2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析

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2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析_第1页
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2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析_第2页
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2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析_第3页
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2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析_第4页
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2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析_第5页
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《2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题1 名词和冠词 Word版含解析(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题一 名词和冠词根据高考命题大数据软件分析,重点关注第2、3、7、10、14、18、26、28、29、30题模拟精选题.单句语法填空1(2016漳州八校联考)“Reading for pleasure” plays a more important role in ones_(grow) than ones family background.答案growth放在物主代词ones后面的应是名词。2(2016河北五个一名校联盟检测)I had no _(choose) but to prepare for it, though.答案choice考查词形变化。have no choice but

2、 to do sth是固定表达,意思是除了别无选择。故答案为choice。3(2016庐江六校联盟)During my tour to Kunming in Yunnan Province, I met_young Australian at Liuzhou railway station.答案a考查冠词。第一次提到用不定冠词,一个年轻的澳大利亚人,a表示某一个,表示泛指概念。4(2016江西红色七校联考)As he approached the bridge, the sound got louder and then he saw_ pitiful sight.答案a考查冠词。pitifu

3、l sight,本句不缺成分,但sight表示场景时为可数名词,前需用数量词,故填a。5(2016河南六市三月联考)The students with hobbies left school with many extra_(skill)答案skills前面有many修饰,故用复数形式。6(2016银川一中高三一模)If your parents see that you have _high sense of responsibility, they will give you the right to do what you want to do.答案a考查固定搭配。a sense of

4、responsibility责任感。7(2016南昌名校联考)_ news hit _ Venice Film Festival unexpectedly:Hayao Miyazaki, the worlds most honored creator of animated features, was ending his movie career.答案The;the考查冠词。句意:世界上最受尊敬的长篇动画导演宫崎骏,将要结束他的长篇动画制作生涯。这一消息震惊了威尼斯电影节。从句意可以看出,两个空都是特指。8(2016湖北宜昌一中月考)Ants are gathering in their w

5、inter food in the middle of summer and make _ (prepare) for the long cold winter.答案preparations考查固定搭配。make preparations for.为作准备。9(2016安徽宿松中学月考)With great _ (satisfy),he soon fell asleep.答案satisfaction形容词great修饰名词,所以填satisfaction。10(2015河北衡水期末)The _ (change) are gradual and require a lot of efforts

6、and work,like cleaning up a polluted river.答案changes考查名词。变化是逐渐的,需要很多努力和工作。因为这里缺少的是句子的主语,根据谓语动词are可知主语应该是复数changes。11(2015太原一模)But Jane knew from past experience that her _ (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.答案choice考查名词。根据句子结构可知,此处为宾语从句的主语,且在形容词性物主代词her之后一定要用名词形式。12(2015亳州一模)Some like t

7、o call their friends,sometimes many times _ day.答案a考查不定冠词。有些人喜欢给朋友打电话,有时一天打很多次。a每一,表泛指,相当于per。13(2015泉州高中质检)I remember taking _ English class in college on the short story.答案an考查不定冠词。我记得在大学时上了一节关于短篇小说的英语课。名词class为可数名词,前面缺少冠词修饰,注意English前的冠词应为an。14(2015东营一中期末)Now years later,this river is one of _ mo

8、st outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.答案the考查定冠词。这里是“one of the 可数名词的复数”结构,表示“之一”。15(2015河南洛阳一高月考)On the other hand, chopsticks reflect _(gentle) and kindness.答案gentleness考查名词。另一方面,筷子所反映的是彬彬有礼与友好。根据and连接两个并列成分以及名词kindness可知,此处要用名词作动词reflect的宾语。16(2015广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考)So are most of the _(e

9、xpress) made with the word hot.答案expressions考查名词。most of the后跟名词形式,而且此处要用复数形式。17(2015陕西咸阳模拟)Actually we can encourage ourselves to work efficiently, full of _(determine)答案determination考查名词。介词of 后面应该用名词作宾语。18(2015宁夏银川一中月考)I named them “cookies” because I always feel that children can bring great happ

10、iness and _(excite) to my life.答案excitement考查名词。该处需要excite的名词形式和happiness一起作bring的宾语。19(2015广州海珠区摸底)In the forest, I really want to see _ elephant close up.答案an考查不定冠词。elephant为可数名词,表泛指要用不定冠词an。20(2015山西太原五中月考)The small damage may not seem worth all _ trouble, but what if I had been seriously injured

11、?答案the考查定冠词。小损伤好像不值得这么麻烦。此处表示特指。21(2015黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Scott was _ much better student than his sister, and has been working so hard for the last few months.答案a考查不定冠词。斯科特是一个比他姐姐成绩更好的学生。此处为描述,故要用不定冠词。22(2015云南玉溪一中月考)First start by making _ quick list of how you can show respect at school.答案a考查不定冠词。make a

12、list of 列的表,对列清单。23(2015黑龙江大庆一中段考)He wants to be a _(write)答案writer考查名词。他想成为一个作家。writer作家。24(2015四川绵阳一次诊断)All life _ (challenge) bring about an ending and the chance for _(begin)答案challenges考查名词。根据后面的谓语动词bring可以判断出作主语的名词应该用复数形式。beginning考查名词。介词for后面跟名词或动名词,故答案为beginning。25(2014河南濮阳市二模)Its still a us

13、eful and pleasant form of _ (communicate)答案communication考查名词。介词of之后要用名词形式communication。26(2014河南郑州二次质检)To be interested in these things is silly because it is none of their _ to know what their neighbours do or are doing.答案business考查名词。对这些事情感兴趣是很傻的,因为知道邻居做了什么或者正在做什么都与他们自己无关。Its none of ones business

14、与某人无关。27(2014黑龙江哈三中一模)I usually surf _ net,read news and anything I am interested in,check emails or chat with other people.答案the考查定冠词。固定表达surf the net浏览网络,网上冲浪。28(2014甘肃民乐一中诊断)One day,about ten years ago,I saw _ elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.答案an考查不定冠词。此处泛指一对老夫妇,且elderly前要用an。29(2014贵州铜仁一中模拟)She programs us with all _ possible moves she has seen.答案the考查定冠词的用法。她把看到过的所有的行动步骤都给我们进行编程。根据后面的定语从句she has seen可知,这里是特指,故要用the。30(2014宁夏大学附属中学二模)Our local Community Youth Club is very popular with young people in my town


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