江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块七 unit 3)

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江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块七 unit 3)_第1页
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《江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块七 unit 3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省淮安市新马高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块七 unit 3)(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考英语一轮复习活动单(牛津译林版)模块七Unit 3 The world on line核心词汇一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1. This program is meant to help those who are _ (上瘾) to smoking. 2. All the books in our library are c_ (分类)by subject.3. I dont understand that you did your best to help him but he didnt even b_(花费时间、精力做某事)to say a word of appr

2、eciation. 4. The money is to be used for one s_(特定的) purpose the building of the new theatre.5. Be sure to first list the most _ (相关的) experience related to the job to which youre applying.6. He thinks that the government should _ (承认) the past in order to clear the way for a different kind of polic

3、y.7. Remember that we make progress by identifying and _ (改正) mistakes.8. He _(仔细搜索)through almost all the stores and at last selected a ring for his wife.9. You can refer to the telephone _(号码簿)We have all the telephone numbers of the residents living in this community.10. This training will _(使有资格

4、)you for a better job.二、译出下列短语1. 对我们的生活有积极的影响_ 2. 支持网络 _3. 寻找信息 _4. 通过网络与他人建立关系_5. 向网络求助 _6. 在某人的命令下 _7. 各种各样的话题 _8. 浪费时间 _9. 使用网络 _10. 寻找问题的答案 _11. 建立社会关系 _12. 持续他们一生 _13. 日渐成为一个问题 _14. 交论文 _15. 对上瘾 _ 16. 过正常的生活 _17. 不与人们交往 _ 18. 遵循这些建议 _19. 因为缺乏能力 _ 20. 给我们树立了好的榜样 _21. 牢记 _ 22. 根据主题来分类 _23. 没有资格 _

5、 24. 被分成 _25. 大量的标题 _26. 以此为基础 _27. 更新 _28. 把考虑进去 _29. 在网页底部 _30. 产生差异 _重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 1. 如果没有因特网,这些人和人交往的途径就会更少。_, these people _ fewer avenues of meeting people. 2. 对于做研究的任何人来说,获得最新的精确的信息是件重要的事情。Access to _ accurate information is an important thing for anyone who is doing research.3. 我今天所要谈及的因特

6、网的主要缺点是网上有太多未经核准的信息,以及它正改变人们使用时间的方式。The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are _ it has too much information _ has not been evaluated for accuracy, and _ it is transforming the way people spend their time. 4. 你对因特网的搜索懂得越多,你找到你要找的东西的速度就会越快,而且你得到的信息更多。_ you know about Internet researc

7、h, _ you will find what you are looking for, and the better informed you will be. 5. 遵循以上这些建议,你在因特网上做研究所花的时间将会给你带来更多的回报。_, _ your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile. 重要知识详解一、重要词汇(单词+词组)词汇-1. claim【教材原句】They claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of time. (P34)

8、【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)Supporters claim that there are many benefits of service learning. (2)Have you claimed the insurance yet? (3)The earthquake claimed thousands of lives. 【自主归纳】claim词性 _ 词义:_, 后接:_ 词义:_, 后接:_【即时巩固1】A wallet has been found and can be _ at the managers office. A. claimed B. announced C.

9、 declared D. cheered 词汇-2. correspond【教材原句】What is more, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests. (P34)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) I havent corresponded with my old friend Amy for years. (2) His expenses do not

10、 correspond to his income. 【自主归纳】(1)correspond词性 _ 词义_(2)correspond with sb. _(3)correspond to/with sth. _(4)corresponding adj. 相应的;符合的,一致的【即时巩固2】用correspond 的适当形式或短语的适当形式填空(1) Your statement of the case does not hers. (2) The British Parliament the American Congress.(3) How often did you your paren

11、ts when you were at school?(4)Profits have risen by 15% compared with the _ period last year.词汇-3. addressks5uks5uks5u【教材原句】The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are that it has too much information that has not been evaluated for accuracy.(P35)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1) Your letter does not address my question. (2) The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson. (3) Dont address me as officer. (4) Please ask him to leave his home address. 【自主归纳】address(1)词性 _ 译为_(1)词性 _ 译为_【即时巩固3】用address的适当形式填空 (1) This letter is


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