全优课堂2017届高考总复习限时规范训练(人教新课标) 必修4 unit 2 微测 Word版含答案

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《全优课堂2017届高考总复习限时规范训练(人教新课标) 必修4 unit 2 微测 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《全优课堂2017届高考总复习限时规范训练(人教新课标) 必修4 unit 2 微测 Word版含答案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一部分必修4Unit 2.单句改错1I have succeeded in passing the exam thank to his help._2Much to our delight, our classroom has been equipped a computer._3My hard work led to win the first prize in the contest._4The scientist focused his attention to increasing the output._5To be honest, I regretted commented on

2、 that accident._【答案】1.thankthanks2.在equipped后加mentedcommenting.语境填空struggle, disturb, expand, therefore, export, regret, reduce, comment1It has the ability to _ pain and relax people both mentally and physically.2The main challenge is how you organize and _ your collection around your theme.3However

3、, his visit in his present condition will _ the childrens stable (稳定的) life.4Jerry did not regret giving the _ but felt that he could have expressed it differently.5Basing an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will _ it sooner or later.6I wish to make friends with all of you and

4、I believe that we will_ for our dream.7We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports._, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible.【答案】1.reduce2.expand3.disturb4comment5.regret6.struggle7.Therefore.短语活用thanks to, be satisfied with, build up, lead to, focus on, carry

5、on 1One should receive training to_ ones confidence.2Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can _ many diseases.3I wont go to the restraint again.I _ the unhealthy meals they serve there.4If you are going to follow someone, _ their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behavi

6、ors.5The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities _ the efforts of the local governments to increase it.【答案】1.build up2.lead to3.am not satisfied with4focus on5.thanks to.完成句子1如果我们发现那些材料有趣,我们的注意力就会长时间集中在它们身上。(2013四川)If we find those materials interesting, we _ them for long.【答案】will focus

7、 our attention on2我很遗憾地告诉你,我不能在约定的时间和你去北京了。I _that I cant travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time.【答案】regret to tell you3据我所知,他具有丰富的教学经验。As far as I know, he _ much experience in teaching.【答案】is equipped with4我宁愿你没有在上个月的战斗中受伤。I would rather that_ in the battle last month.【答案】you hadnt got wounded5如果需要,打个电话给我。_, give me a ring.【答案】If necessary- 2 -


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