人教版三年级下册英语教案:Recycle 2 第2课时

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《人教版三年级下册英语教案:Recycle 2 第2课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版三年级下册英语教案:Recycle 2 第2课时(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第2课时本部分通过找水果这个游戏,复习和巩固有关方位介词和水果的词汇。复习水果、方位的单词,做到听懂、会说、会认读。正确运用“Where is the?Its”句型,针对物体的方位进行询问和回答。1教师准备水果图片及单词卡,多张介词短语。2教师准备Listen and draw部分的教学挂图一张。3教师准备课件或录音机、磁带、投影仪。4教师准备教学评价用的小贴纸或小红花。一、Warming up&Revision1Sing a song.通过齐唱歌谣,复习所学句型和单词,活跃课堂气氛,让学生更快进入英语学习氛围。活动方式:全班活动。教师利用课件或录音机播放本单元歌谣“Short vowel s

2、ong”,学生边唱边拍手,让学生肢体得到彻底的放松,更好地进入学习状态。2Greetings.通过互相问好复习日常交际用语。3Lets chant.学生分成两组,用问答的形式将上节课歌谣唱两遍,复习数字单词和“How many?”句型。How many bananas?Eleven!How many apples?Twelve!How many pears?Thirteen!How many strawberries?Fourteen!How many oranges?Fifteen!二、Presentation呈现新课1Lets meet the fruit babies.课件呈现一个大果园

3、,里面有很多各种各样的水果,教师引导学生观察并问答:T:This is a big garden.Look!So much fruit!What are they?可爱的水果娃娃一个一个走向屏幕,向同学们说:“Hello!”老师和学生一起大声向水果娃娃们问好:S:Hello,watermelon.S:Hello, banana.S:Hello, apple.S:Hello, strawberry.2Lets read.教师拿出课前准备好的介词短语,呈现并带读。in the box/on the map/on the book/under the chair/under the book3Let

4、s say.课件呈现Listen and draw的大幅图片。教师引导学生认真观察图片。老师问:What can you find in the picture?What are they?让学生在自己的课本上圈出找到的物品,并用英语说出来。S1:I can see a watermelon.S2:I can see a map.S3:I can see a chair.S4:I can see a desk.S5:I can see some grapes.4Listen and draw.设计思路:通过找水果的游戏,复习和巩固有关方位介词和水果的词汇。活动方式:全班活动,小组竞赛。课件或挂

5、图呈现P67“Listen and draw”。T:Oh,the fruit babies want to play a game with us.Where are they?Lets find out.播放磁带,学生听录音完成任务。三、Drills趣味练习Lets play a game.活动方式:pair work,同桌之间进行。教师交待游戏规则,同桌之间玩P68页的游戏,注意游戏期间用英语交流。S1:Where is the book?S2:Its under the desk.S1:Whos this man?S2:Hes my grandpa.四、Consolidation达标测试

6、看图,给对话选择图片。( )1.How many cranyons do you see?I see fifteen crayons.A.( )2.How many bags do you have?I have sixteen bags.B.( )3.How many erasers do you have?I have twelve erasers.C.五、Summing up&HomeworkEvaluate the performance of the students in class.活动方式:全班活动。课余时间,与朋友再玩“听一听、画一画、涂一涂”的游戏。六、Summary回顾总结Where is the watermelon?Here it is !Where is the banana?Here it is!Where is the apple?Here it is!Where is the pear?Here it is!Where is the orange?Here it is!Where is the strawberry?Here it is!Reclycle 2Where is the watermelon?Its on the map.教师要侧重激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在教学方法上应侧重于活动和小组比赛。


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