江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高三英语一轮自编复习讲义:M1U2早读检测 Word版含答案

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江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高三英语一轮自编复习讲义:M1U2早读检测 Word版含答案_第1页
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《江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高三英语一轮自编复习讲义:M1U2早读检测 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高三英语一轮自编复习讲义:M1U2早读检测 Word版含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、淮安市新马高级高三英语复习讲义 No cross, no crown.高三英语组一轮复习讲义M1U2早读检测(一)一、译出下列短语翻译下列短语1.比预期的早_2.迫不及待地让孩子们惊讶_3.不出所料_ 4.环顾房间_5.表现的像成年人_ 6.委托某人负责 _7.不能忍受这种行为_8.当灯熄灭时_9.双臂交叉抱在胸前_ 10.给我机会为自己辩护_11.配得上得到一个解释_12.以对话的形式_13.我们有紧急情况_ 14.问题的起因 _15.看起来他一直饿着_16.对无理、粗鲁 _17.如何处理_18.拒绝做任何事_19.允许他自由_ 20.赶上学习_21.禁止我聊天_22.与父母相处难_23.被

2、认为是成才的烦恼_24.在行为上做出好的选择_25.渴望独立_26.努力的依靠自己_27.所有事结果很好_28.在这一方面倾向于不同_29.不破坏我们的关系_30.坚持浪费时间做_.二、根据中文提示完成下列句子 1.埃里克跑了进来,后面跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。Eric runs in after it,_ by a big dog, _ very slowly.2.丹尼尔,我们还以为你是一个成年人了,是一个会做出正确决定的人Daniel, we thought you were an adult, _ _ _would make good decisions 3.房间里一片狼籍:地板上堆放

3、着比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里全是脏碗碟。The room is in a mess, _pizza boxes _ _ _and dirty dishes_ _ _. 4.如果他们知道Spot 生病了,我们用钱带它去诊所的话If they knew_Spot _ and we used the money to take to the clinic 5.不,埃里克,为什么他们不问问我到底发生了什么事就对我大喊大叫呢? but no, Eric, why didnt they ask me _ _shouting at me?6. 正因为青少年们在平衡这些需要时有困难,所以他们经常质疑自己到底是谁以及

4、怎样融入社会。_ teenagers have difficulty _these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society. 7. 有一点点的耐心和交流的话,很多这些问题都可以得到解决。_ a little bit of patience and communication, many of these problems can_ _.淮安市新马高级高三英语复习讲义No cross, no crown.高三英语组一轮复习讲义M1U2早读检测(二)一、选词填空be supposed to, cant

5、wait, be hard on, now that, turn up, in charge of, go out, in the form of 1He suddenly _ at the meeting.2The students _ to know the result of the examination.3Could I speak to whoever is _ International Sales please?4_ they have got to know each other a little better,they get along just fine.5The fi

6、re has _.6You _ have done it by now.7Water exists _ ice,snow,steam,etc.8Her parents _ her though she is very young.二、同义词辨析1用normal/common/ordinary填空(1) It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to _.(2) This is a very _ flower in the north.(3) He is a _ child in every way.(4)

7、His _ days work is to receive and deliver letters.2用loud/aloud/loudly的适当形式填空(1) Please read the text _.(2) Their baby screamed _ of all.(3) That the children are arguing _ in the room made their parents very angry.(4) Dont speak in a _ voice. The baby is sleeping.三、写出常见习语的含义。1. a piece of cake _2. a

8、 wet blanket _3. all ears_4. pull my leg_5. have green fingers_6. the top dog_7. give sb. the cold shoulder_8. rain cats and dogs_9. not my cup of tea_10.notafeathertoflywith_11.let the cat out of the bag_12.featherinonescap_13.wake a sleeping dog_14. paint the lily_四、微写作。每个人都会经历一个时期青春期。对于青少年来说,感觉到孤

9、独和被误解是很普遍的。这种情感可以被看作是成长的烦恼当青少年迈向成年人所面对的困难。好消息是这种成长的烦恼不会持续。最终,一切都会变好。_ _一、译出下列短语1. earlier than expected 2. cant wait to surprise the boys 3. as expected 4. look around room 5. act like an adult 6. leave sb. in charge 7. wont tolerate such behavior 8. as lights go out 9. have ones arms crossed 10. give sb a chance to defend oneself 11. deserve an explanation 12. in the form of a dialogue 13. we have an emergency 14. the cause of problems 15.look like he is starving 16. be rude to 17. what to do wit


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