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1、专项2 句子真题归类复习卷一、单项选择。( ) 1. (2017新密市) _ is the first day of a week.A. Friday B. Sunday C. Saturday( ) 2. Jim can play _ ping-pong, but he _ play the pipa.A. the; can B. the; cant C. /; cant( ) 3. I like ice cream. Its _.A. sweet B. hot C. fresh( ) 4. (2017荥阳市) There _ an apple and two pears on the pl

2、ate.A. am B. is C. are( ) 5. (2017荥阳市) What would you like to eat? Id like some _.A. potato and hamburgers B. potatoes and hamburgers C. potato and hamburger( ) 6. (2016二七区) Can you clean the room? Yes, _.A. I am B. I can C. you are( ) 7. (原创) Are there _ redbud trees (紫荆树) in Zijingshan Park?Yes, _

3、.A. some; there is B. any; there are C. a; there arent( ) 8. (2017惠济区) Whats your father like? _A. He is a teacher. B. He is tall. C. He likes beef.( ) 9. (2017登封市) _ I love tomatoes. Theyre fresh.A. Whats your favourite vegetable? B. Would you like some vegetables?C. What would you like for dinner?

4、二、看图片,写句子。1. (2017荥阳市) _2. _3. _4. _5. _三、为下列句子选择正确的答语。( ) 1. Whats your maths teacher like? A. Its between the two dogs.( ) 2. Where is the ball? B. No, I dont.( ) 3. What can you do for the party? C. Yes, she is.( ) 4. What do you do on the weekend? D. She is very strict. ( ) 5. Do you often play

5、sports? E. Id like some potatoes.( ) 6. What do you have on Tuesdays? F. No, I cant.( ) 7. What would you like to eat? G. Yes, there are two.( ) 8. (2015新密市) Can you do any kung fu? H. I often do my homework.( ) 9. (2016管城区) Are there any hills in the park?I. We have maths and PE.( ) 10. (2017高新区) I

6、s Chen Jie quiet? J. I can sing English songs.四、连词成句。1. (2017高新区) is picture there on the wall a (.)_2. (2015上街区) we Tuesdays English on have (.)_3. you do what for mother can your (?)_4. you do read often the weekend on books (?)_5. is lake there the a park in (?)_参考答案一、1. B2. C【解析】play后跟表示球类运动的名词时

7、,该名词前不用加定冠词the,排除A项和B项;but (但是)提示前后句意发生转折,所以后半句意为“但是他不会弹琵琶”,C项正确。3. A4. B【解析】在there be句型中,be动词的形式取决于其后紧跟的名词的单复数形式;an apple为单数,所以be动词要用is。5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A二、示例 1. Sarah can play the pipa.2. I often play basketball on Sundays.3. There is a tree in front of my house.4. Id like some chicken and soup.5. There is a river in the forest.三、1-5 DAJHB 6-10 IEFGC四、1. There is a picture on the wall.2. We have English on Tuesdays.3. What can you do for your mother?4. Do you often read books on the weekend?5. Is there a lake in the park? 6 / 6



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