley, the Inland Region and the Border Area. The distribution of the students tallied with the process of the western knowledge in China, so did the process of the modernization of China. The Southeast China was in a favorable condition. It was the first developed place in China tha

12、t the movement of students studying abroad emerged here and then expanded. Before the defeat of war in 1894, the students studying abroad of Late Qing mostly came from this region. After the III war, the western countries controlled China from the Southeast China to the Yangtze River Valley with a s

13、eries of unequal treaties. Japan replaced America and the Europe. Most students came to Japan to study. Hubei province rose quickly with the influence of the New Policy. The quantity of students studying in Japan in Hubei were the most. It influenced Sichuan. The quantity of students in Sichuan were

14、 the fourth. So the Yangtze River Valley became the second region where students came from. At present, there are many outstanding researches on the students studying abroad in Late Qing, but the regional distribution of the students in Late Qing is lack of research. Therefore, starting from the poi

15、nt of the regional distribution and according to the statistic and analysis on the regional distribution of the students, I have made the systematic analysis on the regional distribution and get a further understanding that the modernization in one region will affect the regional distribution of the

16、 students studying abroad. On the basis of knowing this point, we can also understand the rule of the geographical distribution of talents in Late Qing. Key Words: Late Qing; Students Studying Abroad; Geographical Distribution IV 表格索引 表 2.1 清末各省留日毕业学生籍贯统计表16 表 2.2 清末各省留日毕业生籍贯分布比较表17 表 3.1 早期留美幼童籍贯分布表19 表 3.2 留美幼童籍贯统计表21 表 3.3 各省官自费


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