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1、新疆师范大学 硕士学位论文 新疆高等职业技术学院田径课余训练现状的调查与分析 姓名:徐乐 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:彭立群 2010-11-28 I 中 文 摘 要 运用文献资料法、问卷调查法以及数理统计法,对新疆 8 所高等职业技术 学院田径课余训练状况进行调查和分析,了解和掌握新疆高等职业技术学院田 径课余训练开展情况;发现和总结目前新疆高等职业技术学院田径课余训练开 展中存在的主要问题,对解决问题的办法和途径进行探讨;为新疆各高等职业 技术学院以及相关部门指导和改善田径课余训练工作,提供合理化建议。 调查结果显示: (1)新疆高等职业技术学院田径课余训练队组建情

2、况不容 乐观,已开展田径课余训练学校的训练目标、动机积极正确;课余训练项目基 本与新疆大、中学生田径运动会比赛项目一致;训练场地以煤渣场地为主;赛 前集训是课余训练的主要组织形式;训练经费来源单一;学校对教练员和运动 员的管理尚有不足。 (2)教练员性别、族别比例不协调;教练员学历、职称、 年龄结构基本合理;教练员训练态度、动机积极明确;周教学工作量偏大,对 目前待遇状况满意度不高; 教练员普遍认为场地设施及经费不能满足训练需要; 教练员的科研能力有待加强,进修、培训的机会较少。 (3)教练员在运动员选 拔方面缺乏科学性;训练计划的制定和实施情况较好;训练内容和方法基本得 当,但对训练负荷的监

3、控方式相对滞后,训练后恢复工作的重视程度有待提高。 (4)运动员队伍以男性及汉族队员为主;大部分运动员无训练经历,但对训练 适应性较强;运动员对田径运动感兴趣程度较高,训练态度端正,动机良好; 运动员对教练员满意度较高,每周参加训练的频率和时间相对不足;训练后运 动成绩有所提高,但幅度不大;运动员文化课水平以中等偏上为主,存在学训 矛盾顾虑;整体训练氛围良好,师生关系融洽,但缺乏一定的比赛机会。新疆 高等职业技术学院田径课余训练存在的主要问题集中在训练经费、训练条件、 领导重视程度、教练员执训水平以及激励机制、运动员质量和训练时间等方面。 改善新疆高等职业技术学院田径课余训练的建议是:拓宽课余

4、训练经费来 源渠道,加大场地器材设施和田径课余训练投入力度;提高田径课余训练的科 学性和系统性;加强教练员队伍建设,增强教练员业务水平和能力;建立合理 的激励机制,激发教练员与运动员的训练热情;推动学校体育文化建设,加强 校际间交流。 关键词:新疆;高等职业技术学院;田径课余训练;现状 II Abstract Literature consultation,questionnaire and mathematical statistics were used to investigate and analysis on the current situation of eight higher

5、 vocational technical colleges extracurricular athletic training in Xinjiang,realize and command the whole situation of higher vocational technical colleges extracurricular athletic training;summarize and find out the main problems of higher vocational technical colleges extracurricular athletic tra

6、ining in Xinjiang and analyse the corresponding reasons;treats of avenues and the solution methods and puts forwad the countermeasures,in order to supply reasonable suggestions for relevant departments to guide and improve extracurricular athletic training. The results showed that:(1)organization of

7、 higher vocational technical colleges extracurricular athletic training is not optimistic,but the targets and motivations of school which have organized athletic training team are positive and correct,training events are in line with competition events of collegiate sports meeting in xinjiang;the oc

8、cupancy of standard athletic fields,but cinder fields are predominent in them,training environment is not so good,short- term training is the main forms of extracurricular athletic training,the sources of funds is simplex;the management of coaches is rational basically,there are some shortage about

9、the management of athletes.(2)The educational experience,professional title and age structure of coaches is rational basically,the proportion of male and female coaches as well as race of coaches is imbalance;of coaches have positive attitudes and motivations about the training, coaches professional

10、 level is low and workload is high,they are not satisfied with current treatment;venues and equipments can t meet the requirement of training, research capabilities of coaches need improve,the opportunities of teashers advanced study and training is inadequate.(3) it is deficiency in the scientific

11、methods of choosing athletes ;the formulation and implementation of training plan is better, the formulation of Long- term training plan is not enough.the training time and frequency arrangement rational basically,contents and methods of training are appropriate basically,but monitoring means of coa

12、ches are laggard,coaches should pay more attention to recovery after training.(4)male athletes are in the majority,most athletes have no training experience,but they all have good adaptive capacity to the training;most athletes are interested in track and field ,their attitudes and motivations are i

13、n a good condition;they have good high opinion of coaches,but the increasing degree of sports achievement is indistinctive;cultural course level of athletes is above average,there are some contradiction between study and training;training atmosphere III is good,the relationship between athletes and

14、coaches is in a harmony condition,but they are lack of chances to attend competition. The suggestion for higher vocational technical colleges to improve extracurricular athletic training are as follows:widen the funds sources of training, increase investment on athletic training; enhance scientific

15、and systematic nature of training; strengthen the construction of coach team, improve their training level and ability;establish the reasonable incentive mechanism, stimulate coaches and athletes training enthusiasm;Push forward the construction of school sports culture, strengthen intercollegiate e

16、xchange. Keywords:Xinjiang,Higher vocational technologic college,Athletic training,Current situation 新疆师范大学学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研 究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个 人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和 集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人 承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 关于论文使用授权的说明 学位论文作者完全了解新疆师范大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定, 即:研究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属新疆师范大学。学 校有权保


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