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1、. . .5年级上册 Unit 3A卷: 课堂点拨题用have或has填空【找出主语,主语决定一切】1.We some big tents. 2.They a lot of books.3. 【易错】 My parents a dog. 4.My parent a dog.5. 【易错】What does Amy ? She a pretty dress. 6.My brother a new bag. 7.Your sister six dogs8.Nancy a lovely cat. 9. Helen (have, has) a watch.10.【易错】Jack and Tom (do

2、nt have, doesnt has) a toy car.11.【易错】 it (have) two wings?12.【易错】Our teacher an English book. 13.【易错】Davids friends some soccer. 14.【易错】Who a volleyball?15.Dogs _ (have) four legs. 16. The rabbit _ (have) long ears.17.Sam _ (have) a nose. 18.Birds _ (have) feathers.19.Elephants _ (have) two big ear

3、s. 20.Jim and I some new storybooks.21.A dog four feet. Three dogs twelve feet.22.It (have) four legs.23.【易错】Our classroom eight windows. 1. 主语不是“三单代词she,he,it和单数名词”时,动词用原形(1)【易错】Mike and his friends many books. A. have B. are C. has(2)I a toy tiger. It two big eyes. A. have; has B. has; has C. has;

4、 have2. 主语是“三单代词”时的肯定句,动词变三单式(1)Tom a toy car. Toms parents two cars. A. have;has B. have;has C. has;have(2)【易错】My sister some nice shoes. A. is B. has C. have3. “一般疑问句” 和 “特殊疑问句” 和 “否定句”(1) I a toy bear,but my friend Lily . A.have;dont B. has;doesnt C. have;doesnt(2) you any animals friends? A.Are;

5、have B.Do;have C. Does;have(3)【易错】Does have a dog ? Yes. A.Tom B.they C.you(4)Does your cat have blue eyes? . A.Yes,she can B. Yes,it does C. Yes,I do4. 情态动词can(1)The dog cant on the swing . A. play B. plays C. playing(2)The parrot can (talk) with you in chinese.(3)The girl can dance, but the boy _

6、(can, cant).5. 【易错】I have a rabbit. tail is short. A.Its B.Its C.It6. 【易错】There no time to have breakfast. A.has B.is C.areB卷: 课后巩固题 一.选择( )1.I a pie and my brother a hamburger. A.have;have B. have;has C. has;have( )2.【易错】I have no pens pencils. A.and B.with C.or( )3. you a toy tiger? A.Do;has B. Do

7、;have C. Does;have( )4.Does your brother a pet(宠物)? Yes,she a bird. A.have;has B. have;have C. has;have ( )5.Do cats have small ears? . A. Yes,it does B. Yes,they do C.No,it doesnt( )6.【易错】Fish have big eyes and big . A.ears B.bodys C.bodies( )7.【易错】What she have? She has a violin. A. do B. does C.

8、has( )8.What your sister have? She has a violin. A. do B. does C. has( )9.【易错】What do have? A. he B. we C. Jim( )10.- your friend have a parrot? -Yes,she . A.Does;does B. Do;does C. Does;doesnt( )11.【易错】I dont have books in the bag. A.some B.a C.any( )12.【易错】 some animals in the zoo. A.It has B.Ther

9、e are C. There is二填入适当的词1.can(否定) 2.body(复数) 3.dancing(原形) 4.dont(完全形式) 5.doesnt(完全形式) 6.have(三单) 7.Nancy(所有格) 8.fish(复数) 9.do(三单) 10.it(形容词性物主代词) 11.can(否定形式) 12.its(同音词) 13.【易错】Tims (eye)are big.14.What (do) Jim have?15.Su Hai doesnt have (any) fruit.16.【易错】Dogs can _(swim)_(good).17.【易错】The parro

10、t (can / likes) talk.18. (it)body is very hard.19.What do you like?I like (tiger). 20.Are there (some) plates on the table?21.【易错】There are five (fish,fishes) in the water.22. Can you (dance, dancing)?23. I cant find _(his, him).24.【易错】There _ (arent, are) any apples in the basket.25._(Wheres, Whats

11、) on the bed? Theres a doll on it.26.Our classroom is on _(two) floor. In the UK, it is _(one) floor.27.The polar bears are from (the US / Canada).28.【易错】 it (have) two legs?29.Mike (like) my toy bear.30.Can you see any (rabbit)?三翻译1.四条腿 2. the other fish 3. 一条长尾巴 4.yellow and green 5.【易错】白色翅膀 6.一只手臂 7.两只大耳朵 8.【易错】红眼睛 9.不会飞 10.一个是白的


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