1、<p><p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;amp;gt; By Li Taomei 1 Translation is as old as a language itself, probably starting from thousands years ago. It has been used as an
2、 indispensable means of mediation, not only a useful aid to preaching and teaching, but also to commercial exchanges and mutual understanding between different peoples and different countries. It has become part of human life. 2 The translators role is felt everywhere: not only in literature but als
3、o in such areas as science and technology, administration, foreign trade, cultural activities and tourism; not only in a particular country when translation or the oral form of it is called for, but also in such international bodies as the UN and the EEC where the translating and interpreting is par
4、t of routine work. 3 The 21st century has been called “ the age of translation”. With rapid increase of economic contact and cultural exchange between peoples, the significance of translation has been recognized by more attached to the study of translation theories and practice. 4 1) Why do we need
5、to study translation ? 2) What is the nature of translation? 3) What are the criteria for adequate and acceptable translation? 4) What are the problems which a translator ought to be able to recognize and resolve in order to produce a satisfactory translation? 5 英语遍世界,翻译是桥梁。 -周恩来 6 傅雷:傅雷: 1)1)以效果而论,
6、翻译应当像临画一样以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样 ,所求的不在形似而在神似。,所求的不在形似而在神似。 2)2)即使是最优秀的译文,其韵味较之即使是最优秀的译文,其韵味较之 原文原仍不免过或不及。翻译时只能尽原文原仍不免过或不及。翻译时只能尽 量缩短这个距离,过则求其勿太过,不量缩短这个距离,过则求其勿太过,不 及则求其勿过于不及。及则求其勿过于不及。 严复: 信、达、雅。 7 钱钟书:钱钟书: 文学翻译的最高标准是文学翻译的最高标准是“化化”。把作品从。把作品从 一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习 惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保惯的差异
7、而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保 存原有的风味,那就算得入于存原有的风味,那就算得入于“化境化境”。十七。十七 世纪有人赞美这种造诣的翻译,比为原作的世纪有人赞美这种造诣的翻译,比为原作的“ 投胎转世投胎转世”(the transmigration of souls)(the transmigration of souls), 躯壳换了一个,而精神姿致依然故我。换句话躯壳换了一个,而精神姿致依然故我。换句话 说,译本对原作应该忠实得以至于读起来不象说,译本对原作应该忠实得以至于读起来不象 译本,因为作品在原文里决不会读起来象经过译本,因为作品在原文里决不会读起来象经过 翻译似的。翻译似的。 8
8、 ? ? “ “忠实忠实” ”(to be faithful to (to be faithful to the original)the original) ? ? “ “通顺通顺” ”(to be smooth in (to be smooth in reading)reading) ? ? “ “易懂易懂” ”(to be easy in (to be easy in understanding).understanding). . 9 ? ? “ “信信” ” ? ? (to be faithful to the original)(to be faithful to the orig
9、inal) ? ? “ “达达” ” ? ? (to be expressive)(to be expressive) ? ? “ “切切” ” ? ? (to be close to the original style(to be close to the original style ) ) 10 “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of mean
10、ing and secondly in terms of style.” 11 “The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identity. In a sense this is just another way of emphasizing the reproducing of the message rather than the conservation of the form of the utterance.” 12 从一种语言到另一种语言(From One Language to Another) ( 1986)
11、中提出了 内容与形式兼顾的翻译论点,即所渭“功能 对等”(functional equivalent): 在词汇、 语法,语义和文体等方面,通过改变原文 形式表达原文内容,用译语最切近而又最 自然的对等语(the closest natural equivalent in the target language)把原文 内容表达出来,以求“功能对等” 13 对翻译功能对等的影响: 语用环境、社会文化、背景知识等 Chinese people and English people say: “I Chinese people and English people say: “I love you
12、 with my heart.”. But love you with my heart.”. But NidaNida notices notices that the people in different places say: I love that the people in different places say: I love you with my liver, love with my stomach, you with my liver, love with my stomach, and even more , love with my throat.and even
13、more , love with my throat. 14 ? ? Every nation has its own culture which is Every nation has its own culture which is formed in a certain natural circumstance, formed in a certain natural circumstance, history, geography and reality of the history, geography and reality of the society. You have to
14、get familiar with society. You have to get familiar with specialty of the culture and difference specialty of the culture and difference between the other cultures.between the other cultures. 15 ? ? 1 1).密碼 ?(f) secret code ?(r) password ?2)拳头产品 ?(f)fist product ?(r) knockout product ?3) 救火 ?(f) to
15、save fire ?(r) to fight fire ?4)初恋 ?(f)early love ?(r) puppy love ?5)青春痘 ?(f)youth spot ?(r) whelk ?6)隐形眼镜 ?(f)invisible glasses ?(r) contact lenses 16 翻译中的“归化”和“洋化”: l“化”: “味儿”。 l“归化”: “中国味儿”多一点 l“洋化”: “洋味儿”多一些。 l“洋化” 最典型的例子: l fair play“费尔泼赖” 17 lIn the country of the blind, the one- eyed man is t
16、he king. l译文:盲人国里,独眼为王。 l 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 l 蜀中无大将,廖华为先锋。 18 译文必须规范标准 l译文必须通俗易懂,符合该民族的现代 语言习惯,不应有逐词死译、生搬硬套 、文理不同的现象。 l英译汉时,要符合英语的现代语言习惯 。 l汉译英时,要符合汉语的现代语言习惯 。 l两个要求要同时做到,缺一不可。 19 哪一句译文符合汉语的现代语言习惯? l“You just keep your hair on and listen to me.” l译文:“你必须保持头发在上,并听我说 。” l “汝勿怒,听吾曰。” l “你别激动,好好听我说。” 20 l我工作
17、忙。 lMy work is busy. lI am busy with my work. l如果你遇到一个人 lGif au saw gewlaetne monmest. lIf you meet a man 21 III. Ridiculous Examples lFarewell My Concubine lAll Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopa&amp;amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p></p>