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1、考点跟踪突破9八年级上册Units 910一、单项选择。1You will cut your problem in _D_ half if youd like to share it with others.Aa BanCtheD/2Please give me some _C_ on how to learn English well.(2014,益阳)Aplan BinformationCadvice3My dream hometown is an amazing place _B_ any pollution.(2013,衢州)Awith Bwithout Cout Din4We hav

2、e to _D_ ourselves when we are away from home.(2013,鞍山)Alook at Blook forClook up Dlook after5You can solve the problem by _C_ your teacher for help.Aasks Bto ask Casking Dask6I havent seen my grandparents for long.Im too busy _B_ them these days.Why not call them instead?(2014,凉山)Avisit Bto visit C

3、visiting Dvisit7Excuse me.Is it my turn now?Not yet.Please wait on the chair _B_ your name is called.(2014,温州)Aand BuntilCalthough Dsince8I wont go to tomorrows party _B_ I am invited.(2014,长沙)Aif Bunless Cwhen9What do you think of your school,Linda?Its a good place for us to _C_ ourselves for the f

4、uture.(2014,扬州)Apromise BproveCprepare Dpresent10Look!Laura is getting the first place._D_ fast runner she is!(2014,陕西)AHow BWhatCHow a DWhat a11Excuse me.Can you tell me what time it is now?Sorry,I _A_My watch doesnt work.(2014,襄阳)Acant Bmay notCmustnt Dneednt12If we _A_ take environmental problems

5、 seriously,the earth _ worse and worse.(2014,呼和浩特)Adont;will be Bwont;isntCwont;is Ddont;wont be13Why was the little girl so _A_ to see her mother come back?Because she broke a cup just now.Aupset Bhappy Cexcited Dtired14Did Emily _A_ the boys flowers?No,she _ them.Aaccept;refused Baccept;gotCgot;ac

6、cepted Drefuse;refused15Can you tell me how to use the iPhone 5S?_B_AThats right BCertainlyCThank you DOf course not二、词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。16My school is 5 miles(英里) away from my home.I usually ride my bike to go there.17Look at the calendar(日历)Its Christmas Day tomorrow.18Dad was very disappointed(

7、失望的)that you didnt phone.19Can you sing a song for the guests(宾客)?20I need some glue(胶水)and paper.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。21Thanks for your invitation (invite)I will go with you if Im not busy.22Jim said he could finish this job all by himself(he)23Did you watch the opening(open) of the Cannes Film F

8、estival?24Going to this kind of party is a good way to_make(make) friends.25She is an understanding(understand) girl,and everyone likes her.三、完形填空。(2014,成都)There are many problems between parents and their children.Some parents dont understand their_26_,and many of them even argue with each other.If

9、 I am a parent,how will I_27_my child?Well,I think there are many ways._28_,Ill encourage my child to do things he or she likes.The things should be good_29_him or her.If it is not good for my child,Ill talk to him or her about the disadvantage of the thing in a_30_way.Second,I will always take prid

10、e in everything good that my child_31_For example,if he or she gets good grades,Ill say something like_32_,“Well done!Im very proud of you.”These words will make both my child and me very_33_Third,I will spend_34_time staying with my child than my parents did with me.Ill chat and go shopping with my

11、 child.I am_35_these things will make parents and their kids get on well.( B )26.A.classmatesBkidsCfriends( B )27.A.give lessons to Bget along withCtalk to( A )28.A.First BNext CLater( A )29.A.for Babout Cbefore( C )30.A.silent Blazy Cpatient( C )31.A.will do Bis doing Chas done( B )32.A.it Bthis Ct

12、hem( A )33.A.happy Bstrange Csad( C )34.A.little Bless Cmore( B )35.A.afraid Bsure Csurprised四、阅读理解。(2014,内江)Children laugh often and easily.But as we grow up,we laugh less and feel more stressed.Try laughing for no reason at all.Thats how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around

13、 the world,and many doctors now think that having a good laugh may be one of the best ways to stay healthy.The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai,India,1995 by Dr.Madam Kataria.“Young children laugh about 300 times a day.Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr.Kataria.“Everyones n

14、aturally good at laughing.We want people to feel happy with their lives.”There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.Place:264 North Main Street,East Longmeadow.Were in an office building near the entrance.Walk down the hall and were on the right.When:Every Sunday af

15、ternoon from 3:45 pm.to 4:45 pm.Cost:Free.Donation will be welcomed.Ages:Adults from 18 to 75.Parking:If youre facing the building,the car park is on the right of the building.Teacher:Robert Rivest.More information,go to http:/.If you want to feel like a kid again,try our Laughter Club.You will get used t



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