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1、太原理工大学 硕士学位论文 太原理工大学不同体育选项课对大学生体质的影响研究 姓名:薛晓鹏 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:运动人体科学 指导教师:李继海 20100601 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 I 太原理工大学不同体育选项课对大学生体质的影响研究 摘 要 2002 年 8 月国家教育部颁布了我国新的全国普通高等学校体育课程 教学指导纲要 ,这标志着高校体育课程改革的又一大进步.新纲要对 课程结构、课程内容、教学方法与课程评价等方面提出了新的要求,其核 心内容是“三自主”即在教师的指导下, “学生应具有自主选择课程内容、 自主选择任课教师、自主选择上课时间的自由度” ,打破了一贯自下而上和

2、 统得过死的课程模式。 “三自主”体育课程模式是在高校这一特定的氛围和 环境里,以学生为主体,教师为主导,以身体锻炼为手段和各种体育知识 为主要内容,在体育教学和科研管理过程中形成物质和精神成果的总和。 迄今,全国普通高校广泛开设了各种类型的体育选项课。本研究以太 原理工大学 2007 级共 3891 名男、女大学生为研究对象,对我校开设的篮 球、足球、排球、武术、田径、健美操、体育舞蹈选项课进行追踪调查对 大学生的体质变化状况进行了测试分析,经研究得出以下结论: 4.1.1 经过两年的不同项目的体育选项课的学习与锻炼,大学生身体形 态有较好的改善,身体营养程度与充实度呈良好的趋势发展。 4.

3、1.2 经过两年的不同项目的体育选项课的学习与锻炼,大学生呼吸系 统机能的得到了全面发展,肺功能得到加强。武术选项课男生肺活量提高 的程度最大,篮球选项课女生的肺活量提高的程度最大。 4.1.3 大学生经过一年的体育选项课的学习与锻炼,各选项课男女生的 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 II 速度素质均无明显变化;在下肢爆发力方面,田径选项课更能促进男生下 肢爆发力的增长,而排球选项课对女生的下肢爆发力的发展更有利;各选 项课男生的上肢力量均呈下降的趋势;女大学生腰腹力量除篮球选项课外 其他选项课女大学生的腰腹力量均得到不同程度的提高,其中武术选项课 的女大学生的腰腹力量提高的程度最为突出;在耐

4、力素质方面,除排球选 项课男大学生的耐力素质略有提高,其他选项课的男生的耐力素质均有所 下降。女大学生的耐力素质除了体育舞蹈选项课略有下降,其他选项课的 女大学生的耐力素质均得到不同程度的发展。 关键词: 关键词:体育选项课,大学生,体质 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 III TAIYUAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY COURSES IN DIFFERENT SPORTS OPTIONS STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF COLLEGE STUDENTS ABSTRACT August 2002 the Ministry of Education prom

5、ulgated the new University and College Physical Education Curriculum Guidelines, which marks another PE Curriculum great progress. The new outline of the course structure, course content, teaching methods and curriculum evaluation and other aspects of the new requirements, and the core of the three

6、self that is under the guidance of teachers, students should have to choose the course content and the choice of subject teacher, class time the freedom to choose to break the usual bottom-up and the system too dead mode of curriculum. Three Independent mode of physical education in college this par

7、ticular atmosphere and environment to the student, teachers, led to physical exercise and various sports as a means of knowledge as the main content, teaching and research in the sports management process the formation of the sum of material and spiritual achievements. So far, the national college o

8、pened wide variety of sports options classes. In 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 IV this study, Taiyuan University of Technology 2007 a total of 3891 male and female college students as subjects, of Offering basketball, football, volleyball, martial arts, athletics, aerobics, sports, dance course of the investigati

9、on to track the physical changes of college students conditions were tested by the study concluded that: 1. Body shape, the College of Physical Education elective course after two years of study and training, boys and girls were no significant changes in height. Male students were slightly increased

10、 body weight, body weight of female college students were slightly lower, the five projects, track and field teaching male students most significant growth in body weight, and physical dance course of the decrease of body weight of female college students rate the most obvious. 2. Bodily functions,

11、the College of Physical Education elective course after two years of study and training, the option class boys have varying degrees of increased lung capacity, which Martial Arts Courses on the boys raise the level of maximum lung capacity. The elective course on womens lung capacity was not obvious

12、. 3. Physical fitness, physical education students after two years of study and training course options, the rate of boys and girls did not significantly change the quality. Boys Track and Field Course to better promote the growth of lower limb explosive power, and girls volleyball lesson on the dev

13、elopment of lower limb explosive power is more favorable. The elective course on the boys showed 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 V a downward trend in upper body strength, but the addition of girls basketball lesson course other options outside the waist power of female college students were increased to varying de

14、grees, in which a female martial arts elective course students waist level to improve the most prominent forces. In addition to volleyball class endurance male students increased slightly, the other elective classes to boys has declined endurance. However, in addition to the physical dance course en

15、durance female students decreased slightly, the other elective classes endurance of female college students were varying degrees of development. KEY WORDS: PE elective courses, students, physical 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 1 第一章 绪论 第一章 绪论 1.1 问题的提出 进入新世纪,大学体育课程改革正以前所未有的速度向前发展着,2002 年新的高 等学校体育课程教学指导纲要的颁布进一步加快了改

16、革的步伐 2。我国学校体育在这 种不断深化改革的新形势下, 已逐步从传授运动技术为本位的传统教学观朝着增强学生 体质,培养学生终身体育的意识、技能、爱好、习惯和独立从事体育活动能力的现代教 学观转变。以适应新世纪人才培养的需要和素质教育的要求。二十一世纪高等教育担负 着培养具有开拓、竞争、全面发展的创造型复合人才的重要任务。作为高等教育重要组 成部分的高校体育,不仅要向学生传授体育知识、技术、技能而且应牢固树立“健康第 一”和终身体育的指导思想,力求在教学中培养学生良好的体育意识和体育能力,促进 学生身心的全面发展。同时注重培养学生对体育的兴趣、爱好、特长及获得知识和应用 知识的能力。使学生在掌握健身原理和健身技能的基础上,长期自觉坚持锻炼,为增进 健康、终身


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