2015年高中英语 Unit3 Travel journal单元测试2 新人教版必修1

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1、必修一 Unit 3Travel journal单元测试2笔试部分:第一卷 I. 单项选择1. Who, _ is the most popular teacher in our school? I think its Mr.Zhang.A. first of all B. in your opinion C. more or less D. in all2. Our desks _ wood and this kind of paper for copying _ wood too.A make ofmakes from B. are made fromis made ofC. make f

2、rommakes of D. are made of is made from3. How about the two of us _ the flowers in the garden?A. to water B. water C. watering D. will water4. They spent as many hours as they could _ their lessons.A. to study B. studying C. study D. studied5. _ a League Member, I should do all _ I can to help other

3、s.A. As/ B. For that C. Because of which D. As what6. We all agree him on _ he suggested.A. what B. that C. how D. why7. The difficulty we now meet with is _ we can persuade him to tell the truth.A. whether B. that C. what D. how8. There was something wrong with his watch and this is _ he was late.A

4、. how B. which C. what D. why9. He got seriously ill at the age of five. Later he couldnt see anything at all. He was _ blind.A. nearly B. totally C. especially D. probably10. Inspired by his scientific curiosity (好奇心) , Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, went on to _ other new invent

5、ions, including the photo phone in 1880.A. produce B. create C. work D. doII 阅读下面一段短文,用所给动词的正确形式填空。 A new computer (11)_ (buy) by the CAAC. It joins all the offices of the CAAC in and out of China. It (12)_ (use) to record the tickets which passengers buy. It also (13)_ (keep) record of the date on

6、which they (14)_ (travel). Now it is possible (15) _ (find) out much faster which planes are full and which planes still have free seats on them.(16) _ (thank) to the new computer, passengers at the offices of the CAAC can now buy their plane tickets much faster. At one time, there were long queues

7、of people (17)_ (wait) outside the CAAC offices. You might not have been able to buy your ticket until three days before you (18) _ (travel). Now it is much easier to make plans for your trips. The information on the computer (19) _ (can use) by all the CAAC offices. There are offices in 200 cities

8、in China and also in 70 cities abroad. Travelers and business people both at home and abroad (20)_ (greatly help) by this new computer. As a result, the number of people who travel by plane in China is larger than ever before. III 完形填空 Many television programmes are very realistic. One who watches T

9、V often _21_ that whatever happened in the film could _ 22_ happen to him. With only_23_ imagination, every man in the street becomes a thief, _24_ , or a murderer. Jane had been watching a spy film at a friends house. In it, a young girl had been followed and was murdered. She felt a little frighte

10、ned _25_ to the station. She took the train back to the centre of the city. There were a tot of people traveling , so she fell much _26 _ . She looked round at the other people in the train. A nm sitting opposite her, _27_ a newspaper, took a quick look at her. She thought _28_ of it until she saw h

11、im staring at her. Remembering _29_ and feeling very uncomfortable, she got out of the train and went to the bus stop. When he got on _30_ bus as she did, she felt that he was following her. As long as she had been with other people she had not been frightened, but when she _31_ the bus, the streets

12、 were almost _32_ . She walked as quickly as she _33_ . She could hear footsteps following her but she dared not _34_ back. After what seemed to have been hours, but was in fact a few _35_ , she reached the front door. She felt for keys, but was unable to find them, _36_ she was so frightened. The f

13、ootsteps _37_ behind her. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Instead of feeling hands round her neck, however, she heard a _38_ voice. I _39_ if I frightened you. Im your new neighbour, l thought I _ 40_ you on the train, but I wasnt sure. 21. A. finds B. feels C. knows D. believes 22. A very B. quite

14、 C. well D. hardly23. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 24. A, a spy B. a prisoner C. an actor D. a film star 25. A. flying B. working C. running D. walking 26. A. happier B. safer C. more pleased D. more comfortable 27. A. publishing B. reporting C. reading D. watching 28. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 29. A. the thief B. the film C. the newspaper D. the fr


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