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1、硕 士 学 位 论 文生鲜农产品网上销售研究以茂名荔枝为例 华南农业大学毕业论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 毕业论文版权使用授权书本毕业论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用毕业论文的规定,即:研究生在校期间论文工作的知识产权单位属华南农业大学。学校有权保存并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许毕业论文被查阅或

2、在校园网上发布并供校内师生和与学校有共享协议的单位浏览(除在保密期内的涉密论文外);学校可以公布毕业论文的全部或部分内容,可以允许采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存、汇编毕业论文。本人电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。作者签名: 日期: 导师签名: 日期: 毕业论文提交同意书本毕业论文符合国家和华南农业大学关于研究生毕业论文的相关规定,达到毕业答辩要求,同意提交。导师签名: 日期: VI摘 要生鲜农产品作为人类的生活必需品,随着人民消费水平的不断提高,我国生鲜农产品的产量逐年增加。2014年,中共中央一号文件明确要求大力发展农产品电子商务,之后,我国农业电子商务发展步入快车道。随着互联网不断

3、普及和发展,我国网民人数不断增长,网络经济规模不断扩大,越来越多的企业开始将目光放在网络销售上面。生鲜农产品销售商也逐渐认识到互联网营销的重要性, 并开始布局网络商城。同时一些传统企业也开始建立电子商务网站来促进本企业生鲜农产品的销售。然而有关数据显示,生鲜农产品网购在农产品总交易额中所占的比例很小。主要原因是消费者认为生鲜农产品从电商到自己手中这个过程具有未可知性,也不能保证生鲜农产品到自己手中完好无损。本文在相关文献的理论基础上,对生鲜农产品网上销售的发展、现状进行分析,结合茂名荔枝网上销售的具体案例,找出其存在的问题,最后给出相应的建议。本研究课题通过收集、整理、归纳与研究有关的各类文献


5、search on Online Sales of Fresh ProduceTaking Maoming Litchi as an ExampleHu Xuebin(College of Economics & Management, South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou,510642,China )Abstract:With the ever continuous improvement of peoples consumption level and fresh agricultural products being the nece

6、ssities of life, the yield of such crops in our country has been increasing year by year. With the development of electronic commerce in recent years, the trade form of part of fresh agricultural products has changed from the traditional channels to online shopping, and some of the e-commerce sites

7、have already tried to sell fresh agricultural products, at the same time, some traditional enterprises have begun to build e-commerce sites to promote the sales of fresh agricultural products. However, the relevant data displays those fresh agricultural products online shopping occupies a small prop

8、ortion in the total trade volume of agricultural products. Consumers consider the process that the fresh agricultural products from the business to their hands are not intellectual, this is the main reason, and its not certain that the fresh agricultural products are intact or not. On the basis of t

9、he relevant literature, this paper analyzes the development and current situation of fresh agricultural products online sales, and finds out the existing problems.This research project collects, collates, summarizes, and studies various types of literature, and finds out the defects and deficiencies

10、 exposed in the current theoretical research. As of now, most studies are conducted on agricultural product supply chains, network sales, and logistics. There is a lack of research on the sale of fresh agricultural products as the main content. This article can enrich and improve the role of related

11、 research, and it can also provide theoretical reference for related research. This research topic discusses the current situation of selling fresh produce on the Internet. Through analyzing the defects and deficiencies revealed in the analysis, after analyzing the causes of the problems, it puts fo

12、rward some feasible suggestions and strategies to provide important guidance and help for the online sale of fresh produce. , providing guidance and reference for related research. This research project uses the network sales of Maoming Litchi as a research case, uses SWOT analysis to analyze the sa

13、les of Maoming litchi, and puts forward some methods and suggestions for promoting network sales.Key words:Agricultural Products;Online Sales of Fresh Agricultural Product;Fresh Agricultural Online Shopping目 录1 绪论11.1研究背景及意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义11.2国内外研究现状21.2.1国外研究现状21.2.2国内研究现状41.2.3研究评述61.3研究方法71.

14、4主要研究内容72 生鲜农产品网上销售相关概念及理论基础92.1生鲜农产品92.1.1生鲜农产品的概念92.1.2生鲜农产品的特点92.2网上销售102.2.1网上销售的概念102.2.2网上销售的基本功能102.2.3网上销售的主要途径102.3生鲜农产品网购112.3.1生鲜农产品网购的概念112.3.2生鲜农产品网购的特点112.4生鲜农产品物流123 我国生鲜农产品网上销售现状133.1我国生鲜农产品供给现状133.1.1供给数量现状133.1.2供给质量现状153.2我国生鲜农产品网上销售发展阶段163.3生鲜农产品网上销售发展现状173.3.1生鲜农产品网上交易概述173.3.2生

15、鲜农产品网上销售模式183.3.3生鲜农产品电商物流模式213.4消费者网上购买生鲜农产品意愿分析224 我国生鲜农产品网上销售存在的问题254.1产品方面的问题254.2物流方面问题264.3消费者方面问题274.4其它方面问题284.4.1基础设施建设薄弱284.4.2技术能力薄弱284.4.3网络安全问题284.4.4来自实体店的压力295 发展生鲜农产品网上销售的对策305.1加强硬件设施建设和软件的建设305.2加大对不安全生鲜农产品供给质量的监管处罚力度305.3提高生鲜农产品生产和流通的标准化水平315.4银行技术及个人信用安全315.5加强对消费者的宣传引导325.6健全物流体系的建设335.7完善售后体系建设346


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