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1、专题限时训练(二)名词与冠词(二)(限时:10分钟)1As expected, the boy who shows great _in playing badminton has been admitted to the sport university for his talent.Arequirement BrespectCaddition Dpromise2The lead singer was ill and couldnt sing that night, and her _ didnt perform well, which made the audience disappoint

2、ed.Aattitude BsubstituteCinstitute Daltitude3Clare has offered a _ of $100 to anyone who can find her lost cellphone.Abenefit BcostCreward Dprice4Nowadays people are more likely to go to _ mall than visit the tailor when shopping for clothes, so tailors have adapted to _ new reality.Athe; a B/; theC

3、the; the Da; a5The price of gold has jumped to_ new alltime high as debt worries in the US and _ Europe continue to trouble the world.Athe; / Bthe; theCa; / Da; the6Its incredible that you made _ mistake alike for _ third time. How can you be so forgetful?Aa; a Ba; /Cthe; the Dthe; /7When you talk a

4、bout a persons _, you are referring to the country, race, or social class of his parents or ancestors.Aorigin BnationalityCgeneration Drelation8Sarah looked at_finished painting with _ satisfaction.A/; a Ba; theCthe; / Dthe; a9Making _ good impression on the interviewers is of _ vital importance.Aa;

5、 / Ba; aC/; / D/; a10In order to put an end to poverty, the World Bank has switched its _to providing technical assistance and longterm loans to developing countries.Aconcern BprocessCstruggle Dfocus11There are still many problems ahead of us, but by this time next year we can see light at the end o

6、f the _.Abattle BdayCroad Dtunnel12Due to the unreasonable individual income _, the gap between the rich and the poor has become an outstanding issue.Acontribution BassociationCaccommodation Ddistribution13The _ is just around the corner and you wont miss it.Abicycles shop Bbicycle shopCbicycles sho

7、p Dbicycles shop14The doctor told me to take the medicine _.Aevery fourth hours Beach fourth hourCeach four hours Devery four hours15The teacher wants his students to know more about modern science and tries hard to develop a(n) _ about nature among his students.Acuriosity BhabitCability Dindependen

8、ce16In _ old society many young women died by so strange and cruel _ custom.A/; a B/; theCthe; a Dan; a17It is acknowledged that _ shortest distance between persons is _ sincere smile.Aa; the Bthe; aCa; / Dthe; /18The priest made the _ of the cross when he entered the church.Amark BsignalCsign Dgest

9、ure19Katherine, _ Mr Heller is waiting for you outside.Just a second. Im on _ phone.Aa; the B/; theCa; / D/; /20In fact, the reform is just one move in a huge project to improve Chinese teachers housing _ in recent years.Asituations BequipmentCcircumstances Dconditions专题限时训练(二)【名词与冠词(二)】1D考查名词词义辨析。句


11、酬,报答,赏金,酬金;price价格,价钱。从“who can find her lost cellphone.”可判断是“报酬”。根据句意可知C项正确。4C考查冠词的用法。句意:当今,人们在买衣服的时候更可能去商场而不是去裁缝店,因此裁缝已经适应了这个新的现实。第一空“the单数名词”表类指,指商场;第二空是特指前面提到的实际情况,是特指用法,故选C项。5C考查冠词的用法。句意:因为美国和欧洲的债务忧虑继续困扰世界,黄金的价格跃升到一个新的空前的高点。第一空用不定冠词a,泛指“一个新的空前的高点”;第二空Europe前面不用冠词,故选C项。6A考查冠词的用法。句意:你又一次犯了同样的错真是令

12、人难以置信。你怎么这么健忘?第一空泛指“一个同样的错误”;第二空序数词前面加a表示“再一,又一”,a third time“又一次”,故选A项。7A考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你们在谈论一个人的出身的时候,你们是在谈论他的父母或者祖先的国家、种族或社会地位。origin起源,根源,出身;nationality国籍;generation一代人;relation关系,联系。根据“the country,race,or social class of his parents or ancestors.”可知是对名词origin的解释。故A项正确。8C考查冠词的用法。句意:萨拉满意地看着这幅已经完成的绘

13、画。第一空表示特指“这幅已经完成的画”,用定冠词the;第二空抽象名词前不用冠词,故选C项。9A考查冠词的用法。句意:给面试官留下好的印象是极其重要的。make a good impression on sb给某人留下好印象;be of importance重要的。故选A项。10D考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了结束贫穷,世界银行已经把重心转移到向发展中国家提供技术支持和长期贷款上。concern关心,担心;process过程;struggle斗争,努力;focus焦点,重点。根据句意可知D项正确。11D考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们仍将面临很多问题,但明年的这个时候我们可以看到隧道尽头的光明。ba

14、ttle战役;day日子;road公路;tunnel隧道。根据句意可知D项正确。12D考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于不合理的个人收入的分布,富人和穷人之间的差距成为了一个突出问题。contribution贡献;association联系,协会,社团;accommodation住处,膳宿,和解;distribution分配,分派。根据句意可知D项正确。13B考查名词作定语的用法。句意:那个自行车商店就在附近,你不会错过的。名词作定语表示事物的性质、功能、用途等,故选B项。14D考查固定用法。句意:医生告诉我要每四小时服一次药。表达“每”用“every基数词复数名词”或者“every序数词单数名词”结构,故选D项。15A考查名词词义辨析。句意:老师希望他的学生更多地了解现代科学,并力图在学生们中发展他们对自然的一种好奇心。curiosity 好奇心;habit习惯;ability 能力;independence 独立。根据句意可知A项正确。16C考查冠词的用法。句意:在旧社会,很多年轻女子死于这么一种奇怪又残酷的习俗。第一空表特指,the old society“旧社会”;第二空表泛指,a custom“一



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