2018版高三英语一轮复习2012-2016年五年真题分类1阅读理解题及答案 Word版含答案

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《2018版高三英语一轮复习2012-2016年五年真题分类1阅读理解题及答案 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018版高三英语一轮复习2012-2016年五年真题分类1阅读理解题及答案 Word版含答案(154页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、20122016年 阅读理解专题一 广告信息类Passage 1 2016全国卷, AYou probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?Jane Addams(18601935)Anyone who has ever been helped by a social

2、worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社区) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.Rachel Carson(19071964)If i

3、t werent for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the worlds lakes and oceans.Sandra Day OConnor(1930present)When Sandra Day OConnor fini

4、shed third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator(参议员) and, in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. OConnor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on

5、 the top court.Rosa Parks(19132005)On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civilrights m

6、ovement. The only tired I was, was tired of giving in, said Parks.21.What is Jane Addams noted for in history?A. Her social work. B. Her teaching skills.C. Her efforts to win a prize. D. Her community background.22.What was the reason for OConnors being rejected by the law firm?A. Her lack of proper

7、 training in law. B. Her little work experience in court.C. The discrimination against women. D. The poor financial conditions.23.Who made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the U.S.?A. Jane Addams. B. Rachel Carson.C. Sandra Day OConnor. D. Rosa Parks.24.What can we infer about th

8、e women mentioned in the text?A. They are highly educated. B. They are truly creative.C. They are pioneers. D. They are peace-lovers.Passage 2 2016全国卷,AWhats On?Electric Underground7.30pm1.00amFree at the Cyclops TheatreDo you know whos playing in your area? Were bringing you an exciting evening of

9、live rock and pop music from the best local bands. Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer. Hes going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.Gee

10、Whizz8.30pm10.30pmComedy at KaleidoscopeCome and see Gee Whizz perform. Hes the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene. This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks(快餐).

11、Simons Workshop5.00pm7.30pmWednesdays at Victoria StageThis is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy. The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh. Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years experience of teaching com

12、edy. His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.Charlotte Stone8.00pm11.00pmPizza WorldFine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD, with James Pickering on th

13、e piano. The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食). Book early to get a table. Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine.21.Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?A. Jules Skye. B. Gee Whizz.C. Charlotte Stone. D

14、. James Pickering.22.At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?A. The Cyclops Theatre. B. Kaleidoscope.C. Victoria Stage. D. Pizza World.23.What do we know about Simons Workshop?A. It requires membership status. B. It lasts three hours each time.C. It is run by a comedy club. D.

15、 It is held every Wednesday.24.When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?A. 5.00pm7.30pm. B. 7.30pm1.00am.C. 8.00pm11.00pm. D. 8.30pm10.30pm.Passage 3 2016全国卷,AMusicOpera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742. http:/.Cham


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