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1、. . . .管理学院学士学位论文中小企业的融资问题与对策研究学生姓名:XXXX学号:XXX专业:财务管理(财务管理方向)指导教师:XXX可编辑Small and medium enterprises financing and research the countermeasuresThis is Submitted to ZHEJIANG SHUREN UNIVERSITY(CHINA)For the Degree of Undergraduate of Business AdminstrationCandidate : SuperVior : Education Unit: MANAGE

2、MENT INSTITUTEMay24, 2010承 诺 书我谨此郑重承诺:本毕业论文是本人在指导老师指导下独立撰写完成的。凡涉及他人观点和材料,均依据著作规范作了注释。如有抄袭或其它违反知识产权的情况,本人愿接受学校处分。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 日目 录摘 要IAbstractII图目录IV表目录V1 绪 论11.1 选题背景和理论意义11.2 文献综述21.3 研究方法与设计81.4 研究内容92.中小企业融资的现状及原因92.1 中小企业自身的缺陷是造成融资难的主要原因92.2国有商业银行对中小企业融资的限制较高102.3 政府对国有企业的政策扶持惯性, 是造成目前中小企业融资难现状

3、的另一重要原因112.4 缺乏有效的担保机制和其他融资方式,使中小企业融资渠道狭窄,融资更为困难123.解决中小企业融资难问题的方法153.1完善以银行为主体的间接融资体系153.2强化政府的作为173.3信誉工程及自身建设173.4完善各种融资渠道,真正实现多渠道融资194.结语21参考文献22致 谢24摘 要20世纪90年代以来,伴随着信息技术革命与经济全球化而到来的新经济时代使社会生产方式发生了很大的变化,以计算机、通讯、信息产业为主要内容的高科技产业成为推动经济发展的主导力量,这促使一大批中小型高科技企业的迅速形成和发展。中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,在经济社会发展中具有大企业


5、决中小企业融资问题,无疑是一条有效的途径。在当前经济发展的情况下,采取什么样的办法解决中小企业的融资问题是值得我们去探讨的。本文着重研究了我国中小企业融资的现状并针对融资过程中存在的问题,分析原因,探索解决对策,就如何改善中小企业融资现状、拓宽其融资渠道提出一些建议,来解决我国中小企业融资问题,加快我国中小企业的发展,促进我国国民经济的发展。关键词:中小企业,融资,现状,对策Abstract20th century since the 90s, along with the information technology revolution and economic globalization

6、 and the advent of the new economic era of social modes of production has changed to the computer, communications and information industry as the main content of the high-tech industries to promote economic development as a the leading force, which a large number of small and medium-sized high-tech

7、enterprises to the rapid formation and development. Chinas SMEs are an important part of the national economy, in economic and social development can not be replaced with the large enterprises of the special strategic position.Small business market as the basic active forces in society to accommodat

8、e the majority of workers, in promoting economic growth and address the employment and re-employment process, plays an important role. The development of small and medium-sized the need for a strong financial support, but because of their own and Chinas economic system, and many other reasons, led t

9、o Chinas difficulties in financing for small and medium-sized widespread problem, causing difficulties in financing for small and medium-sized single mode of financing, the financing channels for narrow-minded, There are many deficiencies in the financing structure. Financing small and medium enterp

10、rises has seriously hampered the pace of development in China. The current global economic crisis on Chinas survival and development of SMEs have had a great impact because of the lack of funding, many SMEs are faced with the plight of imminent collapse, but from a long-term perspective, the issue o

11、f financing has become an obstacle to small and medium-sized the main reasons for enterprise development. Want to solve the survival and development of small and medium-sized obstacles, to try to solve the financing problem of SMEs is an effective way. In the current context of economic crisis, what

12、 kind of financing solutions to small and medium-sized problem is worth exploring.This article focuses on small and medium enterprises financing in China for the financing of the current situation and problems in the process, analyze the causes and solutions to explore ways to improve the status of

13、SME financing, broaden its financing channels to make some suggestions to solve the financing problem of SMEs in China, China to speed up the development of SMEs, and promote the development of Chinas national economy.Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprise, financing, Countermeasures图目录图1:企业外源

14、融资的资金来源渠道13图2:企业自有资金所占比例14图3:浙江省中小企业意愿融资比例16表目录图1:企业有融资需求时首先选择的融资方式141 绪 论1.1 选题背景和理论意义资本是企业生存和发展的关键性问题,企业要生存和发展就得拥有一定数量的资金。然而, 许多中小企业恰恰缺少经营、发展所必需的资金。这样, 这些中小企业就往往面临着无法回避的融资问题, 融资问题就成为了这些企业经营发展战略的核心问题。企业融资应当有利于实现企业顺利健康成长和企业价值最大化的实现,融资过程中既要注意防止资金筹集过多, 造成资金闲置, 增加成本与风险;又要注意企业融资制度必须在宏观融资体制的框架下做出选择。而目前,

15、我国融资大环境长期以国有企业, 特别是国有大型企业为主体,同时又缺乏专门服务于中小企业的金融机构, 这是中小企业间接融资困难的一个反映。而另一方面中小企业融资规模较小,资信度低等情况也在很大程度上限制了中小企业从银行或资本市场的筹资。融资活动是企业资金管理中的重要一环,企业融资决策决定着企业的资本结构, 而融资决策往往受制于其当时的金融环境。企业的资金可以从多渠道、多方式来筹集,不同来源的资金,其使用时间的长短、附加条款的限制、财务风险的大小、资金成本的高低都不一样。中小企业要想在我国市场经济改革中完全成长起来,就非常有必要扩大融资渠道,在不断积累自有资金的同时,还要通过一切正规合法的手段来扩充资本。如今中小企业融资难已成为当前我国理论界和实践领域所共同关注的一个重大问


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