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1、38高频词汇被整理出来了SAT考试阅读的核心词汇。这些词汇是在SAT-OG&OC&真题的基础上整理出来的,其实研究SAT考试首先应该对其OG有一个充分的理解和认识,因为上面的文章都是不折不扣的真题,文章、题目和选项的设置是任何辅导教材不能取代的。而很多同学在使用OG的时候其实都是走马观花, 心想做个几题感受一下就好了,如果真是如此,那么OG为啥要印那么厚呢?整理的词汇分别有四个部分,第一个部分是重要概念词汇,里面包含了TOEFL词汇与SAT词汇。对于这部分的词汇同学们可以结合文章内容理解,这点是任何词汇书都无法取代的。第二部分是重要观点类词汇,SAT阅读真正变态之处在于作者的观点、语气、态度、

2、情感和人物表情用词都相当的复杂。这里给大家做了详细的分类,希望大家可以高效的记忆这些词汇。第三部分是基本逻辑类用语,这类词汇在文章当中其实出现的并不多,而再选项上面出现的相当的多,很多词汇是我们高中阶段就学过的单词,但是放在SAT考试当然你敢说你有信心知道出题者运用他们的真正目的吗?第四部分据很多同学反应就是SAT的句子即便单词意思全知道,但是放在一起就会产生幻觉, 那你就需要好好研究我列出的长难句了!其实很多句子写的特别生动,我们写作的时候也是很有模仿的。P 391-海豚智力研究1. 重要概念类词汇Sophisticate/individuality/intelligence/appropr

3、iate/captivity/sensitive/self-awareness/emotional/possess/transmit/interaction/objectivity/2. 观点类用语Show/also/ believe/prove/recognize/even/demonstrate/maybe/unusually/?(这个符号代表的修辞疑问句,我们在文章当中看到修辞疑问句一定要引起重视,因为后面对于这个疑问句的回答就是很有可能是这个段落甚至这个篇文章的主要观点)/but/suggest/argue/the fact is/not/unique(独一无二其实是一种极端性限制,相

4、当于only)/uncommonly/usually/virtually / impossible /question/ little is actually/contend/point out/fully/signify/very few/*be aware of /all we can say/roughly/highly/3. 基本逻辑类用语重点放在对比和因果上Also/another/because/is equal to/outperform/more(less)than/while/4. 复杂句型(1) This behavior demonstrates that dolphin

5、s are aware of their own individuality, indicating a level of intelligence that may be very near own. 长难句分析,这个句子要注意的就是有两个平行的表语从句。注:黑体字是这句话的逻辑连接点;下面划线是表示作者的观点态度。P392 揭秘印第安神话1. 重要概念类词汇Motives/customs/aspiration/tendency/ motivated/mysticism/ambition/introspection / pristine / incomprehensible / deduct

6、ive / automatically / reserve / civilized / occasion / attempt / formulate / ancestor & descendant / encompass / pleaser / difficulty / philosophical / satisfying / dependable / vanish / monopoly / divergent / cast on / viable / exclusive / perceive / deal in / expedient / dissemination / accomplish

7、 / literate / chronological / tribal / preservation / religious rituals / strike / evidence / archaeology / documentation / void / educated guess / expose / abrupt / wrenching / reflection / establish / colonial / current / replenish cultural bias / diversity / argument / anthropological / novelty /

8、 stereotype(critical point) / essential / precondition / influence / disadvantage / credential / predecessor / complication / statistics analyses / measurement / fossil / physical / characteristic / artifact / homogenization / universality / scholar / academia / objective / culpable ignorance / erro

9、r2. 观点类用语fundamentally/ profoundly / self serving / self righteous / certainly/ simply/ assume seldom /rarely/ preconception(先入为主的观点比较容易形成prejudice & stereotype)/ prejudge/ behold/ wander/ obviously/ ordinary/ must /consistently/ reluctance/misconception/ subjective/particularly/ demanding/ reassuri

10、ng/ inexact /unreliable/ culture-bound/ absolute/ rigorous/ prejudice/ impression/ initially(最初的想法,与finally & ultimately 对应)/ disillusionment / demythologize(critical 的标志词汇,破除迷信) fantasy/ abandon/ suggest/ debunk/ exclusively/ contradiction(矛盾也是critical 的词汇,在CR中,矛盾通常是指(1)第一人称小说当中的主人公的心里矛盾(2)idealism

11、 Vs. realism 的矛盾)/ must/ criticism/ oblivious/ overly/ excessively/ anxious/ faulty /conclusion(下结论之后的观点一般是主要观点)/ unlikelihood/ settle the differences/ rebelliousness/ inertia(懒惰)/self-denial(自我否定是放弃类的词汇,多数不选除非怀此心态者是反面典型)/ / shortage/challenge/ original/ may(原文是可能,选项是事实为错;反正不能算错)/ would/ doubt / dec

12、laim(不要与disclaim混淆) acknowledge/ fallible/ beneficial/ possibility/ false3. 基本逻辑类用语stem from/since/ though/ just/ like/ equivalent/ however/ longevity(这里表示一个事物的延续时间,等同于continuity)/ fuel(生动的表现了因果关系) /but /more/ associate/ with/ outside/ as/ progressive/ in that /but /rather /less than /therefore /dre

13、w a parallel /determine /base on4. 复杂句型(1)Part of problem may well stem from the long-standing tendency of European or Euro-American thinkers to regard Native Americans as fundamentally and profoundly different, motivated more often by mysticism than by ambition, charged more by unfathomable visions

14、 than by intelligence or introspection.点评: A. stem from 表现的意思是由于,但是为啥这里要用stem这个单词而不用result 或者come呢,原因我想应该和这篇文章作者的意图是有直接关系的,文章中作者想去批判一个根深蒂固的偏见,所以提到这个偏见原因的时候用了stem(根)这个单词的时候是非常合适和生动的。B. motivated 和charged 这两个动词在这句话中的作用是运用过去分词修饰前面的Native Americans的观点,所以这两个单词的意思应该一样的,如果遇到词汇题,那么同学们要学会通过这两个平行动词去确定意思。C. ma

15、y 和regardas是观点标志词,注意may是一种假设不是事实就可以了(2)Native Americans, though obviously contemporary with their observers, were somehow regarded as ancient, examples of what Atone Age Europeans must have been like. 点评:A. 插入语要学会跳跃,把他放在文章的最后去读这样读起来比较轻松,否则,你自己就是没事找事了。B. Must have been like看似好像是一种假设语气,但是这里加了must了语气就很

16、极端了,在我看来不够客观,存在潜在的批判点。(3)Western historians, cultural-bound by their own approach to knowledge, are apt to declaim that next to nothing, save the evidence of archaeology, can be known of early Native American life.点评:A.插入语故技重施B. Save的意思是通过这些证据,科学家可能知道早期NA的生活。Bbound & own 在这里的意思是限制的意思,一语道破了这些历史学家的问题,那就是受到文化和自身学术研究方法的限制,换言之,这群人不愿意从别人的文化去思考问题或者做学问。同学们以后都是准备去美国名校读书了,你想想这些名校会选择被这写偏见占据思维了的人吗?显然不会,所以通过SAT阅读就能够知道你的思维是不是一个思想保守,固守偏见的


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