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1、山西财经大学 硕士学位论文 论英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养-地方院校英语专业学生 文化学习现状的调查 姓名:赵静 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:张雁玲 2011-03-15 iii 摘 要 在中国,早在2 0 多年前,人们就已经意识到文化教学在英语教育中的重要性。很多 研究学者和教育学家已经就文化教学目标、方法、内容、原则以及文化教学的两个层面: 即文化知识的传授和文化理解的培训等多方面取得了巨大的成就。然而这些成果几乎仅 限于重点院校,因为这些研究学者和教育学家大都来自于这类高校。而众多的地方院校 却并非如此。由于地方院校教师水平、学生素质、以及科研设备等诸多

2、因素的不足而与 重点高校的文化教学水平存在着很大的差距。然而,毕竟地方院校占绝大多数。他们也 在为国家和地方培养更多更好的优秀人才。因此,我们必须对这些地方院校英语教学中 的文化教育引起足够的重视,以提升整个国家外语教学中的文化教育。 英语教学中文化知识的传授已表明语言和文化是不可分割的。这也是该研究的理论 基础。本论文就是强调了学生的跨文化交际能力,因为英语教学的最终目标就是跨文化 交际。对于英语专业的学生而言,大学四年的学习就是一个获取基本知识,提高跨文化 交际能力的重要时期,尤其他们的专业涉及两种文化英语文化及中国文化,所以才 更应当加强跨文化交际能力。培养学生的跨文化交际能力可以使得他

3、们在学习英语的同 时一并了解文化,以便更好地掌握并运用英语。只有这样才是真正意义上的掌握了英语, 否则,他们学到的既不是英语也非汉语,更无法为国家的建设贡献自己的力量:他们可 能会盲目地崇拜或者盲目地反对国外的一切。这并非我们英语教学的目的。 为了提高地方院校这样的文化教学现象,首先,教师应当教授学生充足的文化知识, 打下坚实的理论基础;其次,教育他们恰当地理解目的语文化,树立正确的文化态度, 然后通过一些活动和练习让学生明白理解了外国文化,反过来才能更好地理解母语文化。 只有树立正确的文化态度才能从不同的角度审视整个世界,因为他们的视角已经打开, 不再受到单一的语言和单一的文化局限。最后,不

4、论他们是与说本族语的人交流,还是 将来从事中学英语教学都将受益匪浅,也就达到了提高其跨文化交际能力的目的。只有 培养学生的跨文化交际能力才能使他们灵活地应对文化冲突,在跨文化交际中展示自己 的文化创造力,更能培养出高素质的中学生。 基于这一目的,作者通过对某省三个地方院校英语专业的学生文化学习的现状进行 了问卷调查,并对老师和学生进行了小范围的采访。调查结果不容乐观。尽管学生已经 iv 意识到文化学习的重要性,但他们对目的语文化的了解还很不充分,也不系统。毕竟他 们已经是英语专业大二或大三的学生了。而且这些地方院校根本没达到文化教学所要求 的第二个层面:即文化理解的培训。通过对调查结果的研究和

5、分析,作者提出了一些提 高这些地方院校文化教与学的意见和建议。 关键词:文化学习;地方院校;跨文化交际能力;文化知识传授; 文化理解培训 i Abstract In China, the researchers and educators had realized the importance of culture teaching in English teaching more than twenty years ago. Many of them have done much in this field, focusing on the cultural knowledge inputt

6、ing and cultural understanding training, as well as the teaching objectives, methods, contents, principles etc. These achievements have been applied in the teaching and training in key universities, where these researchers and educators have been working. However, it may not be the case in local col

7、leges, because of the relatively limited conditions in teachers and students quality, teaching and researching facilities and so on. To some extent, the ultimate goal of EFL (English as a foreign language) is to develop the students cross- cultural communicative competence. As English majors, their

8、learning is supposed to involve acquisitions of two cultures: English culture and Chinese culture, thus their cross- cultural communicative competence should be strengthened. However, in these local colleges, firstly, the students learning task concentrates on learning language skills, such as liste

9、ning, speaking, reading, writing and translating, and it s too heavy for them to pay due attention to cultural knowledge, which has hindered their all- sided development. Secondly, the teachers have not focused on the cultural teaching, because they have no chance to have direct contact with target

10、culture and culture teaching techniques. As a result, due to the inadequate awareness of students cross- cultural communication and teachers training, the situation of culture learning and teaching in local colleges is far from satisfactory. Despite all these disadvantages, the local colleges will c

11、ultivate the talents for the whole state, especially for the local places. It is necessary to pay due attention to the culture teaching in these local colleges. Therefore, to achieve the final aim, the first step is to input the cultural knowledge. Only the students possess the cultural knowledge ca

12、n reach the second step of cultural understanding. The culture teaching should be started with the cultural knowledge inputting and then cultural understanding by developing students culture awareness. In order to improve this condition of culture teaching in local colleges, firstly, the teachers sh

13、ould provide the students with culture knowledge to lay a profound foundation for the next step; secondly, teach them to understand target culture appropriately and lead them to form right attitude towards native culture and target culture. Then the teacher would provide some activities for students

14、, in order that they can understand the two cultures deeper and better. If ii the students have the right attitude towards the two cultures, their perspective will be widened, and they will view the world differently than before. As a result, they could achieve the final aim of improving their cross

15、- cultural communicative competence. With their developing of cross- cultural communicative competence, they can deal with the culture conflicts flexibly, conduct cultural creativity in cross- cultural communication and cultivate high quality middle school students. With this purpose, the author mak

16、es an investigation of English majors from three local colleges in one province. Questionnaires and a small scale interview of teachers and students were conducted to reveal the present situation of culture learning. The result is unsatisfactory. Though the students have realized the importance of culture learning, their acquaintance with target culture knowledge is inadequate and unsystematic, because they have


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