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1、. . . . .Tourists 旅游者/观光客/游客 Nancy Mitford 南西密特福德New words minute, small Venetian, 威尼斯的 lagoon, A shallow body of water, especially one separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs. vineyard, Ground planted with cultivated grapevines. William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, who set up a claim to

2、 the throne of England and launched an attack against the island in 1066. intersected, criss-crossed campanile, A bell tower, especially one near but not attached to a church or other public building. reproach, To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone). cloches, cloches

3、, divines reproaches, French Bells, bells, divine reproaches chorus, A simultaneous utterance by a number of people; The sounds so made chartered motor-boats, motor-boats hired for an exclusive use yachts, small sailing or motor-driven vessels, generally with smart, graceful lines, used for pleasure

4、 cruises or racing. amblev, To walk slowly or leisurely; stroll. tow-path, a path along which people draw a boat against the current mosaics, a form of surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of colored glass or stone; a picture or design so made. austere, Severe or stern in disposition or

5、appearance; somber and grave Madonna, a statue or picture of the Virgin Mary. Byzantine, an artistic style of architecture developed in the Byzantine Empire (The East Roman Empire) during the 4th century, characterized by the round arch springing from the columns or piers, and the dome resting on pe

6、ndentives. the throne of Attila, Attila (406-453), king of the Huns, who overran much of the Byzantine and Western Roman Empires. In 451 he advanced as far as Orlean in Gaul and in 452 to the river Mincio in Italy. he later came to be called Scourge of God. scent, To fill with a pleasant odor; stand

7、ing, Permanent and unchanging; fixed megaphone, A funnel-shaped device used to direct and amplify the voice. luncheon, A lunch, especially a formal one. undergo, To pass through; experience litter, Carelessly discarded refuse, such as wastepaper Text 1 The most intensive study I ever made of tourist

8、s as at Torcello, where it is impossible to avoid them. Torcello is a minute island in the Venetian lagoon: here, among vineyards and wild flowers, some thirty cottages surround a great cathedral which was being built when William the Conqueror came to England. A canal and a path lead from the lagoo

9、n to the village, the vineyards are intersected by canals; red and yellow sails glide slowly through the vines. Bells from the campanile ring out reproaches three times a day (cloches, cloches, divines reproaches) joined by a chorus from the surrounding islands. There is an inn where I lived one sum

10、mer, writing my book and observing the tourist. Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice. Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it, off the regular steamers, off chartered motor-boats, and off yachts; all day they ambled up the tow-pat

11、h, looking for what? The cathedral is decorated with early mosaics - scenes from hell, much restored, and a great sad, austere Madonna; Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it. They wander into the church and look round aimlessly. They come out

12、on to the village green and photograph each other in a stone armchair, said to be the throne of Attila. They relentlessly tear at the wild roses which one has seen in bud and longed to see in bloom and which, for a day have scented the whole island. As soon as they are picked the roses fade and are

13、thrown into the canal. The Americans visit the inn to eat or drink something. The English declare that they cant afford to do this. They take food which they have brought with them into the vineyard and I am sorry to say leave the devil of a mess behind them. Every Thursday Germans come up the tow-p

14、ath, marching as to war, with a Leader. There is a standing order to fifty luncheons at the inn; while they eat the Leader lectures them through a megaphone. After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture. They, at least, know what they are seeing. Then they march back to t

15、heir boat. They are tidy; they leave no litter.An outline of the selection: A. Torcello which used to be lonely has recently become an outing from Venice. a) Tocellos location b) A general view of Tocello. c) Too many visitors pour into it. d) Most of them are ignorant and rude. e) Concrete descript

16、ion of the visitors: 1) Americans. 2) Englishmen 3) Germans译文 1 我曾对游客最深入细致的研究,是在托塞罗做的。在这里,你想要躲开游客是不可能的。托塞罗是威尼斯环礁湖中的一个小岛:在这里,三十多所农舍,环绕着一个威廉王(诺曼帝国)征服英国(1066年)时建的大教堂,隐现在葡萄架和野花丛中,一条运河和一条小路从环礁通向小村。葡萄园被一条条运河切割成豆腐块。红的黄的船帆在葡萄架间缓缓行驶。钟楼的钟每天要响三次(钟呀,钟呀,神明的谴责),与周围小岛的钟声大合唱交织在一起。那儿有个客栈。有一年夏天我在那住过。在那写书,观察游客。在过去,托塞罗象一朵天空的孤云。现在却成了威


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