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1、第十五讲 八年级(下) Units 910,1Ive never been to a water park. 我从未去过水上公园。 Me_neither. 我也没去过。(Unit 9) Me neither表示说话者的情况与上述否定句所说的内容一样,是省略句。常用于口语。用于正式场合本句应是Neither/Nor have I。如: I didnt go to the park last Sunday. 上星期天我没去公园。 Me neither./Neither did I. 我也没去。,【拓展】 (1)neither/nor,so引导倒装句。 “Neither/Nor助动词/情态动词/be

2、主语”表示与上述否定情况相同。如: He doesnt want to go shopping. 他不想去购物。 Neither/Nor do I. 我也不想去。 “So助动词/情态动词/be主语”表示与上述肯定情况相同。如: I like swimming.我喜欢游泳。,So does Lily.莉莉也喜欢。 “so助/情/系主”和“so主系/助/情”的区别: “so主系/助/情”结构表示同意对方说的话,用来加强语气,意思是“的确如此”。前后两句话主语是同一个人或事物。而“so助/情/系主”中,前后两句话主语为不同的两个人或物。如: Its too cold today.今天太冷了。 So

3、it is.的确如此。 (2)neither adj. & pron.二者都不(的);conj.既不也不,Neither article is made in Beijing. 这两种物品都不是北京制造的。 He answered neither of the letters.他两封信都没有回。 Neither he nor I am welleducated. 他和我都没受过良好教育。,2There are also many attractions on board,just like any other Disneyland.在船上也有许多吸引人之处,就像其他的任何一个迪斯尼乐园一样。(

4、Unit 9) attraction是可数名词,意为“有吸引力的人或事物”。如: The attraction of the citys bright lights is hard to avoid. 城市里五光十色的生活非常诱人。 【拓展】 attract是动词,意为“吸引;招引;有吸引力”。如: He attracted large numbers of followers. 他吸引了大批追随者。 The moon attracts the earths sea towards her.,月球对地球上的海水有吸引力。 3. more than three_quarters of the p

5、opulation are Chinese. 超过四分之三的人口是中国人(Unit 9) (1)population 作“人口”讲是集合名词,没有复数形式。当它作主语,表示整体概念时,其后的谓语动词用单数;如果指一个整体人口中有多少人是干什么的,则强调的是一个群体,是复数概念,这时谓语动词用复数。 指人口“多”或“少”时,一般用large或small来表示,而不用many或few。 表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,要与of连用。其句式,有两种:The population of某国(某城市)is.,某国(某城市)has a population of.,有时,表达“有多少人口的城市”时,用a c

6、ity with a population of. 提问“有多少人口”时用what或how large,而不用how many或how much。如: Eighty percent of the population of China are peasants. 中国百分之八十的人是农民。 The country has a large population. 那个国家人口众多。 The population of the village is about 4,000.,The village has a population of about 4,000. 这个村庄大约有4 000人。 Wh

7、at/How large is the population of Beijing? 北京有多少人口? (2)three quarters“四分之三”,也可以说“three fourths”。 【拓展】 英语中分数的表达: 分数是由基数词和序数词合成的,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是1时,分母用单数形式;分子大于1时,分母用复数形式,当分数前面有整数时,要用连词and连接。 英语中的分数常与of连用后接可数名词的复数或不可数,名词。作主语时谓语动词的形式取决于所修饰的名词,若是可数名词,则用复数,若是不可数名词则用单数。如: Two thirds of the students in my

8、 class are girls. 我班里三分之二的学生是女孩。 One third of the water is polluted. 三分之一的水被污染。 英语分数不费事,“母序子基”四个字。分子若是大于一,分母还须加s。 4Two people waiting to cross a busy street,正等着穿过一条繁忙街道的两个人(Unit 10) cross意为“越过;横过”,相当于go across。如: Go across(Cross) the bridge and turn left,then you will find the hospital. 走过这座桥然后向左拐,你

9、就会找到医院的。 【拓展】 across prep. 横过 crossing n十字路口 The man went across the desert on a camel. 那个人骑骆驼穿过了沙漠。 There are traffic lights at the crossing.,十字路口有信号灯。 5I feel_like part of the group now. 现在我感到像是他们中的一员了。(Unit 10) feel like表示“觉得像似的”,feel是系动词,like是介词。如: I felt like a fool at that time.那时我觉得像个傻瓜似的。 【辨

10、析】 feel like与would like feel like与would like意思相同,都表示“想要;希望”。 feel like后接名词或动名词。 would like后接名词或不定式短语。,I dont feel like walking after dinner.饭后我不想散步。 Id like to go for a walk in the garden. 我想在花园中散步。 6I was having a hard time finding it until you came_along. 在你来之前我一直在费劲地寻找这所学校。(Unit 10) come along是固定

11、短语,在本句中意为“出现;来到”,此外它还有“沿着行进”或“快点儿”之意。如: The party was going fine until Mary came along. 在玛丽到达之前,聚会进展得挺顺利。 I saw him coming along the road.,我看见他顺着马路走过来。 Come along,its nearly twelve oclock. 快点儿,快十二点了。 【拓展】 come构成的短语: come around (round)顺便来访 come back回来 come from来自 come on加油 come true实现 come out出版;出现

12、come up with想出;提供出,八年级下(910单元) (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),基础知识过关 一、根据句意及括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子(9分) 1Yesterday, I had breakfast at a _(一刻钟) past seven. 2The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its _(环境) 3There is heavy _(交通) during the rush hours. 4Sally made a _(笔记) of the meeting in her diary.

13、 5The boy made up his mind to become an _(优秀的) architect.,quarter,environment,traffic,note,excellent,6The Chinese people are a _(勇敢的) and hardworking people. 7I love cold drinks, _(尤其是) in summer. 8 _(春季) is the best season of the year. 9Please _(唤醒) me up at five oclock tomorrow morning. 二、根据汉语提示完成

14、句子(16分) 1我用半小时浏览晚报。 I spent half an hour _ the evening paper. 2你一个月至少应该看一本书。 You should read one book a month _.,brave,especially,Spring,wake,looking through,at least,3我今早醒来时,突然想起这个主意。 This idea hit me when I _ this morning. 4他照这样开车,早晚得死于非命。 If he carries on driving like that, hell _ dead. 5飞机上的食品是免

15、费供应的。 The food _ is free of charge. 6随后出现了一些新的见解,促使科学家们去研究人体的磁性。 Then some new ideas _ that enabled the scientists to study the magnetism of the human body.,woke up,end up,on board,came along,7我的英语写作很好,但我需要提高我的听力技巧。 _. 8穿过马路时当心向两边看看。 _ 三、句型转换(10分) 1I have been to Hong Kong.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ you _ to Hong Kong? Yes,I _.,My English writing is good but I need to improve my liste,ning skills,Be careful to look both ways befor


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