牛津版单元复习精品学案 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature

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1、牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案Unit 3Science versus nature词汇导练1Little Tom b_like a gentleman at yesterdays party.2Volunteers serve as _ (advocate)for abused children.3As many as 30,000 refugees died of hunger and lacking m_care.4The shop assistant didnt take the customers request s_,as a result,his prize was kept b

2、ack by the boss.5He is now out of work as a result of his c_,which resulted in a great loss in business.6I cant tell you_(明确地)when I can finish the project.7Copper_(传导)electricity better than other materials do.8He_(寻求)revenge(报复)against Surkov for separating him from his wife and son.9She wanted to

3、 be the first woman to climb Mount Everest,and she almost_(成功)10He had got prepared to take the_(后果)of losing money when he decided to invest at the beginning.11Although he researches cloning,his_(intend) has been to create copies of humans.12After all,scientists have been challenging questions of _

4、(moral)for centuries.1behaved2.advocates3.medical4.seriously5.carelessness 6.definitely7.conducts8.sought 9.succeeded 10.consequence11.intention12.morality短语汇集1_一方面2_ 指出3_ 一般来说,总体而言4_ 义无反顾地进行,努力推进5_ 以告终6_ 供出售,待销售7_ 用完,耗尽8_ 准备就绪,布置妥当9_ 想出,理解,明白;计算出,演算出10_ 几天前;那天11_ 对某人而言12_ 赞同,支持13_ 观点14_ 结果是,结果证明1.o

5、n the one hand2.point out3.in general4.push ahead with5.end up6.for sale7.use up8.put.in place9.figure out10.the other day11.on ones part 12.in favour of13.point of view14.turn out语句试译1(回归课本P58)_ _that is best for nature is good for people.并非对自然有益的一切事情对人类都是好的。2(回归课本P58)Most of the time_ _ _ _humans

6、are not really profiting when they damage the environment.在多数情况下,其结果是,人类在破坏环境之际没有真正受益。3(回归课本P42)A recent announcement by scientists_they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate.科学家最近宣布,他们已经成功克隆出第一个人类胚胎,这在全球范围内引起了争论4(回归课本P42)In China,scientists have focused their effort

7、s on cloning animals,_ _ _stem cells to be used in medical research.在中国,科学家们已经致力于克隆动物,以及将在医学领域中被使用的干细胞。5(回归课本P43)_ _ articles related to science,we often come across difficult or unfamiliar words.在阅读有关科学的文章时,我们经常会遇到难理解或不熟悉的单词。1.Not everything2.it turns out that3.that4.as well as5.When reading核心知识1.n

8、ormaladj.正常的;正规的,标准的n正规;常态(回归课本P42)She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003,at a much younger age than normal.她出生于1996年,死于2003年初,死时年龄比正常死亡年龄都小。11归纳拓展It is normal for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事正常back to normal恢复正常above/below normal超出/低于正常水平abnormal adj.反常的(反义词)例句探源Rewrite the inverted sentences using n

9、ormal word order.用正常语序改写下列倒装句。So as you can see from what Ive said,Im a normal kind of people.所以从我的叙述你可以了解到,我是一个很普通的人。(朗文P1392)Its normal to feel nervous on your first interview.第一次参加面试感到紧张是正常的。(牛津P1358)Things soon returned to normal.情况很快恢复了正常。易混辨析normal,common,ordinary,usual,regular(1)normal与norm(规

10、范,标准)同源,意为“符合标准的,正常的,正规的”。(2)common用于物,指“因为常见而不稀奇,很平常”;用于人,指“没有职位,不高贵”,强调具有某种共同点。(3)ordinary指与一般事物的性质、标准相同,强调“平常、平庸”而无特别之处。(4)usual指“经常的,惯用的”,强调习惯性的、符合规律制定的或一贯如此的。(5)regular强调有规律的、定期的、固定不变的。Were open during normal working hours.He was clearly no ordinary student.Lets meet at the usual time.Jim is a

11、common English name.1Letterboxes are much more_in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.Acommon BnormalCordinary Dusual解析:选A。句意:信箱在英国比在美国更常用,在美国大多数人都有一个邮箱。common的意思是“普通的,平常的”;normal的意思是“正常的,标准的”;ordinary的意思是“普通的,平凡的”;usual的意思是“平常的,惯例的”,表示发生的频率,平常发生的。2.(2010年高考福建卷)Drunk drivi

12、ng,which was once a_occurrence,is now under control.Ageneral BfrequentCnormal Dparticular解析:选B。醉酒驾车曾经是经常发生的事情,现在得到了控制。frequent频繁的,经常的,符合题意。general一般的,全面的;normal正常的;particular特别的。2.intentionn意图,目的,企图(回归课本P42)However,some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them

13、 shows no respect for human life.但也有人认为,怀着摧毁人类胚胎的意图来克隆人类胚胎,这是对人类生命的不尊重。归纳拓展(1)with the intention of doing/to do.为了,以为目的/意图without intention非故意地,无意地by intention故意地(2)intend v.打算,意欲,想要intend to do/doing sth.打算做某事intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事intend sb.for sth.要使某人成为intend sth.for sb.为某人准备某物be intended for为准备的例句探源It is not my intention to argue with you.我不是想和你争论。We intend the news report as teaching material.我们打算把这篇新闻报道当作教材用。The book is intended for children.这书是给孩子们用的。(朗文P1077)The music is different from how we intended it to sound.这音乐听起来和我们想要的不一样。(牛津P1062)He intended her no harm.他无意伤害她。3.She wen



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