六年级下册英语试题-河北邯郸YH小升初真题 (1)冀教版无答案

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六年级下册英语试题-河北邯郸YH小升初真题 (1)冀教版无答案_第1页
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1、YH英语试卷(初试A卷).在II栏中选出与I栏中相应的答语(每小题1分,共5分) I II( ) 1.Are they playing football now? A. Hes a policeman.( ) 2. Where is the hospital? B. Thanks. ( ) 3.What does your father do? C. No,they are playing chess.( ) 4. Whats your Chinese teacher like? D. Its in front of our school.( ) 5. Happy birthday! E. H

2、es tall and strong.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)( )6. There is egg in the bowl.A. the B.a C./ D. an( )7. Its six thirty now. He breakfast. A. has B. have C. is having D. are having( )8.I need some help. Can you help ?A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )9. They always have a party Sunday evening.A. on B. at C. in D.for (

3、)10. Lets _ _ to the zoo tomorrow.A. goes B. going C. to go D. go( )11. Dad,my shoes are old.I want to buy a new 。A. shoes B. one C.it D. pair ( )12. My brother often TV very late in the night.A. watch B. watches C.is watching D.are watching( )13.Can I have snacks?Sorry, we dont have .A.any,any B.so

4、me,any C.some,some D,any,some( )14.-Shall we play computer games? -Great! That is .A.unhappy B.difficult C.interesting D.sad( )15.- bike is this? -Its Li Mings.A. Whose B.Whos C.What D.Which.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) ItsApril the23rd today.IstheWorldBookDay.Looks,therearemanypeopleinthe city16 .Some ofthemar

5、eold; someare 17 .Whataretheydoingthere?Someare 18 andreadingdifferentkindsofbooks at thetable.Somearestandingandlookingfor their 19 books.Whatabout people overthere?Oh, theyarereading on the20 Its anewwaytoread.Mostofthe People arefrom different 21 clubs(俱乐部).All of them loving reading.Theythinkrea

6、ding can 22 us a lot. There are differentkindsofbooks,magazinesandnewspapers. We can 23a lotfromthem.Goodbooks are 24 ourbestfriends.Readingbookscanopenoureyes. It can makeour life 25 .( )16.A.park B.restaurant C.street D.library( )17.A.bad B.new C.young D.good( )18.A.siting B.looking C. teaching D.

7、buying( )19.A.favorite B.new C.story D.old( )20.A.desks B.computers C.beds D.chairs( )21.A.dancing B.reading C.climbing D.swimming( )22.A.make B.help C.earn D.talk( )23.A.make B.help C. learn D.talk( )24.A.from B.like C.of D.in( )25.A.boring(无聊) B.poor C.cheap D.beautiful.阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)A bird and

8、a dog are friends. One day, the dog falls into a trap( 掉入陷阱)and cant get out. The bird is very anxious and tries(尽力 )to help him, but she doesnt know how. The dog is in the trap for two days and is very hungry. The bird goes to find food for the dog .But the bird is very small. She can only bring ve

9、ry little food to the dog. So the dog is still hungry. At last, the bird thinks and thinks. She goes to a house and takes a boys hamburger. The boy runs after the bird and finds the dog. He helps the dog get out of the trap.( ) 26. are friends. A. The bird and the boy B. The bird and the dog C. The

10、dog and the boy D. The bird,the dog and the boy( ) 27. The underlined(划线的) word anxious” means(意思是) . A.高兴的 B.有趣的 C.焦急的 D.疲倦的 ( ) 28. After the bird brings food to the dog , why is the dog still very hungry? A. The dog doesnt like the food. B. The food is too little for the dog. C. The food is too b

11、ad. D. The dog doesnt want to eat anything.( ) 29. Who helps the dog get out at last?A. The hamburger. B. A woman. C. A dog. D.A boy.( ) 30. Why does the bird take the boys hamburger?A. Because the bird is very hungry.B. Because the bird wants to take the hamburger to the dog.C. Because the bird wan

12、ts the boy to find and help the dog.D. Because the hamburger is the boys favorite food.词语运用(每小题1分,共10分)A)用所给词的正确形式或汉语释义填空。31.Mr.Wuoftenhelps (we)withEnglish.32.Wouldyoulike (have)acupofcoffee?33.Therearemanykindsofnew (连衣裙)inthatshop.34.Arethey (看)books?35.Look!LiMing (打篮球)withhisclassmates.B)用方框中单词或短语的适当形式填空。good give two child goshopping36.Please thebooktome.37.Jennysometimes withhermotheronSunday.38.Therearemany inthesquare(广场)



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