人教PEP五年级上册英语Unit6 In a nature PartB 教案

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1、PEP BOOK( 5 )UNIT( 6 ) 学校: 课题Unit 6 B Lets learn 课 型单词教学 教材、学情简析(内容)1、 本部分学习的单词是:house,tree,bridge,building,village。教材通过Miss White和学生游览自然公园的情景呈现了单词的词形和意义。2、 本部分的教学目标是:能够听、说、读、写上述单词;能够熟练运用上述单词描述自然公园里的景物。教学目标(含整体教学思路)1、 能够听、说、读、写单词house,tree,bridge,building,village。2、 能够听、说、读、写四会句型:There is .和There ar

2、e .3、 能够运用句型:There are .和Are there .?来描述城市和乡村的景物。教学重点掌握五个有关自然景物的单词:house,tree,bridge,building,village。教学难点掌握(1)building,bridge的读音和拼写。(2)掌握可数名词复数的运用和读音。教法导航学法导航教学准备本课时的词卡和图片,多媒体课件,相关图片及故事。教学过程教学过程课 堂 活 动设计意图使用补充一、热身(Warm-up)1.Lets sing教师播放歌曲At a nature park,让学生跟唱。2.游戏:Guessing game 教师出示一些谜语让学生猜,单词如:(

3、1)classroom T:There is a blackboard in the room .There are many desks and chairs .There are four windows and two doors .What room is it ? S:Classroom . 如:(2):school T:There are many classrooms ,teachers and students in this place .What place is it ? S:School .3.活动:What can you see ? 课件出示一副美丽的城市图片,有蓝

4、蓝的天空,白白的云,茂密的树木,高耸的楼群,宽宽的马路上还有穿梭的汽车。 T:What can you see in the picture ? S1:I can see the blue sky . S2: I can see the white clouds . S3: I can see .二、新课呈现(Presentation)1.教学单词building、tree和house 接上个环节,教师继续提问:What else can you see ?引导学生说出“大楼”“树”和两旁的“房子”。出示单词卡片building、tree和house,让学生跟读,注意名词复数形式的渗透。操练方

5、式如下: buildingbuildingbuildings househousehouses treetreetrees There are many tall buildings . There are many tall trees . There are many houses .2.归纳小结城市的景色 教师出示金字塔,要求学生重复一遍所看到的景色,教师将学生所说的景色(单词)逐一填入金字塔内。3.教学单词:village和bridge 课件出示“城市老鼠和乡下老鼠”的场景:一望无际的田地边有许多间房子,田地的另一边是一条小河,河面上架着一座小桥,教师呈现故事情节: This is a

6、 small village . There are many small houses and farmers . The sky is blue .There is a big forest behind the village . There is a river and a bridge . Here lives a country mouse . 然后引出单词village和bridge并进行教学。教师说:This is a village .领读village,然后指图上的小桥说:Whats in the village ?引导学生回答:A bridge .教师问:Are ther

7、e any small houses in the village ?学生给出肯定回答Yes ,there are .教师带读完整回答:Yes ,there are .There are many small houses in the village . 4.归纳小结村庄的景色 教师出示金字塔,要求学生重复一遍看到的景色,教师将学生所说的景色(单词)逐一填入金字塔内。5.活动:角色扮演 教师扮演乡下老鼠,学生扮演城市老鼠,师生间进行对话表演。如: T:Are there any tall buildings in the village ? S1:No,there arent . T:Are

8、 there any houses in the village ? S2:Yes,there are . T:Are there any buses ? S3:No,there arent . T:Are there any trees in the village ? S4:Yes,there are . T:Are there any mountains in the village ? S5:Yes,there are . 6.教学Lets learn 教师播放B部分Lets learn 的教学录音,学生跟读。 教师播放B部分Lets learn 的教学录音,让学生跟读所有单词和句子。

9、单词:house,tree,building,bridge,village;句子:Are there any lakes on the mountain?Yes,there is one.然后做替换练习。 7Write and say 教师出示Lets learn的挂图,要求学生看图,用there be句型来写一写看到的景色。注意强调be动词的变换形式。如: There is a building in the nature park.There is a bridge in the nature park.There are some trees in the nature park.The

10、re are some houses in the nature park. 8.活动:新村庄,新面貌 活动方式:教师展示几张新村庄的新面貌,让学生从“城市老鼠和乡下老鼠”的记忆中走出来去看看新村庄的新面貌。要求学生,边看边说。如: There are tall buildings in the village now. There are bikes and cars in the village now. There are rivers and bridges everywhere. There are too many lakes everywhere. 最后以问答的形式来夸一夸新村庄

11、的新面貌。如: T:Are there any lakes in the village? T:Are there any tall buildings in the village? T:Are there any schools in the village? T:Are there any rivers and bridges in the village? 三、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 活动:辩论会 女生代表正方喜欢城市,男方代表反方喜欢乡村。喜欢城市的女生每说出一句赞美城市的话,教师就在城市的图片下方画上一个砝码。同样,喜欢乡村的男生每说一

12、句称赞乡村的话,就在乡村的图下画上一个砝码。最后以砝码的多少决定胜负。赞美的话可以是由there be 组成的句子,也可以用be+形容词构成的句子。如:There are many cars in the city.The trees are green in the city. 四、家庭作业(Homework) 1.抄写本课时的四会词汇。 2.做活动手册本部分的配套练习。热身部分唱歌曲,猜谜语可以让学生更加有兴趣加入到老师所创造的课堂中来。操练方式朗朗上口,让学生更容易记住单词的复数形式。角色扮演,使得学生更 理解所要学习的句型,既在玩中练,又在玩中学。辩论会的开展,活跃了学生的思维,锻炼了

13、学生的反应能力。教学反思PEP BOOK( 5 )UNIT( 6 ) 学校:博罗实验学校鸡麻地小学 备课教师:黎艳华 第17周 星期二 第二节 2015/12/22(课时安排:1节课) 课题Unit 6 B Lets learn 课 型单词教学 教材、学情简析(内容)本课时通过阅读和课后小练习加强对本单元的学习和巩固。教学目标(含整体教学思路)1.能读懂“Read and write”部分的绘画和填空任务,复习本单元的主 要词汇和句型。2. 能读懂“Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和回答问题的任务。3. 能听、说、认读单词“high”。4. 能读懂“Story time”部分的趣味故事。5. 提高学生的英语阅读能力和学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点1.能读懂“Read and write”部分的绘画和填空任务,复习本单元的主 要词汇和句型。2. 能读懂“Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和回答问题的任务教学难点提高学生综合运用英语知识的能力。教法导航学法导航教学准备多媒体课件,相关图片及故事。教学过程教学过程课 堂 活 动设计意 图使用补 充教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Nice to see you


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